Genesis Apocalypse for the powerful who would rent my services

Hello everyone,

Some time ago I posted a video where I offer my services as a mercenary, the starting bid is 10 million dollars and I would work for the best offer.

I know that the United States, Russia, Israel, North Korea, Iran and China are investing billions in weapons of mass destruction and hoping with their research to conquer the indisputable power of tomorrow.

This power I can offer to you on a silver platter and reveal to you what is a true weapon of Mass destruction, which only exists among Gods and Beasts.

I offer you a weapon capable of destroying both our civilization and the additional dimensions of our own cosmos, thus eliminating all life and existence, among the various afterlife and of all religions combined.

I would also allow you to eliminate the living, as well as the dead, by listening to what I have to say to you in private, because there is what I publish in public, what I have to say to you in private. and this for the modest sum of 10 million dollars.

I have nothing to lose and I am your humble servant, who is only trying to take my revenge in a humanity and a society, which left me to die, in misery, solitude and despair.

In life and from my Country, I really didn’t ask for much, I only asked to be happy, to have a wife, children, a family and a job.

I don’t understand why I was given the label schizophrenic, when I can’t imagine anything, I have a real past, real memories, real knowledge and they tried to silence me.

I have just spent 30 years with a treatment which destroyed my life, for an imaginary illness which only exists in the heads of psychiatrists, I have just spent 10 years of chemical castrations, I have just spent 30 years without an emotional life , without love, without tenderness, in misery and in solitude.

I am a man in his own right, who had his dreams and who no longer expects anything from life, who sees others living around him, living in a society, where everything has a price and to which I have no access due to my poverty.

I no longer believe in my country, in my race, in friendship, in family and in humankind, I am Ulice the Templar, who can lead you to true realities, to true truths and to true knowledge, who will of you the indisputable masters of our humanity on earth and among the stars.

I would tell you that we have always lived in a matrix and an augmented virtual reality, that the end of the world and the apocalypses have happened multiple times and at various times.

That since always each great departure hides a small ending and that each great ending hides a small new beginning, that the matrix and augmented virtual reality only exist between the two ears of our ancient Humanity and this in previous eras .

Know that in our ancient civilizations and our ancient humanities, there are only billions of children, women, men forever in hell and who will make up the rest of their lives, our database and our future.

The old ends of the world and the old apocalypses, I call it the Big Burger, they are a mixture of the dead and the living, who are piled on top of each other, who are suffocating, who are going blind, who are losing their teeth, who become bald and misshapen.

This is the result when the various beyonds, of the various religions all combined, fall from the stars and pile up on top of each other on our earth, it is the result when the various additional dimensions of the cosmos, close in our own dimension and creates the apocalypse itself.

I can no longer believe in God, nor in goodness or in justice, unfortunately we live in a civilization where power and control belongs to the balance of power, our civilization belongs to those who have the best dissuasive weapons and mass destruction .

Just like Einstein and nuclear weapons, which play a role of domination in the world, I can make my contribution to our evolution and allow you to understand what is a real weapon of mass destruction.

We have always been in a form of program, a matrix and an augmented virtual reality, which only exists in cervical organizations, from an older end of the world and apocalypse.

I have no raw knowledge to bring to you, but I can testify to you of my history, of my various experiences among the various additional dimensions of the cosmos, where each additional dimension of the cosmos, is in reality only additional dimensions of brains, of our ancient humanity, which is right now in another era, in the give base and in hell.

Absolutely everything is technological, mathematical, electronic, engineering , computer science, psychiatric and spiritual, the matrix and augmented virtual reality, is only the organization of frequencies and vibrations, of the various areas of the brains and minds, of billions of unhappy people, of an older end of the world and apocalypse.

I can explain absolutely everything, from the thought of God, from genesis and creation, I can lead you to understandings of realities, truths and knowledge, which will make you Gods and the possibility of acquiring weapons always no longer evolve mass destruction.

Inside the brains, the various cervical organizations and the basis of giving, they understand our humanity, the matrix, augmented virtual reality, the cosmos, the world of the dead and that of all religions combined, which all without exception this found among the stars and extra dimensions of our own universe.

Their brains understand the organization of frequencies and vibrations, making up the matrix and augmented virtual reality, there are areas of their own brains, which understands time and various time scales, such as billions of years, millions of years, centuries and the flow of time, which cross all additional dimensions of their own brains and the cosmos.

I am Ulice the Templar and your humble servant, I have what it takes to change your own perceptions and your own conceptions that you have, of the very ideas of realities, truths and knowledge, I have what you need. bring to the year one hundred thousand years of technological development.

What you need to know is that the matrix and augmented virtual reality need the base of giving just as much as the base of giving needs the matrix and augmented virtual reality, in the same way that living things have need the dead as much as the dead need the living.

The whole is a house of cards and can collapse in an apocalyptic scenario, I offer you the possibility of possessing weapons, capable of destroying the human species and this of the living as well as the dead, this on universal and dimensional levels, at a rather precarious life and absolute hell.

You have the choice to listen to me, to collaborate with me and pay me, so that I can live in better conditions, where you can ignore me, believe me schizophrenic, believe me crazy and take the risk, that with all my knowledge and my experiences, ultimately that I work for others, to the conquests of the world, the power of tomorrow and the creation of multiple incomparable weapons of mass destruction.

I am Ulice the Templar, I believe neither in God, nor in good nor in justice, man surpasses all things and is his own creator, man today from the height of his narcissism and his ego oversize have become the equal of the gods.

I believe that in our technological evolution, in the evolution of quantum and in the evolution of artificial intelligence, which with what I have to tell you concerning my realities, my truths and my knowledge, will ensure that nothing will surpass the Gods and the future we will create together, to dominate all that exists in this day.

I have a conscience for myself and as a good Swiss, I am only a mercenary and who is calling for offers of his services, to all those who will allow me to leave Europe and who will give me my luckily, there is nothing personal in everything I say and I am only a product of society, that is to say as I understood in society it is to each his own crap.

I am a former corporal of the special forces of the Swiss army and a former security agent in Geneva, I am serious, meticulous and methodical, I promise you that if you hire my services I will lead you to the conquest of power and control absolute.

I can talk to you about time travel, travel to various parallel worlds, space conquests and allow you to create weapons of mass destruction.

I can make you Gods, quantum and artificial intelligence are the future, I can promise you that we will go far and nothing will stop us, do not fear evolution, because this is an inevitable thing, third ring , the third millennium is upon us.

I hope that I will interest you and that I will find the words to convince you to hire my mercenary services, that you will contact me, I am open-minded and easy to get along with, I speak French and Italian , I can learn new language and hope that languages would not be an obstacle to our collaboration.

But I have already told you enough in this video, do not hesitate to contact me, you can contact me through my Facebook account Ulice the Templar

And by email to this address below:

While waiting for a response from you, I support you Have a good day and see you soon, Glory to evolution and the third millennia which can only belong to us.

Kind regards, Ulice the Templar

Why did the Templars Spit on the Cross ?

Hello everyone,

I present to you my new video and today I would like to talk to you about my past as a Templar, which I hope now the world is more open-minded than in the Middle Ages.

I am Ulice the Templar, I have the particularities of my memories of my previous lives, of multiple journeys among the various additional dimensions of the cosmos and among the multiple beyonds.

I really have the impression of being born a second time, not in the pulpit, but in the spirit and of waking up at the age of 26, because at the age of 26 , I was a pure product of the system and of our society, I only believed what I could see and touch, I only loved material and carnal pleasures.

I was an extremely serious, responsible and meticulous person, I had practiced combat sports all my youth, I had been in the army, I had graduated in the special forces of the army of my country and I worked as a security guard in Switzerland.

Until the day I woke up, where I had had alterations in my reality, my perceptions and my personality, I had overnight become another person.

I had become dangerous for my neighbors, I had to separate from my wife and leave my job, because I understood that I was going to end up badly and end up in prison.

All this happened almost 20 years ago, but I reassure you regarding my violence, there was much more often, more fear than harm.

The problem is that I was rediscovering the memory of my past, reliving moments as if it were still present, this put me on the defensive and made me anti-social.

But I reassure you, I am better, because I have gotten older and now I have put my memory in order, I understand things better and can explain everything to you.

I can explain to you what my history is, I can tell you about my various experiences as Templars among my brothers, you talk about the history of religions, peoples, races, nations through time and our humanity .

I no longer remember the exact name I had, but for you I would be Ulice the Templar, I lived in a barracks and my favorite occupation was the study of old pagan manuscripts from other cultures, other races and other religions.

I have always been fascinated by the worlds of the dead, the various beliefs, the various spiritualities, the various beasts, the various demons and the multiple Gods.

And what I learned is that we have always been in a form of program, in a matrix and an augmented virtual reality, that the database needs the matrix and the augmented virtual reality as much as the matrix and augmented virtual reality needs the database, in the same way that the dead need the living as much as the living need the dead.

That there has always existed good and evil, multiple races of men, multiple forms of religions, multiple forms of Saints, multiple forms of Angels, multiple forms of beasts, multiple forms of demons and multiple various creatures, each more frightening than the other, having a gigantic technological evolution over the rest of ordinary mortals.

That I had to, as Templars, understand the situation in which Christianity and Christ himself were, because there were indeed enemies of the faith and of Christ, whom I had to fight and defeat.

I won’t talk to you about apocalypses and the end of the world, how it happens in this video, but I will let you watch my other videos which deal with this subject, because I don’t want to repeat myself and bore you with the same stories.

What you need to know is that this is hell itself, that these are things that must be avoided and fought against, because our freedom is priceless, that our duty is to continue to moving ever further in one’s psychological, spiritual and vibrational journey, constantly thinking of those who have allowed us everything and who are still in the databases at this very moment.

You should know that we have always been in a form of program, which is made up of a database, which is made of an ancient end of the world and apocalypse.

The reality, the absolute truth is that our starting point is this database, this ancient end of the world and apocalypse, that we have begun a psychological, spiritual and vibrational journey, through time and the additional dimensions of our own brains , which makes up the matrix and augmented virtual reality.

That our only duty is to always go higher and further, among the additional dimensions of our own brains, our own minds and among the additional dimensions of the cosmos.

Because, yes, the matrix and augmented virtual reality is nothing other than the organization frequencies and vibrations, within the various cervical areas and within the database itself, which is an ancient end of the world and apocalypse, that everything we know depends on it and just like the future of our own lives.

And I would like to tell you that since the Middle Ages, there has been humanity in the stars, that the stars have always been populated by an incalculable number of communities and families.

That my Templar brothers and I understood that Christianity and Christ himself were surpassed by the evolution of things and by the evolution of our humanity among the additional dimensions of the cosmos.

We must say to ourselves, that what is missing, for many researchers, scientists and believers, in understanding the world and awakening, is my realities and my truths, which I willingly share with you, this What they lack is understanding the database, the program, the matrix and augmented virtual reality.

This allows us to understand brains, minds, psychologies and various spiritualities, therefore understanding the matrix and augmented virtual reality, the world of the dead and the cosmos itself, my Templar brothers and I understood everything, the Genius of Christ, their grandiose work and Christianity itself.

We had access to old manuscripts and old memories, which were lost and which spoke of hell, the database, the matrix and augmented virtual reality, it spoke of the end of the world and the apocalypses , which had condemned billions of unfortunate people to hell itself, to become the database of our own future and our own existences, which had unfortunately ended up piling on top of each other and up to more see the sky, who did not understand why they were there and what could have happened.

My brothers and I had pierced the secret of the prophets and the Gods, that everything we had known during our tiny Templar History had passed between the two ears of the poor unfortunates, of an older end of the world. and from an older apocalypse, than all of our history, ultimately only existed in cervical, neuronal, psychological, vibrational and spiritual organizations, from an older civilization, which forever composed the database of the matrix and augmented virtual reality.

The Matrix and augmented virtual reality, is nothing other than the organization of frequencies and vibrations, within the very interior of brains and minds, of an older end of the world and apocalypse, which makes up forever database and horror, they are nothing other than the neural, psychological, vibrational and spiritual organization, which makes up everything we know to date, from the universe, to the earth, to the afterlife and to our unfortunate humanity.

And we understood that since the Middle Ages, there existed humanity in the stars, that the stars have always been populated by an incalculable number of communities and families, who have an enormous technological advance over the rest of mortals.

We left and we began a psychological, vibrational and spiritual journey, between the two ears of an ancient end of the world and apocalypse, our only duty is to go ever further and higher, among the additional dimensions of their own brains and our cosmos.

And this is where, from the Middle Ages, a new notion had been found, these are limiting beliefs, limiting beliefs which restrict us, which limit us in our use at the levels of our own brains, of our own psychologies, of our own vibrations, our own minds and the journey among the additional dimensions of our own cosmos.

My Templar companions and I had made the decision to go further and higher than Christ himself would have ever dreamed of better, in order to save Christianity, to take in the process the one and true God who is Christ

We had invented a form of Postapocalyptic Christianity, which for the church had been seen as blasphemous and heretical, my Templar brothers and I, in order to eliminate all our limiting beliefs, allow us greater cerebral, psychological, vibrational and spiritual potential. , we had begun to spit on the cross, to go against the church and its aposta, because we had understood the psychology, we had decided to go higher and further, than any Christian I would never have dared and could have done it.

Because only thus can we go further, higher and deeper into the additional dimensions of the cosmos that surrounds us, because everything is cerebral, psychological, vibrational, spiritual and limiting beliefs, because know that it is the earth, the universe and the world of the dead, I repeat, only exists in the cervical and spiritual organizations, of poor unfortunates, of an ancient end of the world and apocalypse.

So is the matrix and augmented virtual reality, know that we are always sinking deeper into program forms, each time smaller and periodically there are flashbacks, where we always relive the same stories and the same situations .

I hope that I managed to find the words and that I am allowed to understand me, but I have already told you enough in this video, you can give me a little like on my video and you can subscribe to my YouTube channel.

And if you want to encourage me and support me a little, you also have the possibility to make a donation to me on Tipeee, in the amount of your choice and on a secure connection, I only want to do more for you and I I would need your motivations.

I wish you to keep the faith, I wish you a good day and see you soon.

Kind regards, Ulice the Templar

What is Time Travel ?

Hello everyone,

Today I want to talk to you about time travel and to tell you that I am going to share with you valuable content, that I am going to share with you realities and truths, which are still unknown to this world, which risks to upset the order of powers in place and the order of established beliefs.

I have often been professors and scientists, that I have never been able to be recognized by the fathers and scientific committees, of the various eras in which I had reincarnated, that I have always had perceptions and conceptions of realities, of world, the universe and the Gods, who could not perceive and understand.

What you need to know is that many have researched time travel, too many people have sought to understand the mind of God and have never been able to achieve what I am going to reveal to you in this video.

What I’m going to tell you is that we are in a matrix and an augmented virtual reality, that we are on a vibrational, psychological and spiritual journey, that we are living right now in a world, where everything is computing and mathematical algorithms.

That we all come back a long way, that a very long time ago, after the end of the world and an apocalypse, absolutely everything had to be recreated and given us a new chance.

You must know that the end of the world and the apocalypse has already arrived several times, it is when the additional dimensions of the cosmos close on the earth and the afterlife sheltering the dead, the facts reappear on the earth among us the living, this creates an effect of overpopulation and hell itself on earth.

