What is Intelligence ?

Hello everyone,

I will talk to you and describe to you what intelligence is, talk to you about realities, truths and reveal true knowledge to you, which will make you understand absolutely everything and thus begin vibrational, psychological, spiritual journeys and perhaps arrival to enlightenment.

In order to be able to understand what intelligence is, I must talk to you about brains and minds, I must begin to reveal to you certain realities and truths, you are talking about the world in which we live, I must also make you understand, this what are religions, religious people and what are true professionals.

To begin with, I would like you to know that we have always been in the form of programs, in matrices and in augmented virtual realities, which are completely computerized and automated.

That we have always been, in forms of programs, in matrices and in augmented virtual realities, which only exist and take shape between the two ears and the various organizations of the multiple cerebral zones, of the most ancient humanities and civilizations, which have unfortunately experienced the end of the world and apocalypses.

The ends of the world and the apocalypses, arrive when the additional dimensions of the cosmos, so to speak forms of programs, matrices and augmented virtual realities, which shelter the dead among the various beyond and that of all religions combined, which collapse and fall into our own dimension, among us the living and this creates horror and hell itself.

I call it the Big Burger, it’s billions and billions of human beings and a mixture, of the living and the dead, who are piled on top of each other, they’re piles of bodies as far as the eye can see. and which forever become the databases of our forms of programs, our matrices and our augmented virtual realities.

Its ancient civilizations and its ancient humanities will forever remain in absolute horror and hell, they will never move from there again and they will forever constitute the databases, of our forms of programs, of our matrices and of our augmented virtual realities.

I would also like you to know, if it can reassure you, that there are human and non-human entities, who are extremely evolved, both technologically and spiritually, who watch over us and will always allow us to get out.

That among the various additional dimensions of our own cosmos, true professionals, working in a responsible, meticulous, methodical and relentless manner, that for them quantum computers, brains, minds and artificial intelligences no longer have any secrets .

I’m not going to explain to you exactly, with whom and what, they allow ancient civilizations and ancient humanities to escape from hell and databases, but what I can tell you is that it creates new forms of programs, new matrices and new augmented virtual realities, by organizing frequencies and vibrations among the diverse and multiple brain areas.

That the forms of programs, that the matrices and that the augmented virtual realities, are only organizations of billions and billions, of neuronal synaptic connections, among the multiple and diverse zones, of consciousnesses and subconsciouses.

That the brains and minds of the most ancient civilizations and humanities also contain the various time scales, even within their own cervical areas, such as billions of years, millions of years, thousands of years. years, centuries and gravity, which is time and which crosses each of the additional dimensions.

And also, it contains the worlds of the dead, among their multiple and diverse brain areas, they contain the additional dimensions of our own cosmos, can we allow new journeys and experiences, among the diverse and multiple beyond the cosmos.

That we live at this very moment, in a form of program, in a matrix and in an augmented virtual reality, which is completely computerized and automated, that absolutely everything is mathematical algorithms, lines of code and computer languages, physical, psychological and spiritual, which allows them to begin vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, which allows them to connect, among us the living and have their share of happiness and hope.

I would like to tell you that the ancient civilizations and the ancient humanities, which are found at this very moment, in hell and in the databases, of our forms of programs, of our matrices and of our augmented virtual realities, are all suffering from serious psychiatric pathologies, he isnt in forms of madness, in forms of neuroses and in forms of delusions, everything being connected, to our matrix and to our augmented virtual reality, in reason, rationality and coherence.

Now I am going to talk to you about religions and religious people, because this is the same principle as creating forms of programs, matrices and augmented virtual realities, that all religions without exception, are made up of religious people, who are affected by a cognitive illness and that they all suffer from serious psychiatric pathological illnesses.

Religions are made up of religious people, who with their prophets and the revelations of the Archangel Gabriel, which he was able to make, allowed the various holy religious books to be written, such as the Torah, the Bible and the Koran, each religion and each religious, they are pathological psychiatric illnesses and that too different from each other, which allows them to give existences and life, to paradises and to hell.

Each holy religious book, whether the Torah, the Bible and the Koran, allows them new perceptions and new conceptions, of what the realities and truths are, about genesis, our world, our cosmos and God.

Whether Jews, Christians or Muslims, they all have their own organizations of their multiple and diverse brain areas, they all have their own and multiple associations, of their billions and billions of neuronal synaptic connections, between consciousness and subconscious , they all have their own organizations, frequencies and vibrations, even within their own brains and their own minds, which allows them, through the various organizations of their cerebral zones, to give existence and life to their vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, which allow them journeys to the gates of paradise and eternal life.

