Hello everyone,
Today in this video, I am going to talk to you about the Devil, the Archangel Gabriel, his intelligence and the function he occupies within the creation created by God.
First of all let me tell you that he is neither good nor bad, because he is above all an angel with 2 faces who has been, who is and who will always be at the service of God.
To begin, I would like to tell you that we are in a Universe where light, particles and matter we do with what we want thanks to the laws that govern them.
Once God was a small human child, chosen as God in an ancient angel civilization, who existed long ago in a distant Universe.
And Gabriel was his tutor, his teacher, the most faithful and the best of the angels, because he learned what God wanted to be and the responsibilities that would entail.
It happened in a very old time, in a deep dimension and a very old network that we will never be able to hear about again.
Gabriel has always been at the service of God, he has always been following who brought new revelations to the prophets, in order to create new religion and new beyond, in order to create new dimensions and new networks, within the spirits, the Earth and the Universe around us.
Gabriel believed in God, he saw in God the most beautiful of souls, he believed in his potential, in his friendship and in his power of the heart and am of love.
He was before being strong, a very intelligent being and a very spiritual being, devoting all his knowledge, all his suffering and all his vibrations, all his time and all his intention to God.
From an early age, Gabriel taught God revelations that will be decisive concerning the future of creation and all that it would generate in the future.
He prepared the child for the first religion that would make him God, Gabriel prepared the child to Become God, the one he had chosen as well as all the other angels of this ancient civilization, because he knew that all of their existence would be made of trials, battles and that only love could overcome creation, that only love could overcome hatred, that only light could illuminate the darkness and the civilizations to come, which would exist during the course of history of the universes, to the lines of time and evolutions.
Gabriel like all the other angels had big technological means, but he knew that a technological use without intelligence, without spirituality, without love and without objectives in the interest of the poorest, the simplest and the most fragile was useless and without future.
Because the Angels and above all the Archangel Gabriel judge a person, a group, a people or a civilization on its infrastructure with the capacity to take care of the poorest, the simplest and the most fragile.
Only thus the evolution of some silk the dominant species is considered as evolving and worthy to receive the grace, the love of the Angels and of God.
He tried to explain to the child that he and all things have always existed, like everything that has been, that is and that will be, are somehow locked away in a database.
And that it is called the Big Burger and know that it is a form of hell where everything that has been, that is and that will be is currently locked up there.
The child who was smart, had been saddened by it and Gabriel with a smile, said to him knowing his answer, what can we do then?
And God answered Gabriel, but get them out of there!!!
So Gabriel made God take his responsibilities, he told him of his plan and of the very first revelation which was going to upset the future of creation, which was going to constitute the laws which govern light, particles and matter, which still at present are the laws of the living and the dead.
A new religion was born from the revelations of the Angel Gabriel and this brought happiness to the child, to God, because he found a reason to live, to die, to exist, to move forward, to fight, he found the Happiness and Salvation of his Soul in travels, in discoveries in time and space, among other species, in other times, in other dimensions and in other networks of the cosmos that surrounds us.
Gabriel using God, light, suffering, vibrations and love, he created a new religion, constituting the bases of all future religions, a God of light had come out of darkness and throughout our story is still the angel Gabriel who is there for God, for us, in order to bring creation out of darkness by enlightening minds and hearts.
Long before the creation of our earthly humanity, in the civilization of the angels, what the angel Gabriel did with the child, with God, is to put the whole of his own Angelic civilization in a new collective delirium.
if, in a new collective belief system and constituted a new collective memory, based on their sufferings and their Angelic vibrations, they all began a new vibrational journey, with their thoughts and their mythologies, through time and space from the cosmos, within other eras, within other dimensions, to many other networks.
Like all religions, we are both the scriptwriters and the actors of our own story, because depends on the story that we tell ourselves, it allows us to become what we want during our travels, it allows us to do what that we want from our sufferings and our vibrations.
Anyone who begins a psychological vibrational journey, discovers new vibrational frequencies in the spirit, accesses new knowledge, which was previously unknown to them and has a new means of conquering the end, that of some silk nature and form that the end can take during his life or his existence.
A new Universe had been born, new dimensions had been created and new networks had appeared among the minds, among the collective delusions, among the collective memories, the stars and the eternity of the celestial world had appeared in the minds, this to say the Universe that we still know today and the Earth that is so dear to us.