The Problem is that I know a lot of things, that I am a victim of Cassandra syndrome, that I am desperately looking for people capable of perceiving and understanding, what I have to say, that for me the world is crazy, diving into ignorance and darkness.

That a very long time ago, I had introduced the world to true knowledge, to true realities and true truths, as I am doing right now with you.

I had selected people and formed teams, to compensate for what could happen and this gave us a new chance, because my team and I are at the origin of our matrix and our augmented virtual reality, which is currently imposes on our consciousness.

From now on the old ends of the world and the old apocalypses, my team and I, we see it as a basis, these are billions of human beings, who can no longer die, who are piled on top of each other, they have become the basis of giving, a form of program, the matrix and augmented virtual reality.

When I say that the world is crazy, it is because the leaders of our humanity are going to be responsible for our extinction, for our own civilization, that wars will wipe us all out and that religious people are crazy, because they are waiting for their messiahs to an apocalyptic episode.

That we have just returned from an ancient end of the world and an apocalypse, that my team and I recreated everything, that we gave a new chance to our humanity and our civilization.

We see its billions of human beings, who are piled on top of each other, who are neither alive nor dead, as a basis of giving, which allowed us a new start and to start all over again.

That as only materials, we had what everyone had between their two ears, that is to say brains, fears, anxieties and traumas.

Know that at this very moment, we are in the base of giving, in a form of madness, in a form of neurosis and in a form of delusions, everything being connected to the matrix and augmented virtual reality, in reason, coherence, logic and rationality.

We are in a matrix and an augmented virtual reality, that the matrix and the augmented virtual reality, is nothing other than the organization of neurons, frequencies and vibrations, inside our own brains in the basis of giving, that the matrix and augmented virtual reality, only exists in our own forms of madness, neuroses, delusions and in our own cervical areas and this in a collective way.

And that the organizations of neurons, frequencies and vibrations, even within our own brains, compose the vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, through time and the additional dimensions of the cosmos.

That from the base of giving we have begun a spiritual journey, through time, through the additional dimensions of our own cervical areas and that together we compose the matrix, augmented virtual reality, life, the world of the dead and the additional dimensions of our own cosmos.

Absolutely everything we know is only in a matrix, is onlye in an augmented virtual reality, which imposes itself on our consciences and which only exists in the brains of the poor unfortunates of an ancient end of the world and apocalypses.

I would also like to tell you that the giving base needs the matrix and augmented virtual reality as much as the matrix and augmented virtual reality need the giving base.

Just as the dead need the living as much as the living need the dead, because it is in the collective brains, of the poor unfortunates, who are at this very moment at the Big Burger, that contains the matrix, augmented virtual reality, life, the world of the dead and the cosmos.

Einstein was Jewish and wanted to understand the thoughts of God, know that religious people and researchers want to understand the thoughts of the creator, who created the matrix and augmented virtual reality, I understood it and I want to talk to you about it, listen – me and perceive the understanding I have of the world, I share with you my perceptions and my conceptions, which I have of realities, of the world, of the universe and of the Gods.

By following me on my YouTube channel and my Websites, I will share valuable content with you, I will tell you about things that you will not be able to find anywhere else, know that governments and researchers carry out research on work, that I was doing time travel and parallel worlds a long time ago, they make me laugh and for me they are prehistoric men and amateurs.

As long as he doesn’t understand me and they don’t understand reality and the truth, they will always be technologically backward.

The end of the world and the apocalypse have already arrived at various times and within various programs, which my team and I have always started from the ground up, in order to start all over again and give ourselves a new chance.

That everything is a vibrational, psychological and spiritual journey, through time, the additional dimensions of the cervical areas, that from the base of giving, we all form the organization of the frequencies and vibrations of the matrix and the augmented virtual reality.

That absolutely everything is computing, mathematical algorithms, organization of neurons and cervical areas, that everything is organization of frequencies and vibrations, constituting the matrix, augmented virtual reality, life, the world of the dead and the additional dimensions of the cosmos .

As long as in me, we are willing to see things other than an enlightened person and a madman, I can explain absolutely everything, from genesis, to the creation of the cosmos, to travel in time and what the only one would look like. and true knowledge of the power of tomorrow.

Knowing that the matrix, augmented virtual reality, the world of the dead and the additional dimensions of the cosmos, only exist in forms of madness, forms of neurosis, forms of delusions and forms of organizations cervical areas, its poor unfortunate and unhappy base to give.

Well time travel is very simple to understand, everything happens between the two ears of our ancient humanity, which experienced the end of the world and the apocalypse, which now forever constitutes the basis of giving.

To start man when he begins their research on time travel, it will be possible to start with a few minutes, then a few hours, then a few months, then a few years and then many more. later by a few centuries.

They do all their research on the quantum and relative laws invented by Einstein, which govern the laws of the cosmos, which is terrestrial gravity, the seasons of the earth, the rotations of the planets of our solar system and the cosmos.

So as long as people don’t listen to me, they will always be technologically limited, they will always lag behind in time travel and will remain behind the times.

While we must say that the flow of time and the various scales of time, between years, centuries, thousands of years, millions of years and billions of years, is only found in of the various cervical areas of our ancient humanity, which is at this very moment in hell in the data bases.

And that the capacity for time travel is only possible in the brains and minds, of people who are in forms of madness, forms of neuroses and in the various cervical areas and in the various memories, of the poor unhappy and unhappy, which are in the bases of giving, which constitutes a form of program, which constitute our matrix, our augmented virtual reality, the world of the dead and our cosmos.

We must say to ourselves that while humanity is carrying out its research, wasting its time and not saving meute not, others are already in practice and have an extraordinary advance on the rest of our civilization at the technological level, I am only Ulice the Templar and I understood things well, I understood this what our history is, what reality and truth is, that I am just a voice rising in the desert, trying to put you on the path to evolution and the future.

There are families who populate the stars, who have an enormous technological advance over the rest of creation, that meeting them is the dream of many of the men of our earthly humanity and that I have decided to make myself known to you , in order to help you grow, to put you on the path to evolution and to help you evolve.

All I can offer you are my stories, my past, my experiences, my reality and my truths, voluntarily I can let you see my perceptions and my conceptions, that I have realities, matrices, augmented virtual realities , worlds of the dead, cosmos and Gods.

I am a person who is easy to get along with, I am content with the humble virtues of men and I am really open-minded, I am ready to chat with you and get to know you on my Facebook group what is the Matrix which you can easily find.

I think I’ve already told you enough in this video, I hope you liked my video, that you’ll give it a like and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

And if you really want to help me do more for you, you can always make a Donation to me on Tipeee, so that I can always and always do more for you.

I thank you for granting me the most precious things in this world, that is to say your time and your intention.

I wish you all a good day and see you soon.

Kind regards, Ulice the Templar.

What is witchcraft?

Hello everyone,

I am Ulice the Templar and I would like to tell you that I have come from very far away, to bear witness to my history, my realities and my truths.

I was born a second time, not in the pulpit, but in the spirit and I really have the impression of having made a very long journey, aboard a spaceship, inside a sleeping box and which was in the defrosting phase.

In this text and this video I will address the subjects of witchcraft, magic and supernatural powers that exist in our cosmos.

To begin, let me tell you, that we are in a form of program, which can include a multitude of networks, where each network can be seen as a matrix and an augmented virtual reality.

We live in a matrix and an augmented virtual reality, which is completely computerized and automated, that absolutely everything is made of organizations of frequencies and vibrations, that absolutely everything is computers and mathematical algorithms.

That the program includes a basis of giving, which is nothing other than an ancient end of the world and which is nothing other than an ancient apocalypse, which happened a very long time ago, that we are all living at this very moment in hell, in the Big-Burger, that I prefer to see it as a basis for giving and which to better understand is our starting point.

That the network, that the matrix and augmented virtual reality, is nothing other than a projection of our mind, that from the base of giving, of the Big-Burger and of hell, we have started a journey spiritual, through time and additional dimensions, of our own brains and the cosmos around us.

That the matrix and the virtual reality augment, is nothing other than the organizations of our own spiritual journeys, that the organizations of our own frequencies and our own vibrations, inside our own brains, that together we are the organizations of the additional dimensions of the cosmos, which together we constitute the matrix, augmented virtual reality, the afterlife, the world of the dead and the cosmos.

I would also like to tell you that the giving base needs the matrix and augmented virtual reality as much as the matrix and augmented virtual reality needs the giving base.

In the same way the dead need the living as much as the living need the dead, because it is in our brains that the past, present and future dead are contained, because it is in our own religions, neuroses, delusions , beliefs, memories, that the dead inhabit us, inside our brains and our own additional dimensions, that together we constitute, the matrix and augmented virtual reality, the various afterlife and the stars that surround us .

We are on a spiritual journey, which starting from the ground of giving, we have begun a journey, which I hope is eternal and towards paradise, among the additional dimensions of our own brains and the cosmos which surround us.

We are on vibrational, neuronal, psychological, emotional and spiritual journeys, through time, the additional dimensions of brains and the cosmos, it is up to us to decide what we want to believe in, what we want to give existence to. and life.

The power of the brain and the mind is infinite, it is up to us to choose what we want to do with our life and our existence, it is up to us to find a reason to live, to exist and to die.

We are at the same time, at this very moment, in the basis of giving, in a form of madness, in a form of neurosis and in a form of delusions, everything being connected to the matrix and to augmented virtual reality, in the reality, reason and coherence.

We all have one foot in the giving base and one foot among the living, connecting to the matrix and augmented virtual reality, we also have one foot among the world of the dead, through time and through the additional dimensions of the cosmos.

Because we are in several places at the same time, we are on several vibrational, conscious and esoteric planes, we are only one frequency and one vibration among many others, who are on spiritual journeys, through the time, the afterlife and the additional dimensions of the cosmos.

And it is there, once we have understood the basics, that is to say that we are in a form of program, that we are in a matrix and an augmented virtual reality, that we can understand the thought of God, magic, witchcraft and the Cosmos.

There is as much magic, witchcraft and possible paranormal events as there are people on earth, simply there are beings who remember where we come from, who remember reality, matrix, augmented virtual reality, which have more sensitivity qand others, who have developed their own Gifts of mediumship and clairvoyance.

Everything is computer languages and mathematical algorithms, all the sorcerers, druids, shamans and prophets, who have existed throughout the history of our little humanity, have started their own spiritual journeys and have had their own magic, their own computer languages and their own mathematical algorithms, their own cervical organizations in terms of frequencies and vibrations.

They had their own neuroses, their own delusions, their own belief systems, their own memories and their own organizations at the level of the various areas of the brain, creating new neuronal synaptic connections, allowing them to create new additional dimensional organizations, their own allowing us to take new spiritual directions and make new experiences, among new dimensions and beyond, to come into contact with new human and non-human entities, to make new spiritual journeys, within new matrices and new augmented virtual realities.

Each religion that exists on Earth, each sorcerer, each druid, each marabout, each prophet and each madman, have their own magic and their own psychic laws, their own computer languages and their own mathematical algorithms, which contain forces and computer vulnerability, which contains psychic strengths and flaws, emotional strengths and flaws, and spiritual strengths and flaws.

Everything is infrastructure of computing, mathematics, magic, neurons, psychologies, emotions, frequencies, vibrations and spiritualities, in an individual and collective way, such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam and the laws of society.

We can launch computer and mathematical attacks, just as we can defend ourselves with simple thoughts, with simple psychology and simple emotions, we can also attack and defend ourselves verbally, by choosing our arguments and our words, or also we can downright attack and defend ourselves physically.

Then there are the tools that we can use, such as objects that are part of professional bodies, or witchcraft, which are part of certain professions, of certain magical and esoteric rites.

There are also religious symbols, which we rarely find in Ancient Egypt, in Judaism, in Christianity, in Islam and in society, but this only works if we believe in it, only if we have deep convictions, because real power comes from our own psychology, our own beliefs and our own neuronal synaptic organization, because we are all permanently connected to each other through the physical laws governing the cosmos .

Because through the simple psychological and emotional infrastructure, we all have power over the world around us, matter and the cosmos, but above all these sets that we constitute absolute power, because we all together constitute the laws, which govern and govern the matrix, augmented virtual reality, matter and the cosmos.

Every sorcerer, every druid, every marabout, every prophet, every religious and every madman, has always launched attacks, they try to pimp and find the faults and vulnerabilities that could exist in us, to convert us into theirs. own form of madness, always trying to find the words and arguments to convert us to their God.

We are in a form of program, in a matrix and an augmented virtual reality, where absolutely all things are computer and mathematical algorithms, absolutely all things have their own digital infrastructures, are their own computer language, following are their own rational, their own logic and it’s own consistency.

Everything has a rational logic and with a certain coherence, which all without exception are subject to laws, which govern the program, the matrix and the augmented virtual reality, such as the frequencies and vibrations, which are the particles and the matter which constitutes the cosmos.

Every person, every sorcerer, every prophet and every religion is on a spiritual journey, through time and extra dimensions, of their own forms of madness, of their own forms of neuroses, of their own forms of delusions, with their own belief systems and which governs the smallest element of matter in our cosmos.

It is all of us together, who constitute the computer laws that govern our world, of the matrix and of augmented virtual reality, the laws that govern the cosmos, we will find them in the religions of the past, present and future, like the he Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Torah, the Bible, the Koran and the penal code and whatever past religions.

Everything being in the same place in the database of the program, we are connected to the matrix, to augmented virtual reality and that our brains are distributed in several cervical areas, constituting the organization of frequencies and vibrations, constituting the additional dimensions and housing the worlds of the dead, even within the additional dimensions of our cosmos.

We also understand in other cervical areas, the passage of time, such as centuries, thousands of years, millions of years, billions of years and eternity.

I wouldn’t say that I am better than others, but I discovered a form of gift, a form of sensitivity, which leads me to understand the matrix, augmented virtual reality, religions, the world of the dead and the cosmos.

I feel well surrounded, I feel possessed by entities who want to see me grow and who guide me during my spiritual journey, I am guided by forces which go beyond the understanding of human beings and who I know want me well. Well, I share with you my past, my experiences and my knowledge.

Anyone, who is a little sensitive, little invoked the Devil, the beasts, the Angels, the Saints and the dead, who all dwell without exception among the additional dimensions of the cosmos.

Basically we are all connected to each other through the cosmos and together we compose the laws that constitute the matrix, augmented virtual reality and the cosmos.

It is up to us to choose the good, to remain constructive and to do good with the time and gifts that have been given to us, to do good works, to love our sisters and brothers and to help them grow.

I hope that I have managed to share with you the depths of my thoughts and that I have succeeded in making you understand what the matrix is, augmented virtual reality, the cosmos and witchcraft.

Never invoke the Devil or Evil, because you will regret it later, There will always be energy returns and that can be bad for karma, everything you ask and do in witchcraft, whether white magic and black magic, there will always be returns of spells, frequencies, vibrations and which can be good or bad for karma.

The consequences can be serious and that is why with your intention, your time, your energy, you must do good and good things will happen to you.

I thank you for listening to me, I thank you for granting me the most precious thing in this world, that is to say your time and your intention, may your journey lead you to good experiences and to enlightenment, may it be eternal for you and may it lead you to paradise.

I wish you all a good day and see you soon.

