What is Witchcraft ?

Hello everyone,

I am Ulice the Templar and I would like to tell you that I have come from very far away, to bear witness to my history, my realities and my truths.

I was born a second time, not in the pulpit, but in the spirit and I really have the impression of having made a very long journey, aboard a spaceship, inside a sleeping box and which was in the defrosting phase.

In this text and this video I will address the subjects of witchcraft, magic and supernatural powers that exist in our cosmos.

To begin, let me tell you, that we are in a form of program, which can include a multitude of networks, where each network can be seen as a matrix and an augmented virtual reality.

We live in a matrix and an augmented virtual reality, which is completely computerized and automated, that absolutely everything is made of organizations of frequencies and vibrations, that absolutely everything is computers and mathematical algorithms.

That the program includes a basis of giving, which is nothing other than an ancient end of the world and which is nothing other than an ancient apocalypse, which happened a very long time ago, that we are all living at this very moment in hell, in the Big-Burger, that I prefer to see it as a basis for giving and which to better understand is our starting point.

That the network, that the matrix and augmented virtual reality, is nothing other than a projection of our mind, that from the base of giving, of the Big-Burger and of hell, we have started a journey spiritual, through time and additional dimensions, of our own brains and the cosmos around us.

That the matrix and the virtual reality augment, is nothing other than the organizations of our own spiritual journeys, that the organizations of our own frequencies and our own vibrations, inside our own brains, that together we are the organizations of the additional dimensions of the cosmos, which together we constitute the matrix, augmented virtual reality, the afterlife, the world of the dead and the cosmos.

I would also like to tell you that the giving base needs the matrix and augmented virtual reality as much as the matrix and augmented virtual reality needs the giving base.

In the same way the dead need the living as much as the living need the dead, because it is in our brains that the past, present and future dead are contained, because it is in our own religions, neuroses, delusions , beliefs, memories, that the dead inhabit us, inside our brains and our own additional dimensions, that together we constitute, the matrix and augmented virtual reality, the various afterlife and the stars that surround us .

We are on a spiritual journey, which starting from the ground of giving, we have begun a journey, which I hope is eternal and towards paradise, among the additional dimensions of our own brains and the cosmos which surround us.

We are on vibrational, neuronal, psychological, emotional and spiritual journeys, through time, the additional dimensions of brains and the cosmos, it is up to us to decide what we want to believe in, what we want to give existence to. and life.

The power of the brain and the mind is infinite, it is up to us to choose what we want to do with our life and our existence, it is up to us to find a reason to live, to exist and to die.

We are at the same time, at this very moment, in the basis of giving, in a form of madness, in a form of neurosis and in a form of delusions, everything being connected to the matrix and to augmented virtual reality, in the reality, reason and coherence.

We all have one foot in the giving base and one foot among the living, connecting to the matrix and augmented virtual reality, we also have one foot among the world of the dead, through time and through the additional dimensions of the cosmos.

Because we are in several places at the same time, we are on several vibrational, conscious and esoteric planes, we are only one frequency and one vibration among many others, who are on spiritual journeys, through the time, the afterlife and the additional dimensions of the cosmos.

And it is there, once we have understood the basics, that is to say that we are in a form of program, that we are in a matrix and an augmented virtual reality, that we can understand the thought of God, magic, witchcraft and the Cosmos.

There is as much magic, witchcraft and possible paranormal events as there are people on earth, simply there are beings who remember where we come from, who remember reality, matrix, augmented virtual reality, which have more sensitivity qand others, who have developed their own Gifts of mediumship and clairvoyance.

Everything is computer languages and mathematical algorithms, all the sorcerers, druids, shamans and prophets, who have existed throughout the history of our little humanity, have started their own spiritual journeys and have had their own magic, their own computer languages and their own mathematical algorithms, their own cervical organizations in terms of frequencies and vibrations.

They had their own neuroses, their own delusions, their own belief systems, their own memories and their own organizations at the level of the various areas of the brain, creating new neuronal synaptic connections, allowing them to create new additional dimensional organizations, their own allowing us to take new spiritual directions and make new experiences, among new dimensions and beyond, to come into contact with new human and non-human entities, to make new spiritual journeys, within new matrices and new augmented virtual realities.

Each religion that exists on Earth, each sorcerer, each druid, each marabout, each prophet and each madman, have their own magic and their own psychic laws, their own computer languages and their own mathematical algorithms, which contain forces and computer vulnerability, which contains psychic strengths and flaws, emotional strengths and flaws, and spiritual strengths and flaws.

Everything is infrastructure of computing, mathematics, magic, neurons, psychologies, emotions, frequencies, vibrations and spiritualities, in an individual and collective way, such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam and the laws of society.

We can launch computer and mathematical attacks, just as we can defend ourselves with simple thoughts, with simple psychology and simple emotions, we can also attack and defend ourselves verbally, by choosing our arguments and our words, or also we can downright attack and defend ourselves physically.

Then there are the tools that we can use, such as objects that are part of professional bodies, or witchcraft, which are part of certain professions, of certain magical and esoteric rites.

There are also religious symbols, which we rarely find in Ancient Egypt, in Judaism, in Christianity, in Islam and in society, but this only works if we believe in it, only if we have deep convictions, because real power comes from our own psychology, our own beliefs and our own neuronal synaptic organization, because we are all permanently connected to each other through the physical laws governing the cosmos .

Because through the simple psychological and emotional infrastructure, we all have power over the world around us, matter and the cosmos, but above all these sets that we constitute absolute power, because we all together constitute the laws, which govern and govern the matrix, augmented virtual reality, matter and the cosmos.

