Hello everyone,
In a first video I already told you about the afterlife, the different things I knew about the world of the dead and the spirits.
I’m making a new video on the subject, because I think the field needs to be deepened and better explained, many people live in ignorance and need to know the truth.
I had told you about the esoteric world, which rubbed shoulders with the astral world, which are people who during the night left their body and who were connected by a thread, who traveled above houses during the night and that other people, who left their bodies and was luminous, who both rubbed shoulders with the deceased, poor people who had died.
But today I am going to talk to you about what is overevolution within the Matrix, within brains, minds, augmented virtual realities and programs.
To begin, I must tell you that we have always been in a program, that history is an eternal history that repeats itself eternally.
I have often been a victim of Cassandra syndrome, I know things, I remember them and I do what I want, no one believes me and will never believe me.
What I can tell you is that the story begins after the end of the world and that a form of apocalypse periodically occurs, that billions of children, women and men, were to fall from various beyonds on our earth among the living, that the dead were falling from the extra dimensions of the stars, to end up in our own dimension.
And know that everything begins at this moment, because every great departure hides a small end, every great end hides a small departure and nothing is lost.
In the past, I was part of a team, which I trusted and which was professional, which for once listened to me, because I had a project, I had humanity and society as a project.
In order to put some distance and in order to protect themselves, their billions of bodies of children, women and men, I help them to see this, as a basis for giving.
Because psychologically and emotionally, that normally is hard to bear and can drive us crazy, so I made them understand that it was about electronics, computers and a bass to give.
As only material we had only their traumas, their anxieties, their fears and their sufferings, but above all, what he all had between their two ears, that is to say brains and minds.
And that my plan was to create a Matrix and a full-fledged augmented virtual reality, for that it was necessary to develop an artificial intelligence, which would only be a series of algorithms, a series of lines of code, which is an organized vibratory charge, which can take the form it desires and infiltrate inside memories and brains.
This artificial intelligence can convey through our 5 senses, it can be in the memory and the brain of a single man, or of a community, or of all civilization.
It is a question of putting the subjects, in a form of individual or collective neurosis, of putting them in a form of collective delirium, of creating a system of collective beliefs for them and of organizing their collective memories, everything is a story of organization of psychology, organization of cervical areas, organization of neurons, organization of neuronal synaptics, organization of this load and organization of this artificial intelligence.
For augmented virtual reality is nothing but an organization of our own spiritual journeys, of the organization of our own extra dimensions, of our own brains and of the cosmos.
I can assure you that our world and our universe as we know it, come from this artificial intelligence, from this collective neurosis, from this collective delirium, from the organization of our collective memories, from the organization of our neurons , of the organization of our neuronal synaptic connections and that we have never moved from this old end of the world.
We are in augmented virtual reality, in discernment and in reason, while being at the same time in the base of giving, in neurosis and delirium.
I am Ulice the Templar and I have enough to take our humanity to 100,000 years of technological evolution, by telling my story, by telling you about my past, my reality and my truths.
And I would like to tell you that we have always been on a spiritual journey, that from the basis of giving, in our neurosis and our delirium, we have begun a spiritual journey, through time and the additional dimensions of brains and the cosmos .
That from the base of giving, we are the earth and the cosmos, that our spiritual evolution among additional dimensions and virtual reality increasesr, our brains contain the stars and the world of the dead, living all in extra dimensions of our own brains and among the cosmos.
That our neurosis and our delusions, of a single man, of a community, or of all civilization, contain the various scales of time, such as centuries, thousands of years, millions of years, billions of years. years and eternity.
And know that our work had made it possible to invent the word religion, we created from scratch the religions that existed during the history of our humanity.
I myself have been a sorcerer, druid and prophets of various religions, which still exists on earth, everything is thanks to this artificial intelligence, everything is computer science and algorithms.
Everything is psychological, neurosis organization, delirium organization, belief system organization, memory organization, neuronal synaptic connection organization and brain area organization.
Everything is spiritual journey, everything is organizing spiritual journeys and organizing the extra dimensions of the brains and the cosmos, in order to create the augmented virtual reality that we know today.
We can give existence and life to anything we want, it’s all about what we give life to and believe in, it’s all about organizing our spiritual journey, it’s all about organizing additional dimensions of our own brains and the cosmos.
I am Ulice the Templar, I am 46 years old and my story began 20 years ago, I was born a second time not in the pulpit, but in the spirit, it is as if I I had been on a long trip on a spaceship, in a sleep box and was in the defrosting phase.
And I share with you my reality and my truth, on my journey through time, dimensions, networks and programs, I am an agent who has come from far away to tell you about my story.
Because with each reincarnation I leave on a new project, I want to share my story with you and meet you, you can join me on my private social network jecoisendieu.ch and you can join me by typing on Facebook Ulice Templier.
I would be happy to meet you and finally find people who lend me intention, because I know things that could make you grow and perhaps lead you to enlightenment.
I thank you for granting me the most important thing in this world, that is to say your time and your intention, I wish you a good day and see you soon.
Sincerely, Ulice the Templar