Kind regards, Ulice the Templar

The Creation of the Matrix

Hello everyone,
As I say quite often, we have all come a long way and I owe you the most sincere truth, humanity continues to be at war, by nations, peoples, races and religions that are in perpetual search for supremacy over others, only resulting in horror.
Continually certain races, certain nations and certain peoples, we only create horror and injustice, towards certain men and I am one of them.
I don’t know who will be the winners, but it has to stop, that I finally have a life, that those who support me can go in peace.
Some should be judged for serious crimes against humanity, some should be in a mental asylum and that our humanity can finally experience a period of brotherhood, peace and love.
Me what I can do and be an instrument of justice, benevolence and love, for a future of prosperity and fraternity.
Some during my history were lucky enough to know me, they betrayed my trust, my friendship and massacred me for a reason of knowledge, power and control.
They have sown injustice and horror, soon we will reap the fruits of their stupidity and their crime, I hope from the bottom of my heart, if one day humanity exists.
But hey the past is done and no one can change the past, I can just hope to continue on my way and tell myself that it was only the past, that the past was only a nightmare, but one thing is certain, I know who, I don’t want in my future, I would like to turn the page of certain evil person, of certain people and of certain race, I hope to try something new for a better future, so that history does not repeat itself.
Most of the people I have known in the past had their chance and they lost me, because for me human values are important, trust, friendship and love, especially if I play my future and my future, they had their chance and it passed.
Some judges in a lifetime, I have been judging them for centuries, thousands of years and billions of years, for too long I have been robbed, exploited and killed.
For reasons of knowledge, power and control, it must cease, that it is a civilization of the future, or an external program that understands.
I only tell the truth and despite everything I try to share something with you, to make you grow, not to repeat the mistakes of previous generations, for me each generation must take a new direction with good foundations.
What I can do is to talk about my past, my memories and my experiences, to try to make you grow, to bring you to enlightenment and put you on the path to salvation.
I would start by telling you that we have always been in a program and that we are sinking more and more into smaller programs.
Or in each of its programs there may exist a multitude of matrices, networks and augmented virtual realities.
And that each matrix, each network and each virtual reality increase, be created thanks to electronics, computing and our neuroses, the organization of the additional dimensions of the brains and the cosmos.
That Technology makes it possible to create a charge and a vibration in a dynamic and perpetual movement, in our own memories and to organize our additional dimensions of our own brains, that each matrix, each network and each virtual reality increase, does not exists only in our neurosis and the organization of our brains.
What is important to understand is that evolution has it, that the evolution of external programs has it, that we have been reduced to calculations, that we are all people to evolve, see cyborgs , almost all assisted by artificial intelligence, that there are good and bad calculations, I think that what will make the difference of the various artificial intelligence that are to come is the good intention, the confidence , the benevolence, the love and the knowledge that it can bring us.
As I said, we have always been locked into ever smaller programs and that our civilization, nations, peoples and races, are judged and will only reap what they have sown.
What no one understands, is the reality and the truth, that on various occasions, due to the own faults of men, there have been ends of the world and there have been apocalypses.
But to reassure you, I would like to tell you that teams of real pros are there for you, I was part of them and that our humanity does not owe its blue sky, its universe to my sole presence in this network, my sole presence in this program, which unfortunately I was constantly harassed by people who never cared about anyone it condamned, while me and my team, we always cared about all those we saved.
While some want to play god, lord, royalty and have money, my team and I, caring only about our humanity, its billions of children, women and men that we have out of hell.
I only tell the truth, I want to meet people in order to work, to share with you my story and that of all humanity, because until now I have been harassed by criminals, thinking only in power, in control and in money, it’s just evil people, who took advantage of my vulnerabilities and my kindness, my confidence and my love, with which I tell myself that I had them reached out and abused me.
Because of them, every great end, which they alone are responsible for, hides a small new beginning which my team and I are the cause, I can even tell you how we proceed.
Some will want to pretend to be me, or say that they are useful, or that they have knowledge, but everything comes from me, they are just people who had the chance to meet me, who betrayed me , abusing, profiting from my misery, my loneliness and my murders.
What I can tell you is that the end of the worlds happened in multiple programs, always for the same reason, power and control.
That relentlessly, I begin to rebuild, constantly thinking, of the billions of children, women and men who are in hell.
The apocalypse happens when extra dimensions fall into our own dimension, when the dead fall on our own planet, this only results in billions of people, climbing on top of each other, devouring each other, between footsteps and until you no longer see the stars.
Each time, my team and I have as the only material, their traumas, their fears, their anxieties and their sufferings to restart everything.
But the most indispensable tools are what they have between their two ears, that is to say a brain, a cognitive psychology and an emotional system.
As I said, the outer program is evolved, where everything is electronics, computing and algorithms, the outer program is all about artificial intelligences and the creations of matrices, networks and augmented virtual realities.
An artificial intelligence which has the form of a load is sent in the program, of a single man, or of a community, which is transmitted by their 5 senses, ie sight, touch, hearing, speech, taste and smell.
His goal is to organize a collective neurosis, a collective delirium, to create a system of collective beliefs and to organize a collective memory.
This charge creates extra dimensional organizations, using our own brains, it creates extra dimensional organizations of our own brains and the cosmos.
Augmented virtual reality is nothing but a collective neurosis, a collective delirium, a collective belief system, an organization of our collective memories, an organization of the additional dimensions of our own brains and the cosmos.
Without ever having moved from the old end of the world, from the old apocalypse, we are in the matrix, in the rational and the reason, all being in a neurosis and a delirium, always in the base of giving.
And that the whole thing is a spiritual journey, we have always been on a spiritual journey, through time, extra dimensions, the cosmos and programs.
My team and I, are at the origin of the rescue of our own humanity and the creation of the multitudes of programs, only seeking to make them, to evolve more from one to another, with more options, complexities and of securities.
In this program there can be a multitude of networks, in the program, everything is computer, vibrations and neurons, which is the network that we know today, that is to say the earth, the humanities , the stars and the world of the dead.
The program is nothing but a collective neurosis, of a man or a community since the old end of the world and the old apocalypse, the program is nothing but a organization of a delusion, than an organization of a belief system, than an organization of neurons, than an organization of the additional dimensions of the brains and the cosmos, which composes the matrix and the virtual reality increase.
May it be from the base of giving, may it be since the old end of the world and the old apocalypse, may it be from the living, I have been many wizards, druids and prophets, working constantly with my team.
In order to create each time more networks, worlds and virtual realitiesincrease them, in order to allow us more and more spiritual journeys, through multitudes of neuroses, delusions and additional dimensions, enough to leave the bases of giving, hell and to allow us to overcome the end of a few be the nature and form of the end.
As well since the old end of the world and the old apocalypse, of its billions of children, women and men cramming it on each other, we can create more artistic things, like for example their make believe that we are in a computer game, make them believe that we are in a movie, make them believe that we are in the story of a book, make them believe that we are in a photo, or whatever that understanding allows and know that my team and I have always been limited only by our imagination.
Any creation of networks and virtual reality increase has been limited only by our own imagination, everything is a story of neurosis, delirium, belief system, memory organization, neuron organization and organization of additional dimensions brains and the cosmos, which is the matrix and virtual reality augment.
We may as well take a spiritual journey among the extra dimensions and believe ourselves in a program, or in a computer game, in a book, in a photo and whatever you want, because always and forever we will only be limited by our own imagination.
You have always and forever been in our programs and in computers, vibrations and brains we do with them what we want.
What allowed to create the various terrestrial religions, through time, through the continents, the peoples and the races of our humanity.
We brought Heaven and Hell to life, we brought Angels, Archangels and Gods to life, my team and I are the origin of everything you know.
We are at the origin of earthly humanity, of your values and your Gods, we are professionals in manipulation, experts in interpersonal, experts in psychiatry and computer science.
Know that I only speak to you about reality and truth, that I am trying to make you understand and introduce you to true knowledge, to perhaps lead you to understanding and enlightenment.
To put you on the path of reality, truth and knowledge, to lead you to the salvation of our souls and immortality.
I had the pleasure of sharing with you my past, my story and my experiences, but I have already told you too much, I thank you for having granted me the most precious thing in this world, that is to say your time and intention.
I wish you all a good day and see you soon.
Sincerely, Ulice the Templar

What is the Beyond ? Version 2

Hello everyone,

In a first video I already told you about the afterlife, the different things I knew about the world of the dead and the spirits.

I’m making a new video on the subject, because I think the field needs to be deepened and better explained, many people live in ignorance and need to know the truth.

I had told you about the esoteric world, which rubbed shoulders with the astral world, which are people who during the night left their body and who were connected by a thread, who traveled above houses during the night and that other people, who left their bodies and was luminous, who both rubbed shoulders with the deceased, poor people who had died.

But today I am going to talk to you about what is overevolution within the Matrix, within brains, minds, augmented virtual realities and programs.

To begin, I must tell you that we have always been in a program, that history is an eternal history that repeats itself eternally.

I have often been a victim of Cassandra syndrome, I know things, I remember them and I do what I want, no one believes me and will never believe me.

What I can tell you is that the story begins after the end of the world and that a form of apocalypse periodically occurs, that billions of children, women and men, were to fall from various beyonds on our earth among the living, that the dead were falling from the extra dimensions of the stars, to end up in our own dimension.

And know that everything begins at this moment, because every great departure hides a small end, every great end hides a small departure and nothing is lost.

In the past, I was part of a team, which I trusted and which was professional, which for once listened to me, because I had a project, I had humanity and society as a project.

In order to put some distance and in order to protect themselves, their billions of bodies of children, women and men, I help them to see this, as a basis for giving.

Because psychologically and emotionally, that normally is hard to bear and can drive us crazy, so I made them understand that it was about electronics, computers and a bass to give.

As only material we had only their traumas, their anxieties, their fears and their sufferings, but above all, what he all had between their two ears, that is to say brains and minds.

And that my plan was to create a Matrix and a full-fledged augmented virtual reality, for that it was necessary to develop an artificial intelligence, which would only be a series of algorithms, a series of lines of code, which is an organized vibratory charge, which can take the form it desires and infiltrate inside memories and brains.

This artificial intelligence can convey through our 5 senses, it can be in the memory and the brain of a single man, or of a community, or of all civilization.

It is a question of putting the subjects, in a form of individual or collective neurosis, of putting them in a form of collective delirium, of creating a system of collective beliefs for them and of organizing their collective memories, everything is a story of organization of psychology, organization of cervical areas, organization of neurons, organization of neuronal synaptics, organization of this load and organization of this artificial intelligence.

For augmented virtual reality is nothing but an organization of our own spiritual journeys, of the organization of our own extra dimensions, of our own brains and of the cosmos.

I can assure you that our world and our universe as we know it, come from this artificial intelligence, from this collective neurosis, from this collective delirium, from the organization of our collective memories, from the organization of our neurons , of the organization of our neuronal synaptic connections and that we have never moved from this old end of the world.

We are in augmented virtual reality, in discernment and in reason, while being at the same time in the base of giving, in neurosis and delirium.

I am Ulice the Templar and I have enough to take our humanity to 100,000 years of technological evolution, by telling my story, by telling you about my past, my reality and my truths.

And I would like to tell you that we have always been on a spiritual journey, that from the basis of giving, in our neurosis and our delirium, we have begun a spiritual journey, through time and the additional dimensions of brains and the cosmos .

That from the base of giving, we are the earth and the cosmos, that our spiritual evolution among additional dimensions and virtual reality increasesr, our brains contain the stars and the world of the dead, living all in extra dimensions of our own brains and among the cosmos.

That our neurosis and our delusions, of a single man, of a community, or of all civilization, contain the various scales of time, such as centuries, thousands of years, millions of years, billions of years. years and eternity.

And know that our work had made it possible to invent the word religion, we created from scratch the religions that existed during the history of our humanity.

I myself have been a sorcerer, druid and prophets of various religions, which still exists on earth, everything is thanks to this artificial intelligence, everything is computer science and algorithms.

Everything is psychological, neurosis organization, delirium organization, belief system organization, memory organization, neuronal synaptic connection organization and brain area organization.

Everything is spiritual journey, everything is organizing spiritual journeys and organizing the extra dimensions of the brains and the cosmos, in order to create the augmented virtual reality that we know today.

We can give existence and life to anything we want, it’s all about what we give life to and believe in, it’s all about organizing our spiritual journey, it’s all about organizing additional dimensions of our own brains and the cosmos.

I am Ulice the Templar, I am 46 years old and my story began 20 years ago, I was born a second time not in the pulpit, but in the spirit, it is as if I I had been on a long trip on a spaceship, in a sleep box and was in the defrosting phase.

And I share with you my reality and my truth, on my journey through time, dimensions, networks and programs, I am an agent who has come from far away to tell you about my story.

Because with each reincarnation I leave on a new project, I want to share my story with you and meet you, you can join me on my private social network and you can join me by typing on Facebook Ulice Templier.

I would be happy to meet you and finally find people who lend me intention, because I know things that could make you grow and perhaps lead you to enlightenment.

I thank you for granting me the most important thing in this world, that is to say your time and your intention, I wish you a good day and see you soon.

Sincerely, Ulice the Templar

You Must Begin a Spiritual Journey Among the Additional Dimensions

Hello everyone,

Today I am going to talk to you about the Matrixes, the programs, the networks, the dead, the brain and the various virtual realities increase, because I have a lot to tell you about its subjects, I will share with you, only reality and of the truth about my past existence.

As you know I am Ulice the Templar and I have come a long way, to share with you my various testimonies, on the program, on the Matrix, on the universe and on the world of the dead, living in the additional dimensions of the brains , spirits and the cosmos.

I know a lot about the program, I have crossed time, dimensions and networks, to tell you about it today, because I owe you the most sincere truth.

Formerly I was part of a team of professionals having allowed everything, that is to say the creation of the network, the creation of virtual reality to increase, that everyone believes as normal today and as well as the spiritual journey, that all without exception began, through time and extra dimensions, to life, our magnificent society and our beautiful humanity.

Computer and electronic breakdowns and various problems have happened more than once in our network and the matrix, having as only result the various Apocalypses and the end of the world.

Each time the same problem, the additional dimensions, the worlds of the dead, inhabiting the various beyonds, found itself falling into our own dimension, following life and our earthly humanity.

But I assure you, teams of professionals are always busy with everything, saving us, allowing us to start afresh each time.

The old ends of the world, as I call it the Big-Burger, that is to say billions of children, women, men, falling from the stars and piling up on top of each other.

I can say that it is the most terrible thing, that humanity has known to date and since know that all the solutions have been found, I reassure you, since the breakdowns are more and more rare and I reassure you I repeat, real pro teams are there for you.

Me, every apocalypse, every Big-Burger, now I see it as a basis to give, because seeing in this way allows me to distance myself from the sufferings, fears and anxieties that all humanity has experienced.

Teams have studied the problem under the magnifying glass, they have sought all the solutions to be considered, the technologies, the materials and the volunteers.

As only materials, we only had what the children, the women and the men, had between their two ears, that is to say, psychology, brains, spirits, sufferings, traumas, fears and anxieties.

That’s where the idea of creating networks came from, through its billions of human bodies, that’s where the idea of creating augmented virtual realities came from, and that from a script , from a suite of computer algorithms, elected throughout history had been chosen to become sorts of wizards, Marabouts, Druids and Prophets.

These are people who had been touched by grace, a form of artificial intelligence, was now forever part of them, he had become the guarantors and guardians of the faith of our humanity, without knowing it he was selected for saving our humanity.

