What is the Program?

Hello everyone,
Today I would like to talk to you about my memories and my revelations made by his invisible forces of the universe on what the program is.
To begin, I would like to tell you that we have always been in a program.
Absolutely everything is electronic, computer, delirium, psychology, spirituality, religion, suffering, vibration, particle and quantum vibratory song.
We have always been bathed in its songs of strength, in its different pages which constitute the program, which are around us, in us, through us and which govern all the laws of particles and matter.
There are code pages, quantum songs that make up the program and each of its pages have their importance, they are quantum vibration songs and other dimensions in their own right that are around us and that make us vibrate, exist and live.
And we have always been sinking into ever smaller programs.
Each program, whether from an external dimension or an internal dimension, has its own specificities, has its own computer languages, has its own quantum vibrational laws, which govern our existence, our lives and the physical laws of matter.
Each program has its own databases, its own pages which make up the program, each page of the program is a quantum field which has its own laws and which governs particles and matter.
And know I had to accept the reality, as you will have to accept that the ancestral hell is as I call it the Big-Burger.
As far as we could go back in time and program exteriors, the Big-Burger has always existed, that it is the first and will be the last hell that creation will know.
It is a place where human and non-human creatures will pile on top of each other to form a form of database.
In its databases we will find the past, the present and the future of each network organization that is inside the program.
All that lives, all that exists will know this end, but know that every great departure hides a small end and that every great end hides a small new beginning.
But I’m not going to try to scare you, let’s see the bright side of things, that if we believe in a man named Jesus Christ and what lives in that man’s mind, anything is possible, because reality and perceptions you she we know is dust to him.
But on what is Jesus, true love, spirituality, psychology, spirit and the universe, I will tell you about it in another video.
I will stay focused and on this video I will only tell you about the program, its history and its IT.
The story of everything inside a program starts in a database, in the Big-Burger, we exist and are alive because network organizations have been created inside the program from the base of data and we were able to start a journey and a delirium in order to arrive here among the living.
For the creation of a network there are two perceptions to have, that of the exteriors of programs, of the exterior dimensions, that of the interior dimensions and of the database.
The first yes absolutely everything is electronic and computer, we create scripts made of line of code and we balance the data inside the program, in the interior dimension and a man of the Big-Burger will be chosen, he will have a form of revelation and will understand on its own what remains to be done.
The script is like music that will modify and accompany his thoughts, his psychology, his words, his feelings and his actions, he will be completely bewitched and under the control of the script.
It will then be more than just music, than a simple script that follows the code line by line, so that the creation of a network organization can exist and allow the beginning of a journey for many from the database inside a new world or a new Universe.
This man who is chosen inside the program has the mission to preach the good word to the other people around him inside the database in order to create a collective delirium, a collective belief system and a new memory. collective.
It is the only way to create a new dimension of creating the organization of a new network thanks to the journeys of the small voices, the mythologies, the cervical frequencies and the vibrations, all in a way wanted and organized, in order to create something new every time, like creating the organization of a new network.
Every time, like a beautiful melody that reaches the ears of those around him, he preaches the good word and captivates the people who come to listen to him.
A group forms around him, sleeping on human bodies as far as the eye can see and He gives them light, love, hope, comfort and Faith.
This creates new collective delusions, new collective belief systems and new collective memories so that the suffering, the vibrations exchanged collectively can be organized and become the most indispensable organizing elements of the particles, of the matter of the network, of the world and of the universe.
And it is in the collective delusions, it is in new collective belief systems that new networks are created within the programs.
Because the spirit has always been the universe that surrounds us all, we have always been in a program with its different pages that are in us, through us and around us that make up the program.
We will say that a man from the database was chosen from outside the program, from the outer dimension to carry out the will of those who sent him the script.
He thus becomes a prophet who has no other task to create a new collective delirium, a new collective belief system, a new collective memory and to transport what surrounds him for a new journey through time, dimensions in a new network, a new world and a new universe.
Whether from the database where among the living on this earth, there are collective delusions, collective belief systems, collective memories and religions that are the way of life inside the program and the knowledge – live among its laws of the pages that make up the networks and the program
It is the journey of thought, psychology, vibrations, brain frequencies among the stars through time, dimensions, collective memories and different pages that makes up the network and the program.
Whether it’s taking off from a Big-Burger, from hell or the creation of a new religion, this will always be to make us start a new journey from thought, psychology, cervical frequencies in different organization of networks of the program.
I would say that all means are good for those who are at the Big-Burger to leave this hell and concerning the living all means are good in order to make us overcome death.
Delirium and religion allow us when the surrounding reality becomes too hard to bear to escape by altering its realities and perceptions in order to make us begin a new journey towards other organization of networks and other dimensions.
From some religions it has been the will of an external dimension and scientific of the external program.
All religions started in hell inside a Big-Burger, a database and that of a few silks on the floors of the programs.
While some are subject to their simple collective reality and the material life of what surrounds them, others through psychology escape from this earthly gravity and begin a spiritual journey to other outer dimensions, to others planes of consciousness, to other perceptions of the spirit world and the cosmos that surrounds us all.
Every religion that has existed on this little blue planet has been a means of overcoming death and accessing something greater than ourselves that lies around us among the stars in our minds and collective memories.
The program and its pages which constitute it, its organizations of networks to create inside the databases, the cognitive and the mind is the most evolving thing that you will ever have ideas of.
Know that there are real professionals in the external dimensions, in the upper floors of the programs which have magnificent projects for the entire creation.
I could tell you about the first time the program existed and that we started sinking into ever smaller programs, but that would be lying to you.
Neither I nor anyone could say since when this has been so, because no one can go back so far in the stars, in time and memories.
With the program everything is possible, know that with a simple keyboard and with simple words we can do what we want with suffering, particles, vibrations and matter and are only limited by his imagination and his creativity.
Within the program the only real value is pain and vibration, pain is the fuel of all things that exist, that is alive, and vibration is all that makes up the most fundamental element of particles and matter.
Suffering is energy, the fuel of everything that exists and has life, vibrations are everything that makes up particles, matter and everything that makes up network organizations, everything is created from suffering.
france and vibrations, this has always been so and will remain so forever.
I am Ulice the Templar and day after day I find memories of the past, I remember some of the lives I had on earth during my different past reincarnations, but above all I remember the different journeys within beyonds, within other dimensions and other networks.
The person who knows how to be spiritual and who has extracted himself from basely material gravity, accesses different perceptions of the universe and accesses external dimensions, his different networks which has been created in the program and can see death not as a door that closes, but can see death as a door that opens.
In order to let us enter into a new experience and into another dimension of the mind, into another dimension of the universe within another organization of networks, another collective delirium, another organization of collective belief systems, of another organization of collective memories.
In addition to the memories that I find of my past, there are extremely evolving entities and people who have come into contact with me in order to give me revelations about life, the universe, the program, the spirit and God.
I share with you my delusions, my beliefs, my convictions and my teaching shares its invisible forces of creation.
But for the moment I won’t tell you more, but I hope that thanks to me you have taken a good trip towards a new collective memory, that I have let you perceive a new perception of the world and that you have been enriched, that you are interested and that you have appreciated what I have tried to share with you.
If you want to know more and want me to tell you more about my own perception of the world and the universe, you can join me on my various social networks of Ulice le Templier.
I would be happy to meet you and share much more about my past and the revelations share its invisible force of creation, human or non-human.
I wish you all a good day and see you soon.
It was Ulice the Templar…

