What is Time Travel ?

Hello everyone,

Today I want to talk to you about time travel and to tell you that I am going to share with you valuable content, that I am going to share with you realities and truths, which are still unknown to this world, which risks to upset the order of powers in place and the order of established beliefs.

I have often been professors and scientists, that I have never been able to be recognized by the fathers and scientific committees, of the various eras in which I had reincarnated, that I have always had perceptions and conceptions of realities, of world, the universe and the Gods, who could not perceive and understand.

What you need to know is that many have researched time travel, too many people have sought to understand the mind of God and have never been able to achieve what I am going to reveal to you in this video.

What I’m going to tell you is that we are in a matrix and an augmented virtual reality, that we are on a vibrational, psychological and spiritual journey, that we are living right now in a world, where everything is computing and mathematical algorithms.

That we all come back a long way, that a very long time ago, after the end of the world and an apocalypse, absolutely everything had to be recreated and given us a new chance.

You must know that the end of the world and the apocalypse has already arrived several times, it is when the additional dimensions of the cosmos close on the earth and the afterlife sheltering the dead, the facts reappear on the earth among us the living, this creates an effect of overpopulation and hell itself on earth.

The Problem is that I know a lot of things, that I am a victim of Cassandra syndrome, that I am desperately looking for people capable of perceiving and understanding, what I have to say, that for me the world is crazy, diving into ignorance and darkness.

That a very long time ago, I had introduced the world to true knowledge, to true realities and true truths, as I am doing right now with you.

I had selected people and formed teams, to compensate for what could happen and this gave us a new chance, because my team and I are at the origin of our matrix and our augmented virtual reality, which is currently imposes on our consciousness.

From now on the old ends of the world and the old apocalypses, my team and I, we see it as a basis, these are billions of human beings, who can no longer die, who are piled on top of each other, they have become the basis of giving, a form of program, the matrix and augmented virtual reality.

When I say that the world is crazy, it is because the leaders of our humanity are going to be responsible for our extinction, for our own civilization, that wars will wipe us all out and that religious people are crazy, because they are waiting for their messiahs to an apocalyptic episode.

That we have just returned from an ancient end of the world and an apocalypse, that my team and I recreated everything, that we gave a new chance to our humanity and our civilization.

We see its billions of human beings, who are piled on top of each other, who are neither alive nor dead, as a basis of giving, which allowed us a new start and to start all over again.

That as only materials, we had what everyone had between their two ears, that is to say brains, fears, anxieties and traumas.

Know that at this very moment, we are in the base of giving, in a form of madness, in a form of neurosis and in a form of delusions, everything being connected to the matrix and augmented virtual reality, in reason, coherence, logic and rationality.

We are in a matrix and an augmented virtual reality, that the matrix and the augmented virtual reality, is nothing other than the organization of neurons, frequencies and vibrations, inside our own brains in the basis of giving, that the matrix and augmented virtual reality, only exists in our own forms of madness, neuroses, delusions and in our own cervical areas and this in a collective way.

And that the organizations of neurons, frequencies and vibrations, even within our own brains, compose the vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, through time and the additional dimensions of the cosmos.

That from the base of giving we have begun a spiritual journey, through time, through the additional dimensions of our own cervical areas and that together we compose the matrix, augmented virtual reality, life, the world of the dead and the additional dimensions of our own cosmos.

Absolutely everything we know is only in a matrix, is onlye in an augmented virtual reality, which imposes itself on our consciences and which only exists in the brains of the poor unfortunates of an ancient end of the world and apocalypses.

I would also like to tell you that the giving base needs the matrix and augmented virtual reality as much as the matrix and augmented virtual reality need the giving base.

Just as the dead need the living as much as the living need the dead, because it is in the collective brains, of the poor unfortunates, who are at this very moment at the Big Burger, that contains the matrix, augmented virtual reality, life, the world of the dead and the cosmos.

Einstein was Jewish and wanted to understand the thoughts of God, know that religious people and researchers want to understand the thoughts of the creator, who created the matrix and augmented virtual reality, I understood it and I want to talk to you about it, listen – me and perceive the understanding I have of the world, I share with you my perceptions and my conceptions, which I have of realities, of the world, of the universe and of the Gods.

By following me on my YouTube channel and my Websites, I will share valuable content with you, I will tell you about things that you will not be able to find anywhere else, know that governments and researchers carry out research on work, that I was doing time travel and parallel worlds a long time ago, they make me laugh and for me they are prehistoric men and amateurs.

As long as he doesn’t understand me and they don’t understand reality and the truth, they will always be technologically backward.

The end of the world and the apocalypse have already arrived at various times and within various programs, which my team and I have always started from the ground up, in order to start all over again and give ourselves a new chance.

That everything is a vibrational, psychological and spiritual journey, through time, the additional dimensions of the cervical areas, that from the base of giving, we all form the organization of the frequencies and vibrations of the matrix and the augmented virtual reality.

That absolutely everything is computing, mathematical algorithms, organization of neurons and cervical areas, that everything is organization of frequencies and vibrations, constituting the matrix, augmented virtual reality, life, the world of the dead and the additional dimensions of the cosmos .

As long as in me, we are willing to see things other than an enlightened person and a madman, I can explain absolutely everything, from genesis, to the creation of the cosmos, to travel in time and what the only one would look like. and true knowledge of the power of tomorrow.