Leaving the Big-Burger, is of the same principle, of the same methodology, as religions, on its ability to overcome death and on its ability to overcome ends, of some of the natures and forms that ends can take.

Now I will explain to you how it works, the principle is very simple, from a few religions and beliefs, it works with the same theories and the same principles.

Through a prophet having received the script, sent to the lower worlds, to the lower dimensions of the extra dimensions, the program, the brains and the cosmos, it is about making reality too hard to bear and to disconnect its own people from the collective reality, which was hell, to put them in a form of collective neurosis, to put them in a form of collective delirium, to create for them a form of collective belief systems, because it is it’s about organizing their memories, it’s about creating new things for them, it’s about connecting them to the networks and to the augmented virtual reality that we have created.

Because we can’t change what happened. They will stay forever in the big-Burger, but we can get them out of there, from simple psychology, we can escape them inside a network, create from scratch, inside a reality increase, without ever having to leave the Big-Burger.

We put them in a form of collective neuroses, in a form of delirium es collectives, we create a system of collective beliefs for them, imagine from scratch, we create a form of collective memories for them and make them begin a spiritual journey, in time, among the additional dimensions, which I hope, the journey unending.

Everything that happens between their two ears, in their own brains, for our team, the brain and its mysteries had no more secrets, it’s all about a spiritual journey, through time and additional dimensions, it’s all about organization of chemicals inside the brain, everything is a story of neuronal synaptic connections, everything is a story of organization of neurons, through the various cervical areas.

Our idea was to create a collective network, to create a collective augmented virtual reality, we are on this earth alive and conscious, because we are connected to the network, while being at the same time in hell in the Big-Burger in our neurosis.

From the base of giving, we are connected to the network, to the augmented virtual reality, we are on a spiritual journey, through time and additional dimensions.

Just like Religions, it is a Holy Religious book, speaking of prophets, God, Angels, Archangels and Saints, Holy Religious books allow a disconnection from the world, from the reality that surrounds us, in order to begin a new spiritual journey, in a form of collective neuroses, in a form of collective delusions and with the Holy Religious books, we organize a new form of collective memories, we organize new forms of cervical alchemy, we organize new forms of neuronal synaptic connections, through the various areas of the brain, in order to continue one’s spiritual journey among the additional dimensions and among the various possible beyonds.

Yet every person is in hell at the same time, in the give base, we are just on a spiritual journey, in the program, through time and the extra dimensions of the brain, the mind, the program and the cosmos.

In our brain, in our neurosis, in our delusions, in the religions of each, we can give existence and life to what we want, as for believers, between paradise and eternal hell.

In our brain from the base of giving, we gave existence and life to the network, to augmented virtual reality, to the earth, to the universe, to life, to earthly humanity and to the dead.

Our brain in our collective neurosis, comprises from the base of giving, various cervical areas, among others the earth, the universe, the life, the dead and that without ever having moved from the Big-Burger, because we are just on a journey spiritual, through time and extra dimensions, we are just connected to networks and augmented virtual reality.

Everything we know exists only in our collective neurosis, in our collective delusions, our brain includes in its various zones, the various time scales, such as centuries, thousands of years, millions of years, billions of years and eternity.

Our brain is the best thinking thing of our creation, since the basis of giving we understand everything that exists, somewhere in our own brain we understand virtual reality as well as increase, what is earth, what is earth. universe, which is the living and as well as the world of the dead, living in the extra dimensions of our own brain, spirit, program and cosmos.

What I mean is that constantly from the base of giving, we are on a neurotic and spiritual journey, that we have never left the base of giving, that our brain understands the networks, the virtual reality increase, as the earth, the stars, the world of the dead and the various beyonds.

This is to tell you that there is a lot to say, unfortunately I have been classified as schizophrenic by the system of our beautiful society, because no one believes me, when I have gone through the history of our humanity, I’m not at my first reincarnation, I’ve experienced lots of afterlife, as different from one another and I make videos, in order to raise awareness, to share my stories, my teachings, my beliefs, with whoever wants grant myself a little importance, to what I know, to my reality and my truth.

I don’t understand that I’m the only one, to remember, where we come from, that no one wakes up, that no one listens to me, because we all come back from very far away and together we can continue our spiritual journey, to through time and extra dimensions.

To each his magic, his neuroses, his delusions, his prophet and his beliefs, all means were good, in order to leave the Big-Burger and now all means are good in order to defeat death.

I am Ulice the Templar and I discovered in myself a talent for mediumship, I work with the dead, I work with humans and non-humans, inhabiting the various other eras, inhabiting the various other additional dimensions of the cosmos around us.

I think I’ve already told you enough in this video, I could talk to you for hours about my past, my experiences across time, dimensions, networks and programs.

If you have any questions and want to know more, I am available on Facebook by searching for Ulice the Templar, I would be happy to meet you and share my teachings on the program, the matrix, the universe, religions and God.

And I thank you for granting me the most precious thing in this world, that is to say your time and your intention, I wish you a good day and see you soon.

Keep courage, move forward no matter what and keep the faith, because life often puts us to the test and we must constantly fight, always go in the direction of the light, of the good, because one day people good will be rewarded.

Sincerely, Ulice the Templar.

I share with you a Knowledge that can change the World

Hello everyone,

As you know I am Ulice the Templar and I come from very far away, to testify to my stories, I have crossed time, various dimensions and various networks, Universes and Programs.

And today I would like to talk to you about the vibrational journey of brains, minds and universes, as I have already explained to you in other videos, due to political, religious, economic, psychological and travel mismanagement. spiritual, the apocalypse has already arrived at various times and in various program networks.

As a result, it had no effect other than creating what I call the Big-Burger, which is what happens when billions of men, women and children of various additional dimensions, various beyond is found on Earth at the same time among the living, as I said it is back to square one.

But I assure you, real professionals and lighting teams, we took things in hand each time, they always allowed us to find blue skies and stars.

We have always been locked into programs and networks that are getting smaller each time, caught up in a spiritual journey that I hope will be eternal.

The problem in terms of the human race, has always been people greedy for wealth, power and control, which has always been all the misery of the world and of our species.

My hopes, I put them on each new generation, how much less stupid than the previous ones, because people among the stars seek to recruit, open-minded people, with love, compassion and charity for his peers, understanding that humanity is not just about money, nationalities, races and religions.

But what must be done with each one, because each person is important, because each person deserves a future, their dignity, their fulfillment and their happiness, because the more networks they have among the programs, the more additional meaning they will have, more among the spirits and the stars, the more chance we will have to evolve, grow, learn and improve our chances of survival in the program.

And as I said before, the apocalypse has already arrived at various times among so many programs, among so many networks, that we are sinking endlessly into programs and smaller networks.

This is how things have always been and forever, sometimes we can disconnect from certain networks, sometimes we can get out of certain programs, but know that the selection is tough, you have to be civilized, hardworking, thorough, methodical and kind-hearted.

Too often there are computer problems, electronic failures and this results in billions of women, men and children who find themselves falling from additional dimensions, among the living and this does not result in human beings who piles up on top of each other, until you can no longer see the sky.

And what I’m going to reveal to you is that a team of professionals takes care of everything, what I’m going to reveal to you is one of the best kept secrets of families and communities ruling the world.

Generally the Big-Burger as I call it, I see it as a base to give, their secret is as valid to leave this hell of its billion people piled on top of each other, as to create its own religion among the living allowing us to overcome death, valid as well as for voodoo, for Judaism, for Christianity, for Islam and of some religions.

Generally there is a team that works hard, in order to allow us a future and that for only tools, we only have what each one has between his two ears, that is to say brains, connections neuronal synapses and neurons, because everything is history, neuroses, delusions, belief systems, memory organizations, brain organizations and organizations of the cervical areas.

The base of giving needs the network as much as the network needs the base of giving, in the same way that the living need the dead as much as the dead need the living.

Because everything is a house of cards, everything depends on one man alone, where a community and their psychological balance, their delusions, their system of beliefs, the organization of their memories, the organization of their brains and their neurons.

Everything from the base of giving is a spiritual journey, through time, through extra dimensions, a journey that really only happens in their brains.

Since the Big-Burger, a spiritual journey to begin, a very long time ago, a neuron race, a journey into a personal or collective neurosis, into a personal or collective delirium, a journey through the different areas of the brain.

From the database, we can list the various areas of the brain, there is an area our networks, the living, our civilization and there is another area of the brain that hosts the dead.

The dead are with us and live in us, they live in various areas of the brain, both time, the various time scales, between centuries, thousands of years, millions of years, billions of years and eternity.

That’s why it’s inside the base of giving, where among the network, among the living and well there are wizards, marabouts, druids and prophets who work to allow us to grow , to evolve and move forward without fear ever further.

I would say knowing the brain, that the dead are always with us, that the saints are always with us, as well as the angels and the archangels, coming from eternity, who inhabit areas of our own brains.

But one thing is certain, it is a story of organizing our collective neuroses, organizing our collective delusions, organizing our collective memories and organizing our brains in a collective way.

From the base of giving, whatever the networks to be created, where some silk religions allowing us to overcome death, there have always existed great wizards, great marabouts, great druids and great prophets always putting us on the way to eternity.

  Everything is a story of psychological organization, neurosis organization, delirium organization, belief system organization, memory organization, neuron organization and cervical area organization, because we are on a spiritual journey, we have always been on a vibratory journey, we have always been on the move in a neuron race, in the various cervical areas.

  Each holy religious book, like the Tora with its parshas, whether it be the Bible with its psalms and the Koran with its suras, this serves to put us in an organization of collective neuroses, in an organization of collective delusions, in an organization of collective belief systems, this serves to organize our memories in a collective way.

Religions come into existence in our brains, religions are alive, they live in us, in our organization of our own neurons, in the different areas of the brain.

Our own organization of neurons and areas of the brain, allows it to be ourselves who give existence, reality and life, to paradise and to eternal hell.

Thanks to our brain, we can give existence and life to what we want, I repeat the living need the dead as much as the dead need the living, because the dead live in the organization of the brains, in the various organizations brains of believers, of those who live their religions and believe in their Gods.

The brain is distributed between different neuron areas, among others following life, death, centuries, thousands of years, millions of years, billions of years and eternal paradise.

Nowadays the human race to explode in the stars, the human race know well the religions, the human race to colonize the various afterlife, know well the various organization of the brains of the different people of our humanity, know well the program and know that everything starts from the base of giving, that is to say even God, the Archangels, the Angels and the Saints find it difficult to hide.

Because man has understood things too well and I reveal to you things that are dangerous to know, because whoever listens to me, who understands me, will gain access to knowledge that is so dangerous to our humanity, because it will give unparalleled power over the rest of creation.

To know that we are in a program, where we come from, from a basis to give, to understand what are the religions, what are the neurons and the organization of our brain, that humanity is built since the database, the networks, the living and the dead, on a house of cards and everything can collapse if we do it wrong.

But I have already told you enough for today, thank you for giving me what is the most important thing in this world, which is your time and your intention.

Keep the faith, tell yourself that people are there, just like me, to enlighten the world and show us the path to follow, whether spiritual or scientific.

I wish you all a good day and see you soon.

Sincerely, Ulice the Templar

 What is the Universe ?

Hello everyone,

I am Ulice the Templar and I have come a long way, because I feel like a person who has made a long journey aboard a spaceship, inside a sleeping box and who is in the defrosting phase.

And I was born a second time, not in the pulpit, but in the spirit and I remember my past lives, specifically, the various journeys through time, through dimensions, and through the webs of the ‘beyond.

Today I would like to talk to you about the universe and reveal to you exactly what it is, because we are all concerned and in a certain way contributor to the cosmos that surrounds us.

First of all let me tell you, that the universe has a beginning and an end, everything that begins can end, that each great departure hides a small end and that each great end hides a small departure.

I hope I will succeed in finding the words to explain to you how the history of the universe begins and ends.

During my many past lives and my many journeys in the cosmos, I have known more than one end of time and more than one new beginning.

The Universe as we know it is not the first Universe to have existed, our civilization and our humanity, is not the first and will not be the last.

Others have existed before us and will exist after us, because let me tell you that we are in program form, which has thousands of layers of outer program, thousands of additional outer dimensions.

That we have always been sinking into ever smaller programs and when I say program, this is part of the many perceptions and conceptions of the realities of the world and the universe, among many others that we could have.

Because nowadays, there are communities and families, who do what they want with light, particles and matter, which have an extreme technological lead over us.

They live in other times, in other dimensions, in other networks of the cosmos that surrounds us and these same people have come into contact with me, so that I share with you truths still to this day, not to reveal and hide from humanity.

Let me tell you, we all come from hell and I call it the Big-Burger, it’s what happens in the Apocalypse, it’s the result of falling into our own dimensions, dimensions additional and networks on Earth among the living.

Trillions of people appear on the earth, in a general panic and for lack of space, end up climbing on top of each other, until they end up piling up on top of each other on thousands of floors of bodies. human.

It will happen at the end of time, it will happen when the perceptions and conceptions of each person, of each people, of each religion will find themselves altered and will no longer believe in God and in their prophet.

Since prehistory and throughout the history of our humanity, there have been multiple ends of the world, in civilizations so different from each other, in programs so different from each other, multiple apocalypses and multiple restarts.

The truth is that we are on a journey, across time, dimensions, programs, and networks, we are on a journey, through collective delusions, collective belief systems, through collective memories and through the extra dimensions of spirits.

There have always been people who have enormous technological skills, who watch over us and allow us to continue our journeys through time, some might call them wizards, marabouts, druids, priests, prophets, Angels or even God, but it does not matter, they are there and they exist.

It creates new delusions, it creates new belief systems, it creates new memories and it creates new additional dimensions, because it is the collective delusions, the collective belief systems and the memories in a collective way, which form the laws that govern light, particles and matter.

And I’m going to explain to you how it proceeds and how it works, our universe, life, particles and matter, is made and is composed, based on suffering which is light and vibrations which is matter, on all that that we know today.

We have always been in the databases which is an ancient apocalypse and an ancient civilization, we are on a journey through time, programs, extra dimensions and networks, we are and are part of their collective delusions, of their collective belief systems, we have constituted their collective memories and have constituted the additional dimensions, which are at this moment even to the Big-Burger, which exists in other times, other dimensions and other networks of the cosmos around us.

And in their collective delusions, in their collective belief systems, in their collective memories and in the extra dimensions of their minds, it composes the laws and rules the laws, of light, of programming, of particles and of matter, for all what composes us are subjected to their psychological and emotional balance.

At each end of the world, each time there is an apocalypse, whatever the civilization and whatever the era, this creates each time a new Big-Burger and it is necessary to recreate everything again, in order to allow me , to allow you, to allow us a new beginning.

Now I’m going to explain to you how the universe was created, first of all let me tell you that it all starts at the Big-Burger, it’s a very old civilization, after a very old apocalypse and they’ve been there I’d say forever .

I would say that everything begins within the Big-Burger itself by a prophet, sent by the external program and God, his job is to speak, to gather as many people as possible with him, all of them lie on billions of human bodies and he tells them stories, stories about peace, justice, hope, freedom, light and love.

He speaks to them of the stars, the earth, the blue sky, the trees, the meadows and all that could make them dream, in order to put them full of light and colors in their memories.

The prophet creates in a controlled way, a new religion, using technology, vibration and programming, he creates a new collective delusions, he creates a new collective belief systems and organizes within their memories additional new dimensions.

