Hello everyone,
I present to you my new video and today I would like to talk to you about my past as a Templar, which I hope now the world is more open-minded than in the Middle Ages.
I am Ulice the Templar, I have the particularities of my memories of my previous lives, of multiple journeys among the various additional dimensions of the cosmos and among the multiple beyonds.
I really have the impression of being born a second time, not in the pulpit, but in the spirit and of waking up at the age of 26, because at the age of 26 , I was a pure product of the system and of our society, I only believed what I could see and touch, I only loved material and carnal pleasures.
I was an extremely serious, responsible and meticulous person, I had practiced combat sports all my youth, I had been in the army, I had graduated in the special forces of the army of my country and I worked as a security guard in Switzerland.
Until the day I woke up, where I had had alterations in my reality, my perceptions and my personality, I had overnight become another person.
I had become dangerous for my neighbors, I had to separate from my wife and leave my job, because I understood that I was going to end up badly and end up in prison.
All this happened almost 20 years ago, but I reassure you regarding my violence, there was much more often, more fear than harm.
The problem is that I was rediscovering the memory of my past, reliving moments as if it were still present, this put me on the defensive and made me anti-social.
But I reassure you, I am better, because I have gotten older and now I have put my memory in order, I understand things better and can explain everything to you.
I can explain to you what my history is, I can tell you about my various experiences as Templars among my brothers, you talk about the history of religions, peoples, races, nations through time and our humanity .
I no longer remember the exact name I had, but for you I would be Ulice the Templar, I lived in a barracks and my favorite occupation was the study of old pagan manuscripts from other cultures, other races and other religions.
I have always been fascinated by the worlds of the dead, the various beliefs, the various spiritualities, the various beasts, the various demons and the multiple Gods.
And what I learned is that we have always been in a form of program, in a matrix and an augmented virtual reality, that the database needs the matrix and the augmented virtual reality as much as the matrix and augmented virtual reality needs the database, in the same way that the dead need the living as much as the living need the dead.
That there has always existed good and evil, multiple races of men, multiple forms of religions, multiple forms of Saints, multiple forms of Angels, multiple forms of beasts, multiple forms of demons and multiple various creatures, each more frightening than the other, having a gigantic technological evolution over the rest of ordinary mortals.
That I had to, as Templars, understand the situation in which Christianity and Christ himself were, because there were indeed enemies of the faith and of Christ, whom I had to fight and defeat.
I won’t talk to you about apocalypses and the end of the world, how it happens in this video, but I will let you watch my other videos which deal with this subject, because I don’t want to repeat myself and bore you with the same stories.
What you need to know is that this is hell itself, that these are things that must be avoided and fought against, because our freedom is priceless, that our duty is to continue to moving ever further in one’s psychological, spiritual and vibrational journey, constantly thinking of those who have allowed us everything and who are still in the databases at this very moment.
You should know that we have always been in a form of program, which is made up of a database, which is made of an ancient end of the world and apocalypse.
The reality, the absolute truth is that our starting point is this database, this ancient end of the world and apocalypse, that we have begun a psychological, spiritual and vibrational journey, through time and the additional dimensions of our own brains , which makes up the matrix and augmented virtual reality.
That our only duty is to always go higher and further, among the additional dimensions of our own brains, our own minds and among the additional dimensions of the cosmos.
Because, yes, the matrix and augmented virtual reality is nothing other than the organization frequencies and vibrations, within the various cervical areas and within the database itself, which is an ancient end of the world and apocalypse, that everything we know depends on it and just like the future of our own lives.
And I would like to tell you that since the Middle Ages, there has been humanity in the stars, that the stars have always been populated by an incalculable number of communities and families.
That my Templar brothers and I understood that Christianity and Christ himself were surpassed by the evolution of things and by the evolution of our humanity among the additional dimensions of the cosmos.
We must say to ourselves, that what is missing, for many researchers, scientists and believers, in understanding the world and awakening, is my realities and my truths, which I willingly share with you, this What they lack is understanding the database, the program, the matrix and augmented virtual reality.
This allows us to understand brains, minds, psychologies and various spiritualities, therefore understanding the matrix and augmented virtual reality, the world of the dead and the cosmos itself, my Templar brothers and I understood everything, the Genius of Christ, their grandiose work and Christianity itself.
We had access to old manuscripts and old memories, which were lost and which spoke of hell, the database, the matrix and augmented virtual reality, it spoke of the end of the world and the apocalypses , which had condemned billions of unfortunate people to hell itself, to become the database of our own future and our own existences, which had unfortunately ended up piling on top of each other and up to more see the sky, who did not understand why they were there and what could have happened.
My brothers and I had pierced the secret of the prophets and the Gods, that everything we had known during our tiny Templar History had passed between the two ears of the poor unfortunates, of an older end of the world. and from an older apocalypse, than all of our history, ultimately only existed in cervical, neuronal, psychological, vibrational and spiritual organizations, from an older civilization, which forever composed the database of the matrix and augmented virtual reality.
The Matrix and augmented virtual reality, is nothing other than the organization of frequencies and vibrations, within the very interior of brains and minds, of an older end of the world and apocalypse, which makes up forever database and horror, they are nothing other than the neural, psychological, vibrational and spiritual organization, which makes up everything we know to date, from the universe, to the earth, to the afterlife and to our unfortunate humanity.
And we understood that since the Middle Ages, there existed humanity in the stars, that the stars have always been populated by an incalculable number of communities and families, who have an enormous technological advance over the rest of mortals.
We left and we began a psychological, vibrational and spiritual journey, between the two ears of an ancient end of the world and apocalypse, our only duty is to go ever further and higher, among the additional dimensions of their own brains and our cosmos.
And this is where, from the Middle Ages, a new notion had been found, these are limiting beliefs, limiting beliefs which restrict us, which limit us in our use at the levels of our own brains, of our own psychologies, of our own vibrations, our own minds and the journey among the additional dimensions of our own cosmos.
My Templar companions and I had made the decision to go further and higher than Christ himself would have ever dreamed of better, in order to save Christianity, to take in the process the one and true God who is Christ
We had invented a form of Postapocalyptic Christianity, which for the church had been seen as blasphemous and heretical, my Templar brothers and I, in order to eliminate all our limiting beliefs, allow us greater cerebral, psychological, vibrational and spiritual potential. , we had begun to spit on the cross, to go against the church and its aposta, because we had understood the psychology, we had decided to go higher and further, than any Christian I would never have dared and could have done it.
Because only thus can we go further, higher and deeper into the additional dimensions of the cosmos that surrounds us, because everything is cerebral, psychological, vibrational, spiritual and limiting beliefs, because know that it is the earth, the universe and the world of the dead, I repeat, only exists in the cervical and spiritual organizations, of poor unfortunates, of an ancient end of the world and apocalypse.
So is the matrix and augmented virtual reality, know that we are always sinking deeper into program forms, each time smaller and periodically there are flashbacks, where we always relive the same stories and the same situations .
I hope that I managed to find the words and that I am allowed to understand me, but I have already told you enough in this video, you can give me a little like on my video and you can subscribe to my YouTube channel.
And if you want to encourage me and support me a little, you also have the possibility to make a donation to me on Tipeee, in the amount of your choice and on a secure connection, I only want to do more for you and I I would need your motivations.
I wish you to keep the faith, I wish you a good day and see you soon.
Kind regards, Ulice the Templar