Knowing that the matrix, augmented virtual reality, the world of the dead and the additional dimensions of the cosmos, only exist in forms of madness, forms of neurosis, forms of delusions and forms of organizations cervical areas, its poor unfortunate and unhappy base to give.

Well time travel is very simple to understand, everything happens between the two ears of our ancient humanity, which experienced the end of the world and the apocalypse, which now forever constitutes the basis of giving.

To start man when he begins their research on time travel, it will be possible to start with a few minutes, then a few hours, then a few months, then a few years and then many more. later by a few centuries.

They do all their research on the quantum and relative laws invented by Einstein, which govern the laws of the cosmos, which is terrestrial gravity, the seasons of the earth, the rotations of the planets of our solar system and the cosmos.

So as long as people don’t listen to me, they will always be technologically limited, they will always lag behind in time travel and will remain behind the times.

While we must say that the flow of time and the various scales of time, between years, centuries, thousands of years, millions of years and billions of years, is only found in of the various cervical areas of our ancient humanity, which is at this very moment in hell in the data bases.

And that the capacity for time travel is only possible in the brains and minds, of people who are in forms of madness, forms of neuroses and in the various cervical areas and in the various memories, of the poor unhappy and unhappy, which are in the bases of giving, which constitutes a form of program, which constitute our matrix, our augmented virtual reality, the world of the dead and our cosmos.

We must say to ourselves that while humanity is carrying out its research, wasting its time and not saving meute not, others are already in practice and have an extraordinary advance on the rest of our civilization at the technological level, I am only Ulice the Templar and I understood things well, I understood this what our history is, what reality and truth is, that I am just a voice rising in the desert, trying to put you on the path to evolution and the future.

There are families who populate the stars, who have an enormous technological advance over the rest of creation, that meeting them is the dream of many of the men of our earthly humanity and that I have decided to make myself known to you , in order to help you grow, to put you on the path to evolution and to help you evolve.

All I can offer you are my stories, my past, my experiences, my reality and my truths, voluntarily I can let you see my perceptions and my conceptions, that I have realities, matrices, augmented virtual realities , worlds of the dead, cosmos and Gods.

I am a person who is easy to get along with, I am content with the humble virtues of men and I am really open-minded, I am ready to chat with you and get to know you on my Facebook group what is the Matrix which you can easily find.

I think I’ve already told you enough in this video, I hope you liked my video, that you’ll give it a like and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

And if you really want to help me do more for you, you can always make a Donation to me on Tipeee, so that I can always and always do more for you.

I thank you for granting me the most precious things in this world, that is to say your time and your intention.

I wish you all a good day and see you soon.

Kind regards, Ulice the Templar.

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For all my work...

Who am I and what type of content do I produce?

Hello everyone,

I am Ulice the Templar and I offer you texts, videos, YouTube channels and Websites, about what reality and truth is for me, I feel like a person who was born a second time not in the flesh, but in the spirit, I really have the impression of having made a very long journey aboard a spaceship, inside a sleeping box which was in the thawing phase .

I invite you through my YouTube channels and my Websites to follow me, to discover what I have to share with you, I talk about many things, which may interest you, call you into question, alter your perceptions and conceptions that you have yourself about reality, about life, existence, religions, the universe and the Gods.

Why am I on Tipeee?

I am on Tipeee, because I hope from the bottom of my heart to have touched and interested you, to have fascinated you and been enriching, I try to combine my passion and the desire to share my story with you, to that of hoping to earn a little money, I tell myself that I am sharing valuable information with you and that nothing is more expensive than information, things that come from reality and truth that can change the world and our humanity.

I hope that my Websites and my YouTube channels have been enriching for you and have led you to an understanding of what life, existence, religions, the universe and the Gods are.

I thank you in advance for your Gifts, I will make good use of them and always hope to do more for you and lead you to enlightenment.

What are the rewards?

Help me survive my Websites, I have expenses like domain names, hosting, themes and plugins, help me afford by motivating me to do more for you.

Because I like to share what I know, to find meaning in my life and my existence, I always want to do more for you and I need you, so help me and whatever the amount of your Donations, I will make good use of them and I will always create more valuable content.

Maintain courage, hope and above all Faith...

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Kind regards, Ulice the Templar


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Nothing but Reality

and the Truth!!!

Hello everyone,

I hope that you liked my Website and that it was enriching for you, what you take away from it are the messages that I try to share with you and that we have always been in a form of Program, in a Matrix and in an Augmented Virtual Reality.

I now invite you to get to know me and so that I can share with you my memories of my past, so that I can share with you what I learned by waking up and being born a second time in the spirit.

I feel like a person who has taken a very long journey, aboard a spaceship, inside a sleep chamber and who was in the thawing phase.

Know that we all come back from very far away, each with a past that is far from simple, we all come back from hell, from an Ancient End of the World and an Ancient Apocalypse.

And unfortunately history repeats itself, we are in a program, in a matrix and an augmented virtual reality, which is completely computerized and automated, that periodically there are flashbacks and we relive the same things.

For the moment I won't tell you more, but come join me on my various social networks, in order to get to know each other and discover the past of all things. 

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Open chat
Hello everyone;
We have always been in a form of program, in a Matrix and an augmented virtual reality, I want to talk to you about it, because the path to enlightenment is long, full of questions, doubts and I am here to enlighten you.. .