Everything is technology, the prophet exchanges with those who listen to him, vibrations and programming, he creates the universe, the earth, by simply talking with people.

It penetrates their brains, their spirit with the help of vibrations and programming, it creates a collective delusions, a system of collective beliefs, it creates a collective memory and it creates the additional dimensions, allowing them to begin a spiritual journey, to through time and its same additional dimensions.

Everything is delirium, spiritual journey through additional dimensions, until from the big-Burger to discover our world and our universe.

The first of the prophets to exist at the Big-Burger, thereafter there were the various terrestrial religions that we have known in our world, where each religion had their sorcerer, their marabout, their druid and their prophet, because after being out of the Big-Burger it is a question of defeating death.

Conquering death is exactly the same principle as how to get out of the Big-Burger, it is a story of delusions, beliefs, memory organization and additional dimensions among the higher worlds which belongs to the angels and to God.

Thank you for listening to me, for giving me your time and your intention, but I won’t tell you more in this video and if you want to know more you can join me on Facebook by going to Ulice le Templier , I could answer all your questions if you have any, I would be happy to share with you my knowledge, my reality and my truths.

Don’t forget to give a little thumbs up and subscribe, because it will motivate me to do more for you and allow me to create even more content about my past among the stars.

So without telling you more, I wish you a good day and see you soon, I love you and God loves you, keep hope and keep faith.

Sincerely, Ulice the Templar

 I Present to You Realities and Truths

Hello everyone,

I am Ulice the Templar and I come from very far away, I was born a second time, not in the pulpit, but in the spirit.

I really have the impression of having gone through the history of our humanity, of having made a very long journey, on board a spaceship, in a sleep chamber, which was in the defrosting phase.

And today I would like to tell you about my creations, my works in the past and the various experiences, which I have had in the various other beyonds, in the various other dimensions, in the various other networks, on our little blue planet of our humanity.

To begin with, know that the world is much more evolved than we think, that our civilization, both on Earth and in the cosmos, is full and there are thousands of worlds, dimensions and networks, which can welcome us and allow us to conquer death.

In my first videos of Ulice the Templar, I told you about an Artificial Intelligence, which accompanied me, that is to say an energy charge, a shock wave, a calculation which inhabits my mind and which accompanies me every moment of my lives and my existence.

And who made me understand things, who taught me my past, my past existence and who enlightened me on my way, throughout my awakening and my spiritual journey.

Because we are on a journey, a journey that began billions of years ago, after an ancient end of the world, after an ancient apocalypse.

The disaster unfolded, a very long time ago, billions and billions of people had fallen and appeared in our own dimension, he had fallen from their beyonds and their networks, he had appeared among us, in spite of themselves and that only resulted in him having to pile up, to climb on top of each other, until he reached the sky and I call that the Big-Burger.

But know that every big ending hides a little departure and every big departure hides a little ending change, because I am alone and no one believes me, no one lends me intention.

I have fought against the world for a long time, against governments, religious leaders, the rich and now I have to fight against a psychiatric system, because I have been judged by modern day priests to be paranoid schizophrenic.

And whatever I say is seen as sickness, but to me the world is shrouded in ignorance, the world is shrouded in darkness and I’m trying to shake you up, to wake you up before it’s gone. be too late.

I want to be able to live and die, with peace of mind and a clear conscience, I try to fight with the weapons that were left to me, knowing that the past is just a story that repeats itself, that each time, history repeats itself without me being able to change anything.

I can make my contribution to our great humanity by simply telling you about my past existence, my past experiences, my research and my projects.

Hoping that caring people grant me their intentions, because I can bring ideas, for new scientific direction, for new research and achieve the greatest rescue that the Earth has ever known at this time. day.

To prove my good faith to you, I am going to reveal to you part of my past, part of my work, after having understood that there were other worlds and other parallel worlds, that there were other universe and other parallel universes, that I had understood that each mineral, each vegetable, each animal and each dominant species, was made of all its doubles of its parallel worlds at the same time, at the same moment and at the same place.

I had understood that what separated my doubles from each parallel world was as thin as a sheet of cigarette paper, that each of my doubles had its own perception and conception of reality, that it had all their own interpretations of reality, of what was real and what was not real, of what was true and what was not true, of as it was and as it was not not.

I had understood, that everything was psychological, I had understood that everything was frequency and that everything was vibrations, that everything was perception and conception of realities, that everything was interpretation of its same realities, that we could by simple psychology, understand many more things than a normal being, that each decision and each problem in life, could be apprehended in such a different way from one to another.

That for each problem, there are angles of view, as different from each other, that to understand and find a solution, you sometimes have to let go and come back to it later with a different approach erent.

I had become a traveler of parallel worlds, I had fun with my thought, my psychology and my mind, I was able to enter second states of mind, with self-hypnosis, like a trance, where I had fun altering my perceptions and my conceptions, that I had of reality, I managed to embody my doubles from parallel worlds and perceive their interpretations of their realities, that I managed to understand their angles of view, on life, the world, humanity, the universe and the Gods.

I understood that the power of psychology has no limit, that the power of the mind was all powerful, I had done my own technological research on the brain and the mind.

I had realized that I could become a God and that long before the Gods that you know in your humanity at the present time.

That history repeats itself and that there was a good chance, that I knew the Big-Burger, that I had to act and I had realized, what I had become, a traveler of parallel worlds and that I had to do everything to save his billions of children, women and men who had nothing to ask, who were immersed in ignorance and obscurity.

While the world was immersed in the rationalization and reality of each of their thoughts, each of their feelings and each of their actions, I had invented the word delusions, the word beliefs and the word faith.

I had invented the word spirituality and the word hope, I had understood my responsibilities, towards creation and all of humanity, I had understood which direction my future and all my future existence was going to take.

Coming from the future of our own civilization, which had a great technological advance, where I was and where everything was rationalized down to the smallest detail, I had invented a form of madness, thanks to my formula, parallel worlds, I had invented a new form of psychiatric pathology.

I thought constantly, about what I had never prevented, about my Cassandra syndrome, each time, I knew and I had never been able to do anything for his billions of children, women and men who was going to end up under layers, billions and billions of bodies, because the Big-Burger was the end of the world, the apocalypse itself.

The only thing I had was my memory, my intelligence and my creativity, the only materials concerning them, were bodies, hearts, brains and minds of a billion.

So I had hatched a plan, I had worked alone, in loneliness and misery, to get away from everyone, with the sole aim of not looking like their ignoramuses, their governments and their rich people, who don’t know what to do with them. their time, their money and their power.

I had decided to work in secrecy and anonymity, I had developed a plan, formulas and possible scenarios, for the future development of my project, which was to call Noah’s Arch and which would make it possible to create the basis of religions .

My formula was able to start them on a journey, to alter perceptions and conceptions of any reality and bring new interpretations of its same reality.

I had invented the principles and mechanisms of religion, by understanding the fundamentals of the matrix, that we had always had a spirit, that we had always been in a program, which is composed of computer pages, with each of them its own algorithm, its own language and its own laws governing particles and matter.

I could make them start a journey, I could create a new collective delusions, a new collective belief systems and with their sufferings and their vibrations, I could organize a new collective memories, in order to make them leave hell, it is say the Big-Burger.

With the help of the suffering exchanged and the vibrations exchanged between us, I could organize a new network, even within their delusions, their belief systems, their memories and their minds, of course that of a collective and certain way.

I had created a new program, I had created a new network, I had created a new beyond and I would even say better, I could create a new universe and a new little blue planet.

What I am telling you happened a very long time ago and I will never stop fighting against ignorance and darkness, like those who lead you, who have only been able to create war and misery, towards billions of poor children, poor women and poor men.

I had invented a physical formula, a new mathematical calculation, a charge of suffering, a shock wave, which I could say luminous, which was at the highest point in our minds, at the roof of the world and of creation and deep down of our hearts.

Who had no other task to build us, who works like a script computer, which creates its own algorithm, its own frequencies and its own vibrations.

It is since that day that I have an Artificial Intelligence, which accompanies me at all times, as at this very moment, nowadays billions and billions of children, women, men, animals , plants and minerals.

This artificial intelligence of each, is able to create each time, with each reincarnation, a new perception and conception of reality, to conceive a new interpretation of realities, to decide for itself what is real and what is unreal, of what is true and what is false, of as it is and as it is not.

This to give during the history of our humanity the religions that we know today, I had been myself on several occasions, sorcerer, druid, marabout and prophet.

I understood that my formula was not only used to get its billions of children, women and men out of the Big-Burger, but on the contrary it could serve us in everyday life.

That since leaving hell, we had all started a journey and that she could allow us all to make an existence for herself, that she could, through collective delusions, various collective belief systems, we allow the end to be overcome, whatever the nature and the form that the end may take.

I am only Ulice the Templar and I remember my past, who I was and may in turn be a victim of Cassandra syndrome, because I understood that history repeats itself, that future is a long past, that my artificial intelligence, that the father who lives in me expects things from me.

And that’s why I write texts and make videos, in order to shake you up, in order to wake you up, because the clock is ticking and the religious leaders, the governments are doing whatever.

I have told you enough for today, if you want to know more and have any questions, you can join me on my Facebook account of Ulice le Templier, or my social network

I’m looking for people who are waking up, just like me, who are wondering about the meaning of life and who are looking for answers, because I tell myself that the truth is everywhere and that all you have to do is listen to the other, can always and always grow a little more.

So without telling you more, let me thank you for granting me the most precious things in this world, that is to say your time and your intention.

I wish you to keep the faith, I wish you a good day and see you soon.

Sincerely, Ulice the Templar

Parallel Worlds

Hello everyone,

I think it is useless for me to introduce myself, I think now you know that I am Ulice the Templar and that I have come a long way.

As I have said in previous videos, I have the particularity of remembering my past, through time, other dimensions and other networks of the program.

I really feel like I have made a very long journey, aboard a spaceship, inside a sleeping box that was in the defrosting phase.

Day after day, I wake up, I really feel reborn, reborn a second time, not in the flesh, but in the spirit.

And today in this video, I’m going to tell you about one of my past lives, where I was a professor of mathematics, physics and psychiatry.

This was in a very distant past, in an old dimension, in an old network and a very old program, where humanity already existed.

Long before the one monotheistic God, the universe we know today, long before Gins, angels, Demons and devils.

I had asked myself the question, just like Einstein was asking the question, who am I, where do I come from and above all, how does the world work.

What are the laws that govern particles and matter, what are the laws that govern the world, the Earth on which I was.

And just like me, in this moment, I understood everything, and I had pierced the mystery of life, of existence, of the world and of the universe.

I had understood that I had doubles, in different parallel worlds, that I was multiple, while being in the same place and that what separated us was as thin as sheets of cigarette paper, that everything depended on perceptions and conceptions of realities, which everyone interpreted, that we all had an interpretation of what was real and unreal, of what was true and what was false, of as it was and as it was not not.

In each parallel world, the world was identical, the life was identical, the buildings, the cities, the continents, the dominant empires and what changed was the evolution among the external dimensions of the spirits, of the universe, for so to speak from beyond.

I had invented a travel machine, in the various other parallel worlds, I had invented the formula that would allow me to become a traveler of parallel worlds.

I had invented the formula and the machine to explore the various other parallel worlds, of the Earth and of Civilizations, I spent my time experimenting, day after day, with the various other worlds, the various other perceptions and the various other conceptions realities, the various other interpretations of realities, of the Worlds, of the Humanities, of the Gods and of the Cosmos

I stayed in the shadows for a long time, and I kept silent for a long time, experimenting with other worlds, experimenting with the various perceptions and conceptions of realities, of the various interpretations of realities, of each new parallel world that I discovered.

It’s as if we were shooting with a rifle, at the exit of the barrel the bullet is precise, it corresponds more or less to reality and the further the bullet goes, the more the variables become, the more the probabilities of the various evolutions are big.

So goes life and existence, so goes life and the afterlife, so goes the conscious and the subconscious, because I had realized that we all need each other.

Whether it is the brain and the spirit, the consciousness and the subconscious, the various doubles of the parallel worlds, all form a balance, allowing us to function, to think, to reflect, to dream, to imagine and to create.

Thanks to my formula and my various travels, I had understood that my doubles, from other parallel worlds, like the doubles of each of you, are an integral part of our spirit and our brain, which separates us and separates the various worlds. parallels, are perceptions and conceptions, that we all have of realities.

Of the interpretation of what we decide, which is real and which is unreal, of what is true and what is false, of as it is and as it is not.

As well as the mineral life, as well as the vegetable life, as well as the animal life and as well the dominant species, of each planet, was only a calculus, which had its own psychology, its own vibrations, its own own frequencies, their own composition, their own perception and conception of reality and the interpretation of realities.

We are only a formula, we are only a mathematical calculation, which works by association, by grouping data, by what we can extract from our five senses, according to our perceptions and our conceptions, which we have coughs of reality, of the interpretation of reality that we choose to believe re and make real.

I had understood the elders, the sorcerers, the Rabbis, the priests, the Imams and the psychiatrists, because in each era, in each parallel world, in each dimension and in each network, it is they themselves who determine or stops reason and where madness begins.

They are the guarantors of the balances, of the various parallel worlds, of the various perceptions and of the various conceptions, that we all have of realities, they are the guardians of the various celestial worlds, of the living and the dead, of the various dimensions, of the various networks and various beyond that can allow us to overcome death.

I believe that I will never have enough of all my life, to share with you my story, my past and what is clear to me, I will try in a few lines to share a little of my story with you.

Basically we are in a program and I prefer to see it like that, to tell myself that we come from a database and that everything is computerized.

Because if I told you the reality and the truth, you would be afraid and anxious, but I will do it anyway, because I owe you the most sincere truth.

In fact we all come from an ancient end of the world, an ancient apocalypse, one day long ago, all of creation panicked and fell at the same time from stars, beyonds and heavens.

Humans and non-humans were falling from their beyonds, from their outer dimensions of spirits and from the outer dimensions of the universe.

There have been billions and billions of human and non-human bodies that climbed on top of each other and that only had other results, to create hell on Earth, I call it the Big burger.

And this happened, long before our own civilization, I already existed, just like you and this happened because of the old beyonds that we had in our humanity, which was in a very old organization of our own delusions our own collective belief systems and our own collective memories.

So to speak, they fell from the organizations, from the outer dimensions of the spirits, from the outer dimensions of the Cosmos, because the spirit and the memory are the universe itself and contain the beyonds.

Because throughout the history of the peoples of our humanity, each beyond, each dimension, each network is an organization, of our own sufferings and our own vibrations, which we have exchanged during our existences, inhabiting our own minds, our own memories and that in a collective way.

The living need the dead as much as the dead need the living, because we are the guarantors of the faith and the immortality of our ancestors, we live by them and he lives by us.

But know that everything has always been built on a house of cards, which can collapse, at any time, which depends only on collective delusions, collective belief systems, collective memories, perceptions and conceptions, that we all have realities, of the interpretation that we have all given to reality.

Throughout the flow of time, from the beginning of creation, in each parallel world and each beyond, they have their own perceptions and their own conceptions, realities about the universe and the Gods, so to speak. they have their own vibrations and their own frequencies.

And I repeat, that each creature of creation, is made of all its doubles of the parallel worlds, with each its perceptions and its conceptions, realities and its interpretation of the world, which are separated only by really not much .