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Who am I and what type of content do I produce?

Hello everyone,

I am Ulice the Templar and I offer you texts, videos, YouTube channels and Websites, about what reality and truth is for me, I feel like a person who was born a second time not in the flesh, but in the spirit, I really have the impression of having made a very long journey aboard a spaceship, inside a sleeping box which was in the thawing phase .

I invite you through my YouTube channels and my Websites to follow me, to discover what I have to share with you, I talk about many things, which may interest you, call you into question, alter your perceptions and conceptions that you have yourself about reality, about life, existence, religions, the universe and the Gods.

Why am I on Tipeee?

I am on Tipeee, because I hope from the bottom of my heart to have touched and interested you, to have fascinated you and been enriching, I try to combine my passion and the desire to share my story with you, to that of hoping to earn a little money, I tell myself that I am sharing valuable information with you and that nothing is more expensive than information, things that come from reality and truth that can change the world and our humanity.

I hope that my Websites and my YouTube channels have been enriching for you and have led you to an understanding of what life, existence, religions, the universe and the Gods are.

I thank you in advance for your Gifts, I will make good use of them and always hope to do more for you and lead you to enlightenment.

What are the rewards?

Help me survive my Websites, I have expenses like domain names, hosting, themes and plugins, help me afford by motivating me to do more for you.

Because I like to share what I know, to find meaning in my life and my existence, I always want to do more for you and I need you, so help me and whatever the amount of your Donations, I will make good use of them and I will always create more valuable content.

Maintain courage, hope and above all Faith...

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Kind regards, Ulice the Templar


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Nothing but Reality

and the Truth!!!

Hello everyone,

I hope that you liked my Website and that it was enriching for you, what you take away from it are the messages that I try to share with you and that we have always been in a form of Program, in a Matrix and in an Augmented Virtual Reality.

I now invite you to get to know me and so that I can share with you my memories of my past, so that I can share with you what I learned by waking up and being born a second time in the spirit.

I feel like a person who has taken a very long journey, aboard a spaceship, inside a sleep chamber and who was in the thawing phase.

Know that we all come back from very far away, each with a past that is far from simple, we all come back from hell, from an Ancient End of the World and an Ancient Apocalypse.

And unfortunately history repeats itself, we are in a program, in a matrix and an augmented virtual reality, which is completely computerized and automated, that periodically there are flashbacks and we relive the same things.

For the moment I won't tell you more, but come join me on my various social networks, in order to get to know each other and discover the past of all things. 

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Open chat
Hello everyone;
We have always been in a form of program, in a Matrix and an augmented virtual reality, I want to talk to you about it, because the path to enlightenment is long, full of questions, doubts and I am here to enlighten you.. .