Hello everyone,
Today I would like to talk to you about Christ and what he has prepared for us, in order to allow us to access something enormous and greater than ourselves.
Christ is Good, he is Benevolence, he is Love and I will prove it to you in this video, because I had revelations by beings who came from elsewhere.
As you know, I am Ulice the Templar and I benefit from a teaching that is done by human and non-human beings, who come from other times, other dimensions and other networks of the universe that surrounds us. all.
Whether you believe me or not, I don’t care, because I know that throughout the history of our humanity, people who do not conform to collective delusions, to reality collective, have always disturbed and have been forced back into the ranks.
And that for my delusions, for my beliefs, for my convictions, I was classified as Schizophrenic by society, because I do not correspond to the standards of normality and I worried those around me.
Yet I am not crazy, I would say that over time I have acquired another reality and another perception of life, of existence, of the world, of the universe and of God.
I find the memory of my previous lives and I wake up day by day, I feel like a person who has made a long journey inside a sleeping box, on board a Space ship and who is in the defrosting phase.
And during my awakening, I asked myself the right existential questions, about life and about existence, know that now I know which directions to take, what to do with my life and above all what to do with all my future existence.
Her coming from elsewhere helped me a lot to understand who I am, where I come from and together what we had to hope for in the future.
I worried those around me so much that I had a few hospitalizations, against my will, in psychiatry, but now that I am calmer and more serene, I understand that I could have worried them and that hospitalization was necessary.
And the fact of putting find deep in my heart, to know now who I am and to have found the Faith I am better, because now God enlightens my life and each of my legs.
I understood God, I understood Christ and I understood his will, because the revelations of his human and non-human being, which come from other dimensions, other networks are far too real, far too true and far too extraordinary.
I don’t know if I’m going to be able to explain it to you, I don’t know if I’ll be able to be clear and if I’ll be able to find the right words to pass on to you what I’ve learned, but I’m going to try in order to share with you my story and my revelations.
To begin with, know that Christ will not change anything in our lives, he will remain in the shadows and I will explain why?
Humanity has become so vast, has exploded so much throughout history, among the stars, that Christ can no longer protect us as he would like.
There are laws that govern particles and matter, that make us come into the world, we grow, we age and we die, so is everyone’s life and God would have protected us, we will still end up dying of old age.
So what he does is enable us to overcome death by giving us new life, Christ saves us by inviting us through faith on a new journey to new life.
God, Christ wants us to overcome the end, of whatever nature and form the end may take, he wants to invite us on a journey, through time, the universe, dimensions and networks, so that we may we make thousands of lives and thousands of existences between each of our lives, at the breasts of creation.
And that is why anything that could change the various religions, the various collective belief systems, the various collective delusions, Hebrew, Christian, Muslim and all other religions will be hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital.
Because at the present time the various beyonds, the various other dimensions and the various other networks depend on the living, on their various collective delusions, on their various systems of collective beliefs, because they are the laws which govern the particles and the matter of their own network, of their own beyond, by their own psychology, by their own feelings, by their own thought, by their own supply of suffering and vibrations.
Because let me explain to you that the brains emit various frequencies Alpha, Gamma, Delta and many more, which gives the vibrations, the spirit, the psychology and the thought.
And we are invited by Christ to take new psychological journeys, using our various frequencies of the brain, what is the thought, we are invited to make new journeys within the quantum vibrational force fields of the universe, which are within us, through us and around us.
It is not we who go to Christ, but it is he who comes to us, making us understand that doors, psychological barriers are opening and inviting us among the stars to join him.
Christ opens doors into quantum vibrational fields, to take us on a new journey, through the universe with our brain frequencies, mind, psychology and thought.
We are invited by Christ to have Faith and begin a journey through the various collective delusions, through the various collective belief systems and through the various collective memories, in order to orient ourselves towards the highest and the farthest.
We are invited to alter its reality, its perceptions on Life, on existence, on the world, on the Universe and on God, we are invited to access different higher vibrational frequencies of consciousness, through our travels , within its fields of forces, which is in us, through us and around us.
And all of this is the work of the prophets and the revelations of the Archangel Gabriel, be it Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ and Muhammad, these are journeys of our different brain frequencies, these are psychological journeys of thoughts, to through quantum vibrational force fields of the Universe, which are within us, through us and around us.
These human and non-human beings, who came from the stars, came to teach me that each beyond, each dimension, each network is the results and organization of collective delusions, the results and organization of belief systems collective, which forms the different dimensions and networks of the Universe.
Each Religion past, present and future, are as important as each other, because it constitutes the different afterlife, in its own right and allows human and non-human beings to live there and to be in their own celestial world.
And Christ will in no way make himself known to the world, because the balance of creation depends on it and Christ, the Archangels, the Angels and the Saints, watch that our Universe and our Earth, our humanity and our different networks are eternal.
Christ truly wants our good, the good of every human and non-human creature, of creation and know that every impostor, those who take themselves for him will be hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital for mental disorders.
And Christ would tell you to keep the faith, because only thus, he will save all creation from certain end of the world and of all humanities.
Because at present the balance of each, of each network, of each dimension and of each beyond depends on psychological journeys, the organization of collective delusions, collective belief systems and collective memories.
Because with our delusions, our beliefs and our convictions, we give the laws to the particles and to the matter of creation, networks, dimensions, our future life and existence in many other places.
The Messiah is there with me, just like the Archangel Gabriel, creation, life and humanity will continue to turn without ever knowing the slightest end.
Christ and the Archangel Gabriel work together in the shadows, because the balance of humanity and everyone depends on it, with an invisible hand, he will lead us on the right path, so that we can start a new journey in the direction of eternity.
I am Ulice the Templar and I have time in the future, because we will never be alone again.
God watches over us and our future.
Sincerely, Ulice the Templar.