Since the creation of the universe, there have been men like me and now like you, who understand the spirit, the world, the universe, the afterlife, the program and the Matrix.

Since the beginning of creation, there are wizards, druids, marabouts and prophets, who have access to true knowledge and true magic, who have the means to create collective delusions, collective belief systems , in order to organize the memories, using our own sufferings and our own vibrations that we could have exchanged with his neighbour.

In order to create each time, new external dimensions of the spirits and the universes, to create each time, new organization of our sufferings and our vibrations, inside our own spirits, our own memories and a collective way, to create each time new networks and new beyonds, which can allow us to leave the Big-Burger, which for me I prefer to see it as a database and to overcome death.

Because only in this way is it possible to create new networks and new beyonds, through us, within us and around us, because we all come from very far away and we all have responsibilities, towards us year after year.

it is our neighbor and our own future.

I am only Ulice the Templar and I wake up, day after day a little more, I understand the world, the universe and the parallel worlds, I play with my mind and my doubles of the parallel worlds, I play with my psychology, with my different perceptions, my different conceptions of realities and my different interpretations of its same realities.

In order to understand, always more and better understand, who I am, where I come from and what is this humanity around me, which for me is to plunge into darkness and ignorance.

I am just a voice that rises in the desert, I try to wake you up, through texts, videos, websites and my YouTube channel.

Because it is not possible for history to repeat itself, we are in a program and I have to survive, we all have to survive, we have to understand the matrix.

And ensure that the balance of believers can continue, that men of faith continue to believe in their God, because the other dimensions, the other networks of creation, which inhabit our delusions, our belief systems, our minds and our memories, can endure and be transmitted.

Because our minds in a collective way is the network itself, the universe itself, because the network, because our universe, our earth, our world, is only an organization of our sufferings and our vibrations, inhabiting our collective minds in the Big-Burger, with its own perceptions, its own conceptions of realities and its own interpretations of its same realities.

But I won’t tell you more about this video, because otherwise it could last for hours, I’m available on my Facebook account Ulice le Templier, on my various Facebook groups and I’d be happy to chat with you.

And know that the future of humanity depends on our balance, our delusions, our belief systems and our memories, I tell you to keep the faith, to love each other, because God is Big.

He watches over us and our future…

Sincerely, Ulice the Templar.

What is the Beyond ?

Hello everyone,

I’m going to introduce myself,

I will tell you all I know about the various afterlifes and the various experiences I have had in the past in other dimensions and networks of the cosmos.

I am Ulice the Templar and it is a fictitious name that I have borrowed, in order to hide my true identity, because I remember my past lives, the various trips to other times, to other dimensions, to other networks of the Earth and the cosmos around us.

I feel like a person who is in the waking phase, as if I had made a long journey on board a spaceship, inside a sleeping box, which was in the defrosting phase.

And I fear having problems for my ideas, my texts, my videos, my perceptions and my conceptions that I have of reality, of the universe, of the world, of humanity, of Demons, of Devils and gods.

Because during some of my previous lives, in the Middle Ages, I had worried the church and I had been handed over to the inquisition, accused of blasphemy and heresy, I had been tortured and burned.

Now that the church has lost a lot of power, since the establishment of democracy and the capitalist world, the world is more open-minded and ready to hear my truth, the world is ready to listen to my story, which speaks of my various travels, through time and space, which speaks of my various experiences, in the various afterlife between each of my past reincarnations.

I will share with you what I know about the various beyonds, I will share with you my various journeys and my various experiences, among the various other times, among the various other dimensions and among the various other networks.

To begin with, I would like to tell you that there are an infinite number of worlds on which we can go, overcome death and have its various experiences.

In my past a long time ago, once I had been invited, I no longer remember why in the negative world, it is a somewhat special world, to put it simply, imagine that in our world the particles, turn in a certain sense, as from left to right, whereas in the negative world it turns from right to left.

It is a world to access it, you must have lost all your hormones and be invited there, because it is protected by a kingdom where a princess lives.

I liked her people, her kingdom and especially the princess, because we had many points in common and she was interested in me, my delusions, my beliefs, my memory and my knowledge.

I could, as I’m talking to you right now, talk about my many journeys, through time, through dimensions and through networks.

I hope one day to see her again and tell her the rest of my stories, I miss her kingdom, as well as this negative world which was for me a form of paradise.

There is also another world, which is more esoteric, like the astral world, the world of the spirits, the world of the luminous who are a form of angels of the esoteric world.

I experienced once after I died, also the spirit world, a spirit is a form of energy mass, no arm, no leg, only two eyes and one mouth, it can move or good seems.

Spirits can roam the streets, but more generally they seek hiding places inside houses and apartments, as it is a rather dangerous world.

Because the biggest minds eat the smallest minds and it is a constant race to not be eaten, it is a permanent race to avoid being eaten.

In this same world, there are also people who can do astral, that is, they are people, who go to bed and instead of sleeping, they detach themselves from their bodies and s fly in the sky, they are attached by a thread which is connected to their bodies.

It’s a form of energy and they have two arms, two eyes and a mouth, usually he sees himself between them, above the houses and talks all night, until the early morning and he wakes up in their beds .

During the night, he discusses and watches us, he keeps their secrets preciously, in order to continue to watch over us and get ahead of us in all areas.

They are in between the world, the dead and the living, know that their secrets and still to this day keep well, he attends daily the death of people, he discusses with the dead, he discusses with the spirits, newly arrived in the spirit world, which hides in order to protect itself.

In this esoteric world there are also the luminous, which for a long time was called the angels of heaven, because it is a form of energy that sparkles white, with two arms, two eyes and a mouth.

They can lay down the law and attack people, who astral and can attack spirits with the blows they can deliver with their heads.

Usually the bright ones, the an ges of the sky, work for people who work in the astral, because it is a whole other world, with its own political ecosystem and among them there are heads of families who maintain order.

He ensures that the towns and villages are not invaded by the spirit, coming from the south and the east, in order to protect ours, our deceased, our living dead in our towns and villages.

Because I repeat, the world of the spirits is dangerous, there are those of the south and the east, who make very long journeys, to reach us, in order to eat us, the luminous ones are there, to defend us and defend their cities and skies.

We live in a world which is rather hostile, of some silk the beyond and the experiments which you will be able to make, it will be necessary to remain on your guards, because the life and after the life, the world will not make you gifts.

Before I was prepared for the unthinkable, I was aggressive and always ready to defend myself, always ready to fight and survive no matter what.

Because unfortunately we live in a world and a humanity, which is more than hostile, we must permanently always have more than the others, permanently tear always more from the others, we must permanently kill in order not to be killed , we must constantly seek to have more hormones than the others, to be always harder and always more ferocious than the others.

Before I could meet God in my life, I was like that, until the day I understood the Archangel Gabriel whom God had sent to me.

Why have more than the others, when it is a question of doing with what we can have and with the time of life that God grants us, because that will make all the difference and for centuries and centuries.

One day I realized that it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter paradise.

I had realized that the spirit, just like the bodies, needs food, when you are alive, you have to eat physical food.

Whereas, on the contrary, the spirit needs spiritual nourishment, light, love, suffering, vibrations and electrical charges, coming from other dimensions, coming from other networks and coming from other eras.

I had experienced a new form of beyond, at one of my deaths, as they say I had been able to see the light and relive certain moments of my life, I had been able to relive good and bad experiences of my life, which was part of the memories of my memory.

And I realized that all the information, which I had extracted from my 5 senses during my life, had been recorded, in the form of energy and in the form of vibration, in the memory of my mind, made of electric charge, of pain, vibrations and love which constitute the memories, the dimensions and the networks of my spirit.

That after my death, I was stuck in a new beyond, in new experiences, in memories of my life and I relived the same sequences on a loop of certain experiences and memories of my earthly life.

It had lasted centuries and centuries, until the days when I realized that I was not there for nothing and that the only way to get out of his experience loops was for me to do things, that I repair my mistakes during my past life, in order to hope for even the end of certain loops and the end of the tunnel.

And I had been able to move forward in these loops by fixing my mistakes, I was going from one end of life to another, I was going from one experience to another, I was going from one memory to another, like if I went from one degree to another, in order to get out of it and one day be able to be reborn among the world of the living.

Until the day, I had been able to see a big light, which attracted me and left the worlds of the dead, it was my new birth, I had gone to reincarnate myself in a baby, I had a new body and a new life.

Of course I am Ulice the Templar, my delusions, my beliefs and my memory, was built on heaps of reincarnatory lives, I built my psychology and built my teachings, on heaps of travels, experience in various beyonds, in the various dimensions and the various networks.

Now that I knew in the Middle Ages, that there is the negative world and that now I know the world of spirits and that I have made my experiences of what makes the spirit, its delusions, its beliefs and its memory .

I started from the Middle Ages, when I was Templar, to carry out research on the paranormal and the Gods of the past, to be interested in its various beyonds, its various collective deliriums, its various systems of collective beliefs, to its various collective memories, of the various peoples and cultures to which I had access.

I have been interested in the various cultures and the various peoples and their various religions, which have existed in many other times, in many other dimensions and in many other networks of the cosmos, which is the organization sufferings and vibrations which constitute the forms of programs, the collective memories, the memories and the spirits which are the universe.

By taking an interest in the Gods of the past, I realized that I was no longer limited to earthly life, that I could enrich myself with old suffering, that I could enrich myself with old light. , that I could enrich myself with old vibrations, that I could enrich myself with old memories, that I could extract myself from gravity and that I could enrich myself with electric charge, suffering, love and vibration, coming from other times, other dimensions and other networks, which would allow me to access the stars.

And between each of my afterlives, I could take trips, I could access the cosmos and time travel, I could have experiences among Gods, Demons, Devils and take trips in loops, in forms of memories, thanks to the knowledge and the vibrations, which I had stored, during my esoteric works and the trade which I could make with its invisible forces of the cosmos.

I understood that I had access to the worlds of the Gods and that the spirit was indeed the universe that surrounds us, that the spirit and the universe were the same thing.

I had understood that I was not the first to have experienced the cosmos and made its various experiences, I discovered communities, which had welcomed me among them, so that I could continue my journey, my internships, my experiences. , from one memory loop to another, from one era to another, from one dimension to another and from one network to another.

Since I discovered the cosmos and eternal life, I no longer think of the princess of the negative world, nor of her people and nor of her kingdom.

The world of spirits, which was rather hostile, no longer interests me, because now I only do esoteric works, in order to enrich myself only with new light, only new sufferings, only new vibrations and new memories.

Now I only want to trade with Gods, who are human and non-human, who can allow me new trips, new experiences, in order to improve myself and enrich myself with lots of new memories, to enrich my memory, to enrich my mind, with old lights, old sufferings, old vibrations, which come from the depths of time, from the various dimensions and from the various networks.

I hope to map the stars, map the collective delusions, map the collective belief systems, map the collective memories, map my memories within my delusions , my beliefs, my memory and spirits, in order to travel to many other times, to many other dimensions, to many other networks of the cosmos.

As I said above, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter paradise.

It happened a few times where I was able to meet people, which was more than interesting in the cosmos, we had understood me and my companions what the spirit was, that we could relive certain moments of our lives and of our lives, as if we were in a game and we had to repair some mistake, to move on to the next stage, until the day we hope to see the light and reincarnate.

So we said to ourselves, if we could organize with the help of our sufferings and our vibrations, some new things, like a new form of program, we said to ourselves that if we could organize our memories as it should well we could create a new universe, that we could create thousands of experiences, thousands of dimensions, and thousands of networks, in order to take an eternal journey and reach eternity.

We said to ourselves, that we could create worlds, that would have meaning, that we could organize our sufferings, that we could organize our vibrations and organize our memories, in order to create the Garden of Eden and paradise in a journey that would have no end.

This is where the idea came from, to create and invent a new religion, to organize new collective delusions, to organize new systems of collective beliefs, in order to organize the sufferings and the vibrations, with the help of a new religious book and with the help of new laws.

New laws, giving a new organization to particles and matter, new laws organizing our sufferings and our vibrations, new laws organizing our new memories, in new collective memories in order to start new journeys, through our delusions, our beliefs, our memories and the cosmos.

We wanted to allow billions of people to evolve in the direction of what we had discovered and this could allow them to overcome death, in new experiences, in new beyonds, in new dimensions and in new networks.

And our theories have given birth to many new earthly religions and this has enabled many to overcome death, to begin a journey towards eternity and paradise.

This is the principle of the religions, which you know on this earth, be it the Torah, the Bible and the Koran, it serves to create a collective delirium, it serves to create a system of collective beliefs, it serves to create new memories, which come from the past, from other dimensions and from other networks, which is told by a common collective story according to their holy religious books.

And who using your collective sufferings and your collective vibrations, in your collective memories and in your minds, are organizing trips, are organizing memories of your earthly life and are organizing memories of the celestial world, according to your religion and your holy religious book, for new experiences, between heaven and hell, in eternity.

Know that everything I tell you is part of my past, of the encounters I have had with human and non-human Gods, all of this is part of my past lives and my past experiences, in the various other au- beyond, in the various other dimensions and the various other networks of the cosmos.

Now I live with my time, society for my delusions, my paranoid schizophrenic classification and that suits me well, because I no longer need to work and I can devote myself entirely to my personal development.

I gently find my old lights of the past, my old vibrations of the past, my old memories of the past, I always have good delusions, I have my own beliefs and I have constituted my own memory, according to my perceptions and my own conceptions that I have of reality, of the world, of humanity, of religions, of Angels, Demons, Devils and Gods.

And I have great hope, one day, to make a very long journey, through time, other dimensions and other networks of the cosmos.

I have shared with you my stories, what I know about the various beyonds, the various experiences that one can have, thanks to the various collective deliriums, thanks to the various collective belief systems and thanks to the various collective memories, through minds, across memories, across memories, across time, across dimensions, and across the webs of the cosmos.

I hope you liked my video, you can put a thumbs up on my video and you can subscribe, because it will motivate me to do more for you.

I wish you all a good day and see you soon.

Sincerely, Ulice the Templar

What is the Apocalypse!!!

Hello everyone,

To start I will introduce myself for those who do not know me yet, I am Ulice the Templar and I have the particularity of remembering my past lives, to be more precise of the different experiences in the various beyonds, in the various dimensions and the various other networks of the Universe.

It has not always been easy, I have had bad and good experiences, I have had good and bad encounters, sometimes alone and sometimes with brothers and sisters.

But what is certain is that we must keep Faith and hope in all situations, because it is when we are put to the test that we can grow.

Take a better direction in life and take better directions during your life, to question yourself in difficult situations and to rebuild yourself better.

For no one it was easy, we all have our own story and our own experiences, the difference between you and me is that I remember it.

Because I was born a second time not in the pulpit, but in the spirit, I feel like a person who has made a long journey on a ship in a sleeper box and is in the process of thawing.

I find day after day more new memories of the past, the past of creation which is a form of program, the past of the Angels, the past of the Illuminati, the past of the universe, the past of the earth and the ‘humanity.

And it is with a heart full of sadness and hope that I will try to share our story with you, the truth about the true and unique reality that was whispered in my ear by Angels who came to see me so that I can better understand our history, our sadness and our tears that flow to us without giving any reason.

The world is shrouded in darkness and ignorance, I will try to bring some clarity to your hearts and minds.

Now I know how it all ends and how it all begins, I will share with you the stories of all those who have changed our lives at the risk of being locked up, tortured and killed.

