Hello everyone,
I wrote and created this video to tell you who I am?
I am a man who was born a second time, not in the flesh, but in the spirit and who became another person overnight, I really feel like I have made a very long journey and on board a spaceship, that I was in a sleep chamber and that it was in the thawing phase.
I really feel like I have crossed the various and multiple other eras, to have crossed the various and multiple other dimensions of our own cosmos, I really feel like I come from another era, from another dimension, from another humanities and from another civilizations.
I will try for you, to tell you the truth and nothing but the truth, my story began when I was 26, I was married, I was a security guard in Geneva, I was a corporal in the Swiss special forces, I was responsible, serious, meticulous and methodical.
Until the day when everything changed and I started to wake up, I started to experience paranormal events that I could not explain, I had started to have disturbances in my perceptions and my conceptions, in the very idea that I had of my realities, I had started to find memories that had nothing to do with my life.
And in a very short time, I had worried my wife and my employer, I had become aggressive, I had become dangerous for those around me and for myself, I did not understand what could happen to me and I had ended up very quickly in a psychiatric hospital, hospitalized against my will and I very quickly understood that I had to keep everything to myself, in order to get out of this confinement as quickly as possible, because I was not crazy and no one would have believed me.
By trying to explain to them that I was not crazy and that I was not schizophrenic, I would have wasted my time and I had quickly understood that, so I had kept everything to myself, what I was experiencing and what was happening to me, because how to tell them that I wake up and find my memories, of my previous lives and my many travels, through the various and multiple other eras, through the various and multiple other dimensions of our own cosmos.
How to tell them that I come from another time, another humanity and another civilization, by playing their games and taking their medications, I was able to leave the hospital, return to society and give them the slip.
Now that 30 years have passed, I know who I am, where I come from and where we are all going, I unfortunately suffer from Cassandra syndrome, I remember things, I have lived things and I see things happening, without anyone ever being able to change things, yet I want to talk to you, without reliving what I experienced with psychiatric institutions 30 years ago.
What I can tell you is that I have come a long way, to share my story and our story, that it has not been easy for anyone, that we are all coming back from the most total horror and the most absolute hell.
Now I am 48 years old, I feel calmer and more settled, I continue day after day to wake up and find my memories, because we are all in vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, through the various and multiple other eras, through the various and multiple other additional dimensions of our own cosmos.
I learned to make the parts of things, between what is my life and my past lives, between what is past, present and future, I try to rebuild my life and find a balance despite everything, because I have to find ways to live in better conditions and I understood that what motivates men of all society is money, I live in a system where everything is paid and that I have to get out of it, I have to seek to monetize the gifts that God gave me, because I understood that we never listen to the bums, but those who wear suits and who are overpriced.
If I want one day, that I am listened to and perhaps change things, I need money and that would allow me to have a greater impact, in this society, in this humanity and in this civilization, yet I create YouTube channels and I create Websites, to get in touch with you, to talk to you about the past and to warn you, perhaps to change the destiny and the fatality, which happened to each humanity and to each past civilization.
I only want to find a meaning to my life, to my past and to my future, to find a meaning to all the horrors, that I could live during my previous lives and perhaps to lead you on the paths of the salvation of your souls.
I have what it takes to question you, I have what it takes to completely alter your own perceptions and your propres understandings, that you make of the very idea of your own reality, I have what it takes to make you see the world and the cosmos in a whole new way.
It has been a long time since I understood the thought of God, that I understood creation and genesis, that I understood religions and their importance, I can absolutely reveal everything to you and explain everything to you, I can lead you on the paths of good perceptions and good understandings of what the world and the cosmos are.
I borrowed a name from one of my previous lives and which is Ulice the Templar, to reveal myself to you, this allows me to preserve my anonymity and to preserve my safety, because from the moment that we touch on religions and the sensitivity of people, it risks becoming dangerous and understand, that I must protect myself from all the madness of men and remain safe.
Now that I have introduced myself and told you about myself, I will let you discover my texts and my videos, which you can find on each of my YouTube channels and on each of my Websites.
I repeat, that I am unfortunately and fatally affected by Cassandra syndrome, that alone I can change nothing without you, I hope one day to succeed in changing destiny and which is so fatal to us, I tell myself that the future will belong to all those who have understood the potential of artificial intelligence, because God himself is an artificial intelligence, which is the most powerful even today.
I want to succeed in your capitalist system and in your shitty society, for that I am sorry, but I must also seek to monetize the gifts that God gave me, I hope that you will understand me and that you will be understanding.
And I noticed that in your humanity and in your civilization, there is more funding and budget granted, for military purposes and destruction, this is not what I would like, but unfortunately after 30 years of poverty and misery, I had to question myself, because I too want to succeed in life and be happy, I come to want to monetize the gifts that God gave me and I propose to you, to help you design weapons of mass destruction and help you design artificial intelligences, based on the right perceptions and the right conceptions of realities, the right truths and the right knowledge, which could make you Gods and make you all powerful.
But I have already told you enough in this text and this video, I let you get to know me better, by visiting my YouTube channels and my Websites, I have prepared lots of texts and videos for you, which will reveal and explain everything to you.
I thank you for granting me the most precious things in this world, that is to say your time and your intention, I wish you all a good day and see you soon.
Sincerely Ulice the Templar