Psychology and psychiatric pathological illnesses are extraordinary and allow us to do a lot of things, such as creating forms of programs, matrices, and augmented virtual realities, they allow us to create forms of various religions and which can allow us to overcome death, they allow us new vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, mental illnesses and psychiatric pathologies, allow us to create everything we want.

We have left hell and the databases, in vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, in order to be able to connect to life, that is to say to our program form, to our matrix and to our reality virtual augmented.

And now that we are alive and well, it is about overcoming death and continuing its vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, through time, through the multiple and diverse additional dimensions of our own cosmos, in hoping to find a world and some form of paradise we can welcome.

I would like you to understand clearly that databases need the matrix and augmented virtual reality as much as the matrix and augmented virtual reality need databases, just like the dead, have just as much need the living, that the living need the dead.

For it is within ourselves that we understand, in our multiple and diverse cervical and spiritual zones, the various scales of time, such as billions of years, millions of years, thousands of years, centuries and gravity, which is time and which crosses each additional dimension, of brains and minds, that is to say of the cosmos itself.

And now that I have spoken to you about the world, in which we all live, that is to say in forms of programs, in matrices and in augmented virtual realities, now that I have spoken to you that we exist, than thanks to serious psychiatric pathological illnesses, within the very brains and minds of the most ancient civilizations and humanities.

And that I am speaking to you about the various religions and the multiple pathological psychiatric illnesses, the religious and which allow us to overcome death, which allow them to have their own perceptions and their own conceptions of the world, of realities, of truths and of the Gods, who allow them travels, through time and the multiple additional dimensions of the cosmos, which is in reality, only travels through the neuronal synaptic connections, of their various and multiple cervical zones, between consciousness and subconsciousness , to the gates of paradise and eternity.

That we are all affected by a form of psychiatric pathological illness, which is our perceptions and our conceptions of reality, which is our personality, our convictions, our belief systems and the organizationion of our own memory, within our brains and our minds, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses.

All his long explanations, to reveal to you and tell you, what various intelligences are made of, whether cognitive, emotional and spiritual intelligences, which we all have, whether we like it or not, relationships with the dead, whether religious and professionals, of some trades and skills, it is the dead, who are on journeys and in interaction with us, who are in many other eras and in many other additional dimensions of the cosmos, which are in realities and truths only the organizations of billions and billions of neuronal synaptic connections, only the organizations of the dead, which are in the form of frequencies and vibrations, even within the various and multiple cervical zones, between consciousness and subconsciousness.

We are constantly in contact and interaction with the dead, who are human and non-human, this quite simply allows us to function, to exist and to live, it allows us to think, to understand, to reflect, to interpret , to memorize, to feel, to move and simply to live.

Because ultimately we are all unique in the world, we all have our own perceptions and our own conceptions of what reality is, our own personality, our own intelligence and have all realized our own associations, frequencies and vibrations, at the same time. Even within our multiple and diverse cervical areas, even within our own brains and our own minds, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses, we all have our own perceptions and our own conceptions of what realities, truths, the world, the cosmos and the Gods.

We all have various forms of levels of intelligence, which depend on multiple contacts with the dead and which travel to us, which come from many other eras and many other additional dimensions of the cosmos, which only come in realities, only from the various and multiple cervical zones, which come from the organizations of billions and billions of neuronal synaptic connections, which make us sometimes be intelligent, which make us think, which make us even, which make us think, which make us understand, which make us interpret, which make us exist and quite simply live.

The secret to being a genius is only found in the methods of learning and memorization, in what ways one organizes one’s memory and one’s brain, which is in reality in what ways one organizes the dead , that is to say the frequencies and vibrations, because it is only contacts and interactions with the dead, which are human and non-human, which is only found in various psychiatric pathological illnesses.

Intelligence is only the capacity to create new belief systems, new organizations of memories and brains, intelligence is the capacity to organize information and deaths, which are in the form of frequencies and vibrations, intelligence is the ability to create new organizations of diversity and variation beyond the cosmos.

The secret to being a genius lies in the method of learning, it is how we process and associate information, that is to say frequencies and vibrations, in our own memories and in our own brains, which is not in reality in what ways with our perceptions and our conceptions of realities, our personality, we organize our brains and our mind, at the level of the conscious and the subconscious, in what way according to our own perceptions and one’s own conceptions, of realities and of the world, one has organized the various and multiple cervical zones, which are in reality only organizations of multiple and various additional dimensions of the cosmos.