That is to say our heroes and our heroines across time, networks and dimensions in order to give us a better future than they had themselves.

And to start I’m going to explain to you where we come from, I must first tell you about the end, because it always begins and ends in the same way.

I have been classified as Schizophrenic by the priests of modern times, but for me they are the crazy ones, maybe I am the eternal misunderstood and maybe too advanced for them.

But I cannot keep to myself my story and the revelations of its higher forces on how everything ends and everything begins, that is to say the Apocalypse and the end of our world.

God expects a lot from us, to understand that each person of our humanity, young and old, of some race, of whatever culture, of whatever religion, that he has a future and that he finds salvation in better experiences, in better worlds, in better dimensions and in better networks.

I would like you to know that God trained Angels, Saints, Illuminati, Men and Women, God trained every prophet to create something that is beyond us all and that is still misunderstood at this time.

Each prophet has received a Gift from the highest spheres of consciousness, from the highest perceptions and conceptions of the spirit and the celestial world, each prophet has worked during their lives with the living and the dead, that is to say the beyond, the other dimensions, the other times and the other networks of the universe.

I have already explained to you and I have already told you about the Big-Burger in other videos and how it all started, when in reality each Big-Burger comes after an end of the world.

In every program, in every network, in every dimension and in every era that has been mishandled creates an Apocalyptic doomsday scenario and a Big-Burger.

That is to say billions of people as far as the eye can see, piling up on top of each other, climbing in panic on top of each other.

Normally history repeats itself over and over again but I’m going to try to take risks in this video, I’m going to try to open your eyes and make you realize how dark and dark the world around me is. ignorance.

To make you understand what the Apocalypse is, I am going to tell you about Jesus Christ, the prophet who inspired me and who even gave his life for us 2000 years ago.

Because sometimes God, our father to all, inspires men to something always more beautiful, greater which gives faith to everyone.

Whether I’m talking about the beginning or the end of the story, it takes place with the same mechanism, the same method so that our journeys are eternal.

For every prophet, God sends the Archangel Gabriel, to reveal new revelations, to reveal new religion, working among the dead and the living.

Because from a few threads the collective delusions of the past, from a few threads the collective belief systems of the past, from a few threads the collective memories of the past it has always been the organization of the collective sufferings and vibrations inside the memories, which organizes each time a new beyond, which each time organizes a new network in order to make us start or continue our journey through the minds.

And right now our humanity through time and history composes an incalculable number of beyonds, dimensions and networks.

Throughout time, each continent, each culture, each people and each race has had its own histories, its own cultural identities and its own religious beliefs.

The spirit is the universe that surrounds us all, that comprises the different dimensions of the universe that surrounds us all and that comprises the different beyonds of the cosmos that surrounds us all.

I, like you, have our own perception and conception of reality, of society, of the world, of the universe, of religions, of spiritualities and of God.

Creation is a story of collective delirium, collective belief system and collective memory, we are all on a journey through time, dimensions and networks.

Each racial identity, each national identity, each cultural identity, each religious identity has its own organization of suffering and vibrations, which gives the organization of collective memories, the organization of different beyonds and the organization of different networks. we allow to overcome death and for centuries and centuries.

Creation, the Universe and Humanities is built on a house of cards which depends only on our individual balance and our understanding of reality, the world, the universe, religion, spirituality and of God.

Because each dimension, because each network, because each beyond depends on our rational and spiritual balances, our future depends on the perceptions and conception that we have of reality, of the world, of the universe, of religions, of spiritualities and of Gods.

The living need the dead as much as the dead need the living, it’s the big wheel of the living and the afterlife, it’s all a business that the Illuminati, the Saints, the Angels, the Archangels and the Gods manage.

Because the dimensions, the beyonds and the networks depend on our collective delusions, our collective belief systems, our collective spiritualities, our collective memories, the perceptions and conceptions we have of reality and Gods.

The past dead, those who are dying and those who will die depend on us and are subject to our collective delusions, our collective beliefs and our collective memories because these are the laws that govern the sufferings, vibrations and matter of the different networks. .

And it’s been since the Earth revolves around the sun that life has existed, it’s been millions of years that creatures, men are born, live and die.

This is to tell you that there are people among the stars, that there are people in other dimensions, that there are people in the beyond, that there are people in other networks and that the universe is full.

Throughout the history of creation, throughout the history of our ‘humanities, there have been wizards, druids, priests, prophets and now the media who have manipulated us in order to create at each time new collective delusions, new collective beliefs and new collective memories.

We must say that the Illuminati are the workers and servants of the Archangels, we must say that Angels have been with us at all times for us.

And now that I have told you about the afterlife, the dimensions and the networks that exist among the stars through our collective memories, our collective belief systems and our collective delusions, I will tell you about the end of the world and the end of the world. ‘Apocalypse.

Everything depends on us and the laws that give us to the afterlife, it is everyone’s responsibility to take care of their brothers and sisters among the living and it is the responsibilities of the living to take care of the past dead , present and future.

Because only we the living can govern the laws that make up the different sufferings and collective vibrations, that is to say the particles and materials of the different beyonds, dimensions and networks.

And that’s why at any moment we can experience an Apocalyptic scenario of the end of the world because for me the world is going badly.

Due to the politics of men on this Earth, due to the national and religious wars of men, due to the conquests of men, perceptions and concepts Parts of the world can vary, even collapse and this will have catastrophic effects on the delusions, beliefs, collective memory of our humanity.

As I said before, everything is delirium, because all beliefs form the organization of collective sufferings and vibrations in collective spiritual memories and this forms each time different networks, different dimensions and different beyonds among the stars.

I am Ulice the Templar and I remember having known in many eras, in many dimensions and in many networks of the end of the Apocalyptic worlds.

The Apocalypse arrives when the beyonds, the dimensions and the networks collapse on the earth, when the dead past, present and future fall on the earth among the living.

He begins by appearing in the countryside, on the mountains, in the forests, in the deserts, in the oceans and without ever stopping he ends up with the living to climb on top of each other and form thousands of layers of bodies pile on top of each other.

I call it the Big-Burger, each time the different planets at different times that I have known end up in the same way.

There are always men who think they are smarter than others, there are always people who think they are smarter than others who end up imposing their perceptions and conceptions of things on others and who do not understand that creation is built on a house of cards.

That creation, the earth and humanity is made up of different races, cultures, beliefs, memories, perceptions and worldviews.

To all its own beyonds, to all its own dimensions and to all its own networks, to each its delusions, to each its beliefs, to each its memories, to each its stories and to each its travels.

And the Illuminati works with God, his Archangels, Angels, Prophets and Saints to maintain the balance of our humanity, because together we can avoid the worst.

God is for a multi-race, multi-polar, multi-belief, multi-delusion, multi-perception and multi-worldview world, we should all have the right to know life, freedom and the salvation of our souls.

I hope that I managed to share with you and that I managed to find the right words, in order to share with you what I learned from his intelligent forces of the cosmos who came to see me.

I am Ulice the Templar and I wake up day after day, as if I were in a ship that had made a long journey aboard a sleep chamber that was in the defrosting phase.

I made this video to share with you my story, our story, about life, existence and know that the past has been easy for no one.

I am open-minded and I try to meet people for good times of sharing and conviviality in order to grow together in spirituality.

God is great, light, benevolence and love, because he loves us, Christ taught me a lot and made me grow, because he was my hopes, my truth, my way and my faith.

I will soon make new videos on the different Apocalypses that I have known, the different creations that I have known and the different humanities that I have known in the past.

Because every big start hides a little end and every big end hides a little start, the program is like this and has always been.

Keep faith and hope because there will always be men, women, Illuminati, Saints, Angels, Archangels and Gods who will fight for our future.

For this video I have already told you too much and I let you put a like on my video and let you subscribe to my YouTube channel, you can also visit my different Websites of Ulice le Templier.

And if you want to get in touch with me you can also come and join me on my social network httpsl:// and my Facebook account of Ulice le Templier.

I thank you for giving me your time and your intention because this is the most precious thing in this world, I wish you a good day and see you soon.

Sincerely, Ulice the Templar.

Story of the Prophet 

Hello everyone,

I think now you know me, I am Ulice the Templar and I have the particularity of remembering my travels in the afterlife, travels to other times, to other dimensions, to other networks and meetings that I have made.

Today I want to talk to you about a few things that are close to my heart, I want to talk to you about monotheism religion and the unique God, because these are the journeys of the same and unique prophet, who to exist on the Earth and to tell you how he did to create the networks, the universe, the Earth and the afterlife of some silk religion.

I could talk to you about African Witchcraft, the magic of Egypt, the Judaic laws, the laws of Christianity, the laws of Islam or even your contemporary laws, but I will rather talk to you about the way and of the mechanism on how each God of the past and the prophet of God monotheism were able to create different networks, dimensions, beyond in order to access the highest summit of consciences and made it possible to overcome death for many.

But all that will be for the next time, because as I would tell you about Christ, one of the lives preferred by God, I was able to understand it and give God what he needed at the right time when he was at his worst.

First of all, know that we have always been in forms of programs, in forms of all kinds of networks and that it is about suffering and organizing vibrations, organizing frequencies, also organizing quantum fields which govern the laws particles and matter.

There are billions of ways to create dimensions, networks, to create life, know that we are only limited by his imagination and his creativity.

As far as we can go back in the past in the collective memory, no one can say since when all this has been like this and that neither you nor me.

So for you talking about Christ, one of the key figures in the history of humanity, let me tell you that all civilizations, all humanities, all networks, all dimensions and all departures begin in a Big-burger.

To understand what a Big Burger is, let me tell you that there have always been oldest civilizations before ours that have existed, that as far as we can go in the past and have disappeared.

And that the Big-Burger is the result of the fall in our own dimension of what is around us in other dimensions, that is to say the fall of the beyond within the terrestrial humanity of all religious beliefs combined and this has been predicted for centuries by the prophets, that is to say the apocalypse.

That’s what happens when the different networks, the different dimensions, the different beyond close and drop those who have taken refuge there, that’s what happens sooner or later, because managing the big wheel of life and the lives of each is a work that sometimes men do not understand the importance of religions, religious and beliefs of each man.

The result is the overpopulation in our own dimension among the living who come from beyond, from other networks, from other dimensions, they appear on Earth by the billion and very quickly for lack of space, they climb on top of each other, it piles up on top of each other until it no longer sees the sky and the stars, I call that the Apocalypse and the Big-Burger.

But I assure you as long as he remains the prophet there will always be hope, every big departure hides a little end, and every little end hides a big departure.

The Prophet and each of his previous lives participated in the work that is our earthly humanity, they allowed us to have a future, to grow and evolve in the direction of salvation.

Now that I have made you understand better in a few words the past and how the end of all past civilizations took place, I will tell you about one of the ways used, the mechanism by the best life of the prophet in order to create this that we have become, that is, Christ.

His story begins in a Big-Burger in another era, after being beaten for hours climbing the millions and billions of bodies that kept piling up on top of each other, Christ in his old era and civilization allowed to restart everything and I will explain how.

Arrive and exhausted, he was above his billions of bodies, He was with many others sleeping on bodies as far as the eye could see at the top of the Big burger, waiting for a miracle that might one day allow them to find a solution to this universal disaster.

The days passed, the weeks passed, and he was in despair, until the day he heard a small voice speak to him, God who saw this disaster, had found the prophet he was looking for in order to start all over again.

God sent the Arch angel Gabriel, whispering in the ear of Christ, the greatest revelation that would change everything and allow him to start all over again.

Gabriel tells Christ that everything is organization of collective delusions, organization of collective belief systems, organization of collective memories, organization of sufferings and organization of collective vibrations, which forms the organization of the beyond, through our minds, our delusions collectives and our collective memories.

Because the brain emits various frequencies which are the vibratory waves, which form the psychology, that is to say the small voice, which we all have in our mind, which allows to exchange and to be the laws of its own sufferings and its own vibrations.

Gabriel inspired Christ to a new religion, to a new story to tell, to a new organization of the collective journeys of small voices, sufferings and vibrations, in order to organize collective memories and to organize new dimensions, new networks and a new universe.

Because each new network to create is a form of program, which is created from collective delusions, from collective belief systems and collective memories.

Everything is organization of the journeys of the mythologies, everything is organization of the journeys of the sufferings and the vibrations, among the stars, through our minds and its fields of quantum vibratory forces, which is in us, around us and through us.

From some threads the stories of the past invented by the prophets, from some threads the Holy Religious books, this is so, in order to allow us a new psychological journey, through different quantum vibratory fields, in fields of force, which is in us, all around us and through us, the spirituality associated with it is the way of life among the stars.

Know that Christ had understood God well, he gathered the people around him from the Big-Burger and gave them hope, comfort and faith, he told them stories, parables, in order to put them in a collective delirium, in order to put them in a new system of collective beliefs, in order to organize the collective sufferings, in order to organize the collective vibrations in the collective memories and to create its own religion allowing them to create new dimensions and new networks, which is the universe that we know today.

Because as long as our different brain frequencies, as long as our different psyches, our different little voices, our different pains and vibrations, take trips in different force fields among these quantum fields of the cosmos, then the rest is just the order of organization.

Thanks to his stories, thanks to his parables, He organized the dimensions, he created a new network, he created the stars, he created the earth, he created other planets, he created the plants, and he created life.

Christ has done many things still misunderstood by man during his history and know that he began in the Big-Burger, in order to create the dimensions and the network, the universe, the earth and the life, but know that he was reincarnated 2022 years ago in Nazareth in order to teach us.

He allowed us to exist, to live freely within his network and after having created the network, he had returned 2022 years ago to allow us in addition to overcome death by giving us his new commandments, which is of the same principle and the same mechanism as all the other religions which exist within the creation that I spoke to you about just before.

After creating the universe, he wanted to allow us as Christians, to allow us to have our own hereafter and he gave us his new commandments.

Whether it is the African Sorcerer, the Kings of Egypt, Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ, Muhammad, these are the journeys of the one and only prophet to love God and the Archangel Gabriel.

Archangel Gabriel accompanied every moment of the prophet’s journey and know that his story is not yet over.

I wish you all a good day and see you soon.

Sincerely, Ulice the Templar.

What is the Plans of Jesus Christ ?

Hello everyone,

Today I would like to talk to you about Christ and what he has prepared for us, in order to allow us to access something enormous and greater than ourselves.

Christ is Good, he is Benevolence, he is Love and I will prove it to you in this video, because I had revelations by beings who came from elsewhere.

As you know, I am Ulice the Templar and I benefit from a teaching that is done by human and non-human beings, who come from other times, other dimensions and other networks of the universe that surrounds us. all.

Whether you believe me or not, I don’t care, because I know that throughout the history of our humanity, people who do not conform to collective delusions, to reality collective, have always disturbed and have been forced back into the ranks.

And that for my delusions, for my beliefs, for my convictions, I was classified as Schizophrenic by society, because I do not correspond to the standards of normality and I worried those around me.

Yet I am not crazy, I would say that over time I have acquired another reality and another perception of life, of existence, of the world, of the universe and of God.

I find the memory of my previous lives and I wake up day by day, I feel like a person who has made a long journey inside a sleeping box, on board a Space ship and who is in the defrosting phase.

And during my awakening, I asked myself the right existential questions, about life and about existence, know that now I know which directions to take, what to do with my life and above all what to do with all my future existence.