Where each of the angels with their new collective delusions, their new collective belief systems, their new collective memories and their new collective religion, this composed and still composes together today the laws which govern creation, the universe, the living and the dead, the different beyonds, the different dimensions, the different networks, the different particles and matter.
Because above all the different dimensions, the different networks and the different beyonds exist thanks to the collective delusions of the angels, the collective belief systems of the angels and the collective memories of the angels, inside their collective minds, because it is the organization of the sufferings and the angelic vibrations which form new journeys for new experiences.
Each new world created allows new journeys of psychology, new journeys among the different dimensions and among the different networks, for new experiences that can allow us to continue his journey, after the end of whatever the nature and the form that the end may take.
And all that was inside the Big-Burger, past, present and future, had also been able to begin a new journey, within creation, through time and space, within the Universe. and of the Earth, which had been created by the new collective delusions, the new system of collective beliefs and the new collective memory of all the Angels.
Together in their collective delusions, in their collective belief systems, with their sufferings and their vibrations, he had organized a new collective memory constituting the first laws of the particles and materials of the universe.
The Archangel Gabriel said to the child, said to God, that the spirit was the universe, that creation and the universe only hold together thanks to the delusions, the beliefs, the memories and the spirits of the Angels who are the laws that govern the light, particles and matter of the cosmos.
As I have already said, Gabriel is strong for God, intelligent for God and he is above all a spiritual being, knowing how to live within the laws that govern particles and matter without ever betraying the laws that rules the hearts and the grace of God.
Because religion and spirituality, is knowing how to live within its laws which governs creation and the universe, the first lesson that Gabriel gave to the child, is that whatever one does during his life and his existence, it must always be in a collective interest, in the interest of justice, in the interest of the poorest and the least fortunate, even to the peril of their life and existence.
Because only thus, says Gabriel to God, creation will improve, your own future will improve and that he will always be able to count for eternity on angels coming from nowhere, there for him, to make him grow, during each new reincarnation, to other times, to other dimensions and to other networks of the cosmos.
Gabriel tells the child that sometimes the paths of angels are inscrutable, incomprehensible, laden with good tidings and new revelations.
And that on all occasions, you have to hang on, you have to fight, you have to move forward, you have to keep hope and at all costs keep your Faith, because God can always count on Archangel Gabriel.
Of course, I tell you things that happened in another time and in another dimension to another network of the cosmos.
What I’m telling you happened long before the civilization we know today and long before the Earth religions.
For Gabriel, any social system must be built around the most fragile, the youngest, the oldest and the most deprived, who demonstrates the understanding, wisdom, charity, humility and intelligence of a social system national or religious silk.
And these are the virtues of wise, spiritual, intelligent, civilized men and the only people, where groups, where peoples, or even civilizations who can find and see the way to Salvation in order to meet the Angels and God.
Gabriel is a two-faced Angel, because he closely followed God’s journey and as he reincarnated, within our humanity, he was there for him, each time making new revelations to him, to a new means of overcoming death and of leaving its mark each time in this low terrestrial world.
And his job is to make God and all creatures of creation grow so that we can find the path to light, love, absolute happiness and salvation for our souls.
During his appearances, Gabriel has appeared in more than one different form, more than one different thing has been believed about him, and more than one name has been given to him.
He is neither good nor evil, he is at the service of God and of the child, because sometimes for our own good he puts us to the test, in order to make us grow, to allow us new and better directions.
He is both the Archangel servant of God and both the Devil who now inhabits our collective delusions, our collective belief systems and our collective memories.
Gabriel is inside certain outer dimensions of spirits and Universes, he is inside many other collective deliriums, has many other collective belief systems and many other memories collective, to many other times, to many other dimensions and to many other networks of the cosmos.
But I’m not going to tell you more for today, if you want to know more you can visit my Ulice the Templar YouTube channel and my Websites.
You can also join me on my Facebook account, my Facebook groups or my private social network I Believe in God.
I would be delighted to meet you, in order to discuss with you, our different delusions, our different convictions and our different beliefs about Life, Existence, the Universe, Angels and God.
Because I will tell everyone their perceptions and conceptions of what reality is, the world, the universe, the angels and God.
Thank you for listening to me and thank you for granting me the most precious thing in this world, which is your time and your intention.
I wish you all a good day and see you soon.
Sincerely, Ulice the Templar.