The genius is in contact and permanent connection, with the worlds of the dead and the multiple and diverse zones of his brain, between consciousnesses and subconsciousness, which according to his own psychiatric pathologies, his own personality, his own associations of information, frequencies and vibrations, their own beliefs and who has managed to organize their psychological and spiritual vibrational journeys,

The genius is the one who has himself succeeded in organizing the various forms of information and the dead, which are in the form of frequencies and vibrations, even within the various zones of his brain and his mind, each genius to theoretically, its own perceptions and its own conceptions of realities, its own belief systems, its own learning methods and its own associations of information, that is to say frequencies and s vibrations, even within the various areas of his brain and mind, which is in perfect communion and communication with the dead, who are in many other eras and in many other additional dimensions of ‘a cervical and cosmic way, which is between consciousness and subconsciousness.

The perfect Genius is only the ability to exchange information with the dead, which has the forms of the exchange of frequencies and vibrations, within the very interior of brains, minds and the cosmos, within of the brains of geniuses, there are constantly exchanges of information, between the geniuses and the dead, who inhabit and live, in many other eras and in many other additional dimensions of their own brains and the cosmos, in other words, each of the various and multiple additional dimensions is a form of experience, which can allow us to overcome death and welcome us.

Since the beginning of the history of our humanity and our civilization, there have always been beings of extreme intelligence and in contact with the dead, whether in the past, present or future, serious pathological psychiatric illnesses have always existed. , in the past we were in relationship with Beasts and Demons, now with saints, angels, archangels and God, but nowadays we talk about professional skills and we are in relationship with psychopathic organized services of real pro.

Everything is the organization of psychiatric pathological illnesses, both believers and professionals, these are interactions with human and non-human dead, who are on journeys in order to reach us, everything happens between our two ears and among our own organization of the various cerebral and cosmic areas.

But I’ve already told you too much, I invite you to put a like on my video and subscribe to my YouTube channel, if you are interested in me, you can donate the amount of your choice to the secure connection from Tipeee.

I thank you for the things, the most precious in this world, that you have granted me, that is to say your time and your intention.

I wish you all a good day and see you soon.

Kind regards, Ulice the Templar.

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Who am I and what type of content do I produce?

Hello everyone,

I am Ulice the Templar and I offer you texts, videos, YouTube channels and Websites, about what reality and truth is for me, I feel like a person who was born a second time not in the flesh, but in the spirit, I really have the impression of having made a very long journey aboard a spaceship, inside a sleeping box which was in the thawing phase .

I invite you through my YouTube channels and my Websites to follow me, to discover what I have to share with you, I talk about many things, which may interest you, call you into question, alter your perceptions and conceptions that you have yourself about reality, about life, existence, religions, the universe and the Gods.

Why am I on Tipeee?

I am on Tipeee, because I hope from the bottom of my heart to have touched and interested you, to have fascinated you and been enriching, I try to combine my passion and the desire to share my story with you, to that of hoping to earn a little money, I tell myself that I am sharing valuable information with you and that nothing is more expensive than information, things that come from reality and truth that can change the world and our humanity.

I hope that my Websites and my YouTube channels have been enriching for you and have led you to an understanding of what life, existence, religions, the universe and the Gods are.

I thank you in advance for your Gifts, I will make good use of them and always hope to do more for you and lead you to enlightenment.

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Because I like to share what I know, to find meaning in my life and my existence, I always want to do more for you and I need you, so help me and whatever the amount of your Donations, I will make good use of them and I will always create more valuable content.

Maintain courage, hope and above all Faith...

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Kind regards, Ulice the Templar


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Nothing but Reality

and the Truth!!!

Hello everyone,

I hope that you liked my Website and that it was enriching for you, what you take away from it are the messages that I try to share with you and that we have always been in a form of Program, in a Matrix and in an Augmented Virtual Reality.

I now invite you to get to know me and so that I can share with you my memories of my past, so that I can share with you what I learned by waking up and being born a second time in the spirit.

I feel like a person who has taken a very long journey, aboard a spaceship, inside a sleep chamber and who was in the thawing phase.

Know that we all come back from very far away, each with a past that is far from simple, we all come back from hell, from an Ancient End of the World and an Ancient Apocalypse.

And unfortunately history repeats itself, we are in a program, in a matrix and an augmented virtual reality, which is completely computerized and automated, that periodically there are flashbacks and we relive the same things.

For the moment I won't tell you more, but come join me on my various social networks, in order to get to know each other and discover the past of all things. 

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