Every sorcerer, every druid, every marabout, every prophet, every religious and every madman, has always launched attacks, they try to pimp and find the faults and vulnerabilities that could exist in us, to convert us into theirs. own form of madness, always trying to find the words and arguments to convert us to their God.

We are in a form of program, in a matrix and an augmented virtual reality, where absolutely all things are computer and mathematical algorithms, absolutely all things have their own digital infrastructures, are their own computer language, following are their own rational, their own logic and it’s own consistency.

Everything has a rational logic and with a certain coherence, which all without exception are subject to laws, which govern the program, the matrix and the augmented virtual reality, such as the frequencies and vibrations, which are the particles and the matter which constitutes the cosmos.

Every person, every sorcerer, every prophet and every religion is on a spiritual journey, through time and extra dimensions, of their own forms of madness, of their own forms of neuroses, of their own forms of delusions, with their own belief systems and which governs the smallest element of matter in our cosmos.

It is all of us together, who constitute the computer laws that govern our world, of the matrix and of augmented virtual reality, the laws that govern the cosmos, we will find them in the religions of the past, present and future, like the he Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Torah, the Bible, the Koran and the penal code and whatever past religions.

Everything being in the same place in the database of the program, we are connected to the matrix, to augmented virtual reality and that our brains are distributed in several cervical areas, constituting the organization of frequencies and vibrations, constituting the additional dimensions and housing the worlds of the dead, even within the additional dimensions of our cosmos.

We also understand in other cervical areas, the passage of time, such as centuries, thousands of years, millions of years, billions of years and eternity.

I wouldn’t say that I am better than others, but I discovered a form of gift, a form of sensitivity, which leads me to understand the matrix, augmented virtual reality, religions, the world of the dead and the cosmos.

I feel well surrounded, I feel possessed by entities who want to see me grow and who guide me during my spiritual journey, I am guided by forces which go beyond the understanding of human beings and who I know want me well. Well, I share with you my past, my experiences and my knowledge.

Anyone, who is a little sensitive, little invoked the Devil, the beasts, the Angels, the Saints and the dead, who all dwell without exception among the additional dimensions of the cosmos.

Basically we are all connected to each other through the cosmos and together we compose the laws that constitute the matrix, augmented virtual reality and the cosmos.

It is up to us to choose the good, to remain constructive and to do good with the time and gifts that have been given to us, to do good works, to love our sisters and brothers and to help them grow.

I hope that I have managed to share with you the depths of my thoughts and that I have succeeded in making you understand what the matrix is, augmented virtual reality, the cosmos and witchcraft.

Never invoke the Devil or Evil, because you will regret it later, There will always be energy returns and that can be bad for karma, everything you ask and do in witchcraft, whether white magic and black magic, there will always be returns of spells, frequencies, vibrations and which can be good or bad for karma.

The consequences can be serious and that is why with your intention, your time, your energy, you must do good and good things will happen to you.

I thank you for listening to me, I thank you for granting me the most precious thing in this world, that is to say your time and your intention, may your journey lead you to good experiences and to enlightenment, may it be eternal for you and may it lead you to paradise.

I wish you all a good day and see you soon.

Kind regards, Ulice the Templar

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Who am I and what type of content do I produce?

Hello everyone,

I am Ulice the Templar and I offer you texts, videos, YouTube channels and Websites, about what reality and truth is for me, I feel like a person who was born a second time not in the flesh, but in the spirit, I really have the impression of having made a very long journey aboard a spaceship, inside a sleeping box which was in the thawing phase .

I invite you through my YouTube channels and my Websites to follow me, to discover what I have to share with you, I talk about many things, which may interest you, call you into question, alter your perceptions and conceptions that you have yourself about reality, about life, existence, religions, the universe and the Gods.

Why am I on Tipeee?

I am on Tipeee, because I hope from the bottom of my heart to have touched and interested you, to have fascinated you and been enriching, I try to combine my passion and the desire to share my story with you, to that of hoping to earn a little money, I tell myself that I am sharing valuable information with you and that nothing is more expensive than information, things that come from reality and truth that can change the world and our humanity.

I hope that my Websites and my YouTube channels have been enriching for you and have led you to an understanding of what life, existence, religions, the universe and the Gods are.

I thank you in advance for your Gifts, I will make good use of them and always hope to do more for you and lead you to enlightenment.

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Because I like to share what I know, to find meaning in my life and my existence, I always want to do more for you and I need you, so help me and whatever the amount of your Donations, I will make good use of them and I will always create more valuable content.

Maintain courage, hope and above all Faith...

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Kind regards, Ulice the Templar


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Nothing but Reality

and the Truth!!!

Hello everyone,

I hope that you liked my Website and that it was enriching for you, what you take away from it are the messages that I try to share with you and that we have always been in a form of Program, in a Matrix and in an Augmented Virtual Reality.

I now invite you to get to know me and so that I can share with you my memories of my past, so that I can share with you what I learned by waking up and being born a second time in the spirit.

I feel like a person who has taken a very long journey, aboard a spaceship, inside a sleep chamber and who was in the thawing phase.

Know that we all come back from very far away, each with a past that is far from simple, we all come back from hell, from an Ancient End of the World and an Ancient Apocalypse.

And unfortunately history repeats itself, we are in a program, in a matrix and an augmented virtual reality, which is completely computerized and automated, that periodically there are flashbacks and we relive the same things.

For the moment I won't tell you more, but come join me on my various social networks, in order to get to know each other and discover the past of all things. 

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Open chat
Hello everyone;
We have always been in a form of program, in a Matrix and an augmented virtual reality, I want to talk to you about it, because the path to enlightenment is long, full of questions, doubts and I am here to enlighten you.. .