Hello everyone,
Today I am going to talk to you about the Matrixes, the programs, the networks, the dead, the brain and the various virtual realities increase, because I have a lot to tell you about its subjects, I will share with you, only reality and of the truth about my past existence.
As you know I am Ulice the Templar and I have come a long way, to share with you my various testimonies, on the program, on the Matrix, on the universe and on the world of the dead, living in the additional dimensions of the brains , spirits and the cosmos.
I know a lot about the program, I have crossed time, dimensions and networks, to tell you about it today, because I owe you the most sincere truth.
Formerly I was part of a team of professionals having allowed everything, that is to say the creation of the network, the creation of virtual reality to increase, that everyone believes as normal today and as well as the spiritual journey, that all without exception began, through time and extra dimensions, to life, our magnificent society and our beautiful humanity.
Computer and electronic breakdowns and various problems have happened more than once in our network and the matrix, having as only result the various Apocalypses and the end of the world.
Each time the same problem, the additional dimensions, the worlds of the dead, inhabiting the various beyonds, found itself falling into our own dimension, following life and our earthly humanity.
But I assure you, teams of professionals are always busy with everything, saving us, allowing us to start afresh each time.
The old ends of the world, as I call it the Big-Burger, that is to say billions of children, women, men, falling from the stars and piling up on top of each other.
I can say that it is the most terrible thing, that humanity has known to date and since know that all the solutions have been found, I reassure you, since the breakdowns are more and more rare and I reassure you I repeat, real pro teams are there for you.
Me, every apocalypse, every Big-Burger, now I see it as a basis to give, because seeing in this way allows me to distance myself from the sufferings, fears and anxieties that all humanity has experienced.
Teams have studied the problem under the magnifying glass, they have sought all the solutions to be considered, the technologies, the materials and the volunteers.
As only materials, we only had what the children, the women and the men, had between their two ears, that is to say, psychology, brains, spirits, sufferings, traumas, fears and anxieties.
That’s where the idea of creating networks came from, through its billions of human bodies, that’s where the idea of creating augmented virtual realities came from, and that from a script , from a suite of computer algorithms, elected throughout history had been chosen to become sorts of wizards, Marabouts, Druids and Prophets.
These are people who had been touched by grace, a form of artificial intelligence, was now forever part of them, he had become the guarantors and guardians of the faith of our humanity, without knowing it he was selected for saving our humanity.
Leaving the Big-Burger, is of the same principle, of the same methodology, as religions, on its ability to overcome death and on its ability to overcome ends, of some of the natures and forms that ends can take.
Now I will explain to you how it works, the principle is very simple, from a few religions and beliefs, it works with the same theories and the same principles.
Through a prophet having received the script, sent to the lower worlds, to the lower dimensions of the extra dimensions, the program, the brains and the cosmos, it is about making reality too hard to bear and to disconnect its own people from the collective reality, which was hell, to put them in a form of collective neurosis, to put them in a form of collective delirium, to create for them a form of collective belief systems, because it is it’s about organizing their memories, it’s about creating new things for them, it’s about connecting them to the networks and to the augmented virtual reality that we have created.
Because we can’t change what happened. They will stay forever in the big-Burger, but we can get them out of there, from simple psychology, we can escape them inside a network, create from scratch, inside a reality increase, without ever having to leave the Big-Burger.
We put them in a form of collective neuroses, in a form of delirium es collectives, we create a system of collective beliefs for them, imagine from scratch, we create a form of collective memories for them and make them begin a spiritual journey, in time, among the additional dimensions, which I hope, the journey unending.
Everything that happens between their two ears, in their own brains, for our team, the brain and its mysteries had no more secrets, it’s all about a spiritual journey, through time and additional dimensions, it’s all about organization of chemicals inside the brain, everything is a story of neuronal synaptic connections, everything is a story of organization of neurons, through the various cervical areas.
Our idea was to create a collective network, to create a collective augmented virtual reality, we are on this earth alive and conscious, because we are connected to the network, while being at the same time in hell in the Big-Burger in our neurosis.
From the base of giving, we are connected to the network, to the augmented virtual reality, we are on a spiritual journey, through time and additional dimensions.
Just like Religions, it is a Holy Religious book, speaking of prophets, God, Angels, Archangels and Saints, Holy Religious books allow a disconnection from the world, from the reality that surrounds us, in order to begin a new spiritual journey, in a form of collective neuroses, in a form of collective delusions and with the Holy Religious books, we organize a new form of collective memories, we organize new forms of cervical alchemy, we organize new forms of neuronal synaptic connections, through the various areas of the brain, in order to continue one’s spiritual journey among the additional dimensions and among the various possible beyonds.
Yet every person is in hell at the same time, in the give base, we are just on a spiritual journey, in the program, through time and the extra dimensions of the brain, the mind, the program and the cosmos.
In our brain, in our neurosis, in our delusions, in the religions of each, we can give existence and life to what we want, as for believers, between paradise and eternal hell.
In our brain from the base of giving, we gave existence and life to the network, to augmented virtual reality, to the earth, to the universe, to life, to earthly humanity and to the dead.
Our brain in our collective neurosis, comprises from the base of giving, various cervical areas, among others the earth, the universe, the life, the dead and that without ever having moved from the Big-Burger, because we are just on a journey spiritual, through time and extra dimensions, we are just connected to networks and augmented virtual reality.
Everything we know exists only in our collective neurosis, in our collective delusions, our brain includes in its various zones, the various time scales, such as centuries, thousands of years, millions of years, billions of years and eternity.
Our brain is the best thinking thing of our creation, since the basis of giving we understand everything that exists, somewhere in our own brain we understand virtual reality as well as increase, what is earth, what is earth. universe, which is the living and as well as the world of the dead, living in the extra dimensions of our own brain, spirit, program and cosmos.
What I mean is that constantly from the base of giving, we are on a neurotic and spiritual journey, that we have never left the base of giving, that our brain understands the networks, the virtual reality increase, as the earth, the stars, the world of the dead and the various beyonds.
This is to tell you that there is a lot to say, unfortunately I have been classified as schizophrenic by the system of our beautiful society, because no one believes me, when I have gone through the history of our humanity, I’m not at my first reincarnation, I’ve experienced lots of afterlife, as different from one another and I make videos, in order to raise awareness, to share my stories, my teachings, my beliefs, with whoever wants grant myself a little importance, to what I know, to my reality and my truth.
I don’t understand that I’m the only one, to remember, where we come from, that no one wakes up, that no one listens to me, because we all come back from very far away and together we can continue our spiritual journey, to through time and extra dimensions.
To each his magic, his neuroses, his delusions, his prophet and his beliefs, all means were good, in order to leave the Big-Burger and now all means are good in order to defeat death.
I am Ulice the Templar and I discovered in myself a talent for mediumship, I work with the dead, I work with humans and non-humans, inhabiting the various other eras, inhabiting the various other additional dimensions of the cosmos around us.
I think I’ve already told you enough in this video, I could talk to you for hours about my past, my experiences across time, dimensions, networks and programs.
If you have any questions and want to know more, I am available on Facebook by searching for Ulice the Templar, I would be happy to meet you and share my teachings on the program, the matrix, the universe, religions and God.
And I thank you for granting me the most precious thing in this world, that is to say your time and your intention, I wish you a good day and see you soon.
Keep courage, move forward no matter what and keep the faith, because life often puts us to the test and we must constantly fight, always go in the direction of the light, of the good, because one day people good will be rewarded.
Sincerely, Ulice the Templar.