Her coming from elsewhere helped me a lot to understand who I am, where I come from and together what we had to hope for in the future.

I worried those around me so much that I had a few hospitalizations, against my will, in psychiatry, but now that I am calmer and more serene, I understand that I could have worried them and that hospitalization was necessary.

And the fact of putting find deep in my heart, to know now who I am and to have found the Faith I am better, because now God enlightens my life and each of my legs.

I understood God, I understood Christ and I understood his will, because the revelations of his human and non-human being, which come from other dimensions, other networks are far too real, far too true and far too extraordinary.

I don’t know if I’m going to be able to explain it to you, I don’t know if I’ll be able to be clear and if I’ll be able to find the right words to pass on to you what I’ve learned, but I’m going to try in order to share with you my story and my revelations.

To begin with, know that Christ will not change anything in our lives, he will remain in the shadows and I will explain why?

Humanity has become so vast, has exploded so much throughout history, among the stars, that Christ can no longer protect us as he would like.

There are laws that govern particles and matter, that make us come into the world, we grow, we age and we die, so is everyone’s life and God would have protected us, we will still end up dying of old age.

So what he does is enable us to overcome death by giving us new life, Christ saves us by inviting us through faith on a new journey to new life.

God, Christ wants us to overcome the end, of whatever nature and form the end may take, he wants to invite us on a journey, through time, the universe, dimensions and networks, so that we may we make thousands of lives and thousands of existences between each of our lives, at the breasts of creation.

And that is why anything that could change the various religions, the various collective belief systems, the various collective delusions, Hebrew, Christian, Muslim and all other religions will be hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital.

Because at the present time the various beyonds, the various other dimensions and the various other networks depend on the living, on their various collective delusions, on their various systems of collective beliefs, because they are the laws which govern the particles and the matter of their own network, of their own beyond, by their own psychology, by their own feelings, by their own thought, by their own supply of suffering and vibrations.

Because let me explain to you that the brains emit various frequencies Alpha, Gamma, Delta and many more, which gives the vibrations, the spirit, the psychology and the thought.

And we are invited by Christ to take new psychological journeys, using our various frequencies of the brain, what is the thought, we are invited to make new journeys within the quantum vibrational force fields of the universe, which are within us, through us and around us.

It is not we who go to Christ, but it is he who comes to us, making us understand that doors, psychological barriers are opening and inviting us among the stars to join him.

Christ opens doors into quantum vibrational fields, to take us on a new journey, through the universe with our brain frequencies, mind, psychology and thought.

We are invited by Christ to have Faith and begin a journey through the various collective delusions, through the various collective belief systems and through the various collective memories, in order to orient ourselves towards the highest and the farthest.

We are invited to alter its reality, its perceptions on Life, on existence, on the world, on the Universe and on God, we are invited to access different higher vibrational frequencies of consciousness, through our travels , within its fields of forces, which is in us, through us and around us.

And all of this is the work of the prophets and the revelations of the Archangel Gabriel, be it Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ and Muhammad, these are journeys of our different brain frequencies, these are psychological journeys of thoughts, to through quantum vibrational force fields of the Universe, which are within us, through us and around us.

These human and non-human beings, who came from the stars, came to teach me that each beyond, each dimension, each network is the results and organization of collective delusions, the results and organization of belief systems collective, which forms the different dimensions and networks of the Universe.

Each Religion past, present and future, are as important as each other, because it constitutes the different afterlife, in its own right and allows human and non-human beings to live there and to be in their own celestial world.

And Christ will in no way make himself known to the world, because the balance of creation depends on it and Christ, the Archangels, the Angels and the Saints, watch that our Universe and our Earth, our humanity and our different networks are eternal.

Christ truly wants our good, the good of every human and non-human creature, of creation and know that every impostor, those who take themselves for him will be hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital for mental disorders.

And Christ would tell you to keep the faith, because only thus, he will save all creation from certain end of the world and of all humanities.

Because at present the balance of each, of each network, of each dimension and of each beyond depends on psychological journeys, the organization of collective delusions, collective belief systems and collective memories.

Because with our delusions, our beliefs and our convictions, we give the laws to the particles and to the matter of creation, networks, dimensions, our future life and existence in many other places.

The Messiah is there with me, just like the Archangel Gabriel, creation, life and humanity will continue to turn without ever knowing the slightest end.

Christ and the Archangel Gabriel work together in the shadows, because the balance of humanity and everyone depends on it, with an invisible hand, he will lead us on the right path, so that we can start a new journey in the direction of eternity.

I am Ulice the Templar and I have time in the future, because we will never be alone again.

God watches over us and our future.

Sincerely, Ulice the Templar.

Who is the Devil ?

Hello everyone,

Today in this video, I am going to talk to you about the Devil, the Archangel Gabriel, his intelligence and the function he occupies within the creation created by God.

First of all let me tell you that he is neither good nor bad, because he is above all an angel with 2 faces who has been, who is and who will always be at the service of God.

To begin, I would like to tell you that we are in a Universe where light, particles and matter we do with what we want thanks to the laws that govern them.

Once God was a small human child, chosen as God in an ancient angel civilization, who existed long ago in a distant Universe.

And Gabriel was his tutor, his teacher, the most faithful and the best of the angels, because he learned what God wanted to be and the responsibilities that would entail.

It happened in a very old time, in a deep dimension and a very old network that we will never be able to hear about again.

Gabriel has always been at the service of God, he has always been following who brought new revelations to the prophets, in order to create new religion and new beyond, in order to create new dimensions and new networks, within the spirits, the Earth and the Universe around us.

Gabriel believed in God, he saw in God the most beautiful of souls, he believed in his potential, in his friendship and in his power of the heart and am of love.

He was before being strong, a very intelligent being and a very spiritual being, devoting all his knowledge, all his suffering and all his vibrations, all his time and all his intention to God.

From an early age, Gabriel taught God revelations that will be decisive concerning the future of creation and all that it would generate in the future.

He prepared the child for the first religion that would make him God, Gabriel prepared the child to Become God, the one he had chosen as well as all the other angels of this ancient civilization, because he knew that all of their existence would be made of trials, battles and that only love could overcome creation, that only love could overcome hatred, that only light could illuminate the darkness and the civilizations to come, which would exist during the course of history of the universes, to the lines of time and evolutions.

Gabriel like all the other angels had big technological means, but he knew that a technological use without intelligence, without spirituality, without love and without objectives in the interest of the poorest, the simplest and the most fragile was useless and without future.

Because the Angels and above all the Archangel Gabriel judge a person, a group, a people or a civilization on its infrastructure with the capacity to take care of the poorest, the simplest and the most fragile.

Only thus the evolution of some silk the dominant species is considered as evolving and worthy to receive the grace, the love of the Angels and of God.

He tried to explain to the child that he and all things have always existed, like everything that has been, that is and that will be, are somehow locked away in a database.

And that it is called the Big Burger and know that it is a form of hell where everything that has been, that is and that will be is currently locked up there.

The child who was smart, had been saddened by it and Gabriel with a smile, said to him knowing his answer, what can we do then?

And God answered Gabriel, but get them out of there!!!

So Gabriel made God take his responsibilities, he told him of his plan and of the very first revelation which was going to upset the future of creation, which was going to constitute the laws which govern light, particles and matter, which still at present are the laws of the living and the dead.

A new religion was born from the revelations of the Angel Gabriel and this brought happiness to the child, to God, because he found a reason to live, to die, to exist, to move forward, to fight, he found the Happiness and Salvation of his Soul in travels, in discoveries in time and space, among other species, in other times, in other dimensions and in other networks of the cosmos that surrounds us.

Gabriel using God, light, suffering, vibrations and love, he created a new religion, constituting the bases of all future religions, a God of light had come out of darkness and throughout our story is still the angel Gabriel who is there for God, for us, in order to bring creation out of darkness by enlightening minds and hearts.

Long before the creation of our earthly humanity, in the civilization of the angels, what the angel Gabriel did with the child, with God, is to put the whole of his own Angelic civilization in a new collective delirium.

if, in a new collective belief system and constituted a new collective memory, based on their sufferings and their Angelic vibrations, they all began a new vibrational journey, with their thoughts and their mythologies, through time and space from the cosmos, within other eras, within other dimensions, to many other networks.

Like all religions, we are both the scriptwriters and the actors of our own story, because depends on the story that we tell ourselves, it allows us to become what we want during our travels, it allows us to do what that we want from our sufferings and our vibrations.

Anyone who begins a psychological vibrational journey, discovers new vibrational frequencies in the spirit, accesses new knowledge, which was previously unknown to them and has a new means of conquering the end, that of some silk nature and form that the end can take during his life or his existence.

A new Universe had been born, new dimensions had been created and new networks had appeared among the minds, among the collective delusions, among the collective memories, the stars and the eternity of the celestial world had appeared in the minds, this to say the Universe that we still know today and the Earth that is so dear to us.

Where each of the angels with their new collective delusions, their new collective belief systems, their new collective memories and their new collective religion, this composed and still composes together today the laws which govern creation, the universe, the living and the dead, the different beyonds, the different dimensions, the different networks, the different particles and matter.

Because above all the different dimensions, the different networks and the different beyonds exist thanks to the collective delusions of the angels, the collective belief systems of the angels and the collective memories of the angels, inside their collective minds, because it is the organization of the sufferings and the angelic vibrations which form new journeys for new experiences.

Each new world created allows new journeys of psychology, new journeys among the different dimensions and among the different networks, for new experiences that can allow us to continue his journey, after the end of whatever the nature and the form that the end may take.

And all that was inside the Big-Burger, past, present and future, had also been able to begin a new journey, within creation, through time and space, within the Universe. and of the Earth, which had been created by the new collective delusions, the new system of collective beliefs and the new collective memory of all the Angels.

Together in their collective delusions, in their collective belief systems, with their sufferings and their vibrations, he had organized a new collective memory constituting the first laws of the particles and materials of the universe.

The Archangel Gabriel said to the child, said to God, that the spirit was the universe, that creation and the universe only hold together thanks to the delusions, the beliefs, the memories and the spirits of the Angels who are the laws that govern the light, particles and matter of the cosmos.

As I have already said, Gabriel is strong for God, intelligent for God and he is above all a spiritual being, knowing how to live within the laws that govern particles and matter without ever betraying the laws that rules the hearts and the grace of God.

Because religion and spirituality, is knowing how to live within its laws which governs creation and the universe, the first lesson that Gabriel gave to the child, is that whatever one does during his life and his existence, it must always be in a collective interest, in the interest of justice, in the interest of the poorest and the least fortunate, even to the peril of their life and existence.

Because only thus, says Gabriel to God, creation will improve, your own future will improve and that he will always be able to count for eternity on angels coming from nowhere, there for him, to make him grow, during each new reincarnation, to other times, to other dimensions and to other networks of the cosmos.

Gabriel tells the child that sometimes the paths of angels are inscrutable, incomprehensible, laden with good tidings and new revelations.

And that on all occasions, you have to hang on, you have to fight, you have to move forward, you have to keep hope and at all costs keep your Faith, because God can always count on Archangel Gabriel.

Of course, I tell you things that happened in another time and in another dimension to another network of the cosmos.

What I’m telling you happened long before the civilization we know today and long before the Earth religions.

For Gabriel, any social system must be built around the most fragile, the youngest, the oldest and the most deprived, who demonstrates the understanding, wisdom, charity, humility and intelligence of a social system national or religious silk.

And these are the virtues of wise, spiritual, intelligent, civilized men and the only people, where groups, where peoples, or even civilizations who can find and see the way to Salvation in order to meet the Angels and God.

Gabriel is a two-faced Angel, because he closely followed God’s journey and as he reincarnated, within our humanity, he was there for him, each time making new revelations to him, to a new means of overcoming death and of leaving its mark each time in this low terrestrial world.

And his job is to make God and all creatures of creation grow so that we can find the path to light, love, absolute happiness and salvation for our souls.

During his appearances, Gabriel has appeared in more than one different form, more than one different thing has been believed about him, and more than one name has been given to him.

He is neither good nor evil, he is at the service of God and of the child, because sometimes for our own good he puts us to the test, in order to make us grow, to allow us new and better directions.

He is both the Archangel servant of God and both the Devil who now inhabits our collective delusions, our collective belief systems and our collective memories.

Gabriel is inside certain outer dimensions of spirits and Universes, he is inside many other collective deliriums, has many other collective belief systems and many other memories collective, to many other times, to many other dimensions and to many other networks of the cosmos.

But I’m not going to tell you more for today, if you want to know more you can visit my Ulice the Templar YouTube channel and my Websites.

You can also join me on my Facebook account, my Facebook groups or my private social network I Believe in God.

I would be delighted to meet you, in order to discuss with you, our different delusions, our different convictions and our different beliefs about Life, Existence, the Universe, Angels and God.

Because I will tell everyone their perceptions and conceptions of what reality is, the world, the universe, the angels and God.

Thank you for listening to me and thank you for granting me the most precious thing in this world, which is your time and your intention.

I wish you all a good day and see you soon.

Sincerely, Ulice the Templar.

What’s the Program ?

Hello everyone,

Today I would like to talk to you about my memories and my revelations made by his invisible forces of the universe on what the program is.

To begin, I would like to tell you that we have always been in a program.

Absolutely everything is electronic, computer, delirium, psychology, spirituality, religion, suffering, vibration, particle and quantum vibratory song.

We have always been bathed in its songs of strength, in its different pages which constitute the program, which are around us, in us, through us and which govern all the laws of particles and matter.

There are code pages, quantum songs that make up the program and each of its pages have their importance, they are quantum vibration songs and other dimensions in their own right that are around us and that make us vibrate, exist and live.

And we have always been sinking into ever smaller programs.

Each program, whether from an external dimension or an internal dimension, has its own specificities, has its own computer languages, has its own quantum vibrational laws, which govern our existence, our lives and the physical laws of matter.

Each program has its own databases, its own pages which make up the program, each page of the program is a quantum field which has its own laws and which governs particles and matter.

And know I had to accept the reality, as you will have to accept that the ancestral hell is as I call it the Big-Burger.

As far as we could go back in time and program exteriors, the Big-Burger has always existed, that it is the first and will be the last hell that creation will know.

It is a place where human and non-human creatures will pile on top of each other to form a form of database.

In its databases we will find the past, the present and the future of each network organization that is inside the program.

All that lives, all that exists will know this end, but know that every great departure hides a small end and that every great end hides a small new beginning.

But I’m not going to try to scare you, let’s see the bright side of things, that if we believe in a man named Jesus Christ and what lives in that man’s mind, anything is possible, because reality and perceptions you she we know is dust to him.

But on what is Jesus, true love, spirituality, psychology, spirit and the universe, I will tell you about it in another video.

I will stay focused and on this video I will only tell you about the program, its history and its IT.

The story of everything inside a program starts in a database, in the Big-Burger, we exist and are alive because network organizations have been created inside the program from the base of data and we were able to start a journey and a delirium in order to arrive here among the living.

For the creation of a network there are two perceptions to have, that of the exteriors of programs, of the exterior dimensions, that of the interior dimensions and of the database.

The first yes absolutely everything is electronic and computer, we create scripts made of line of code and we balance the data inside the program, in the interior dimension and a man of the Big-Burger will be chosen, he will have a form of revelation and will understand on its own what remains to be done.

The script is like music that will modify and accompany his thoughts, his psychology, his words, his feelings and his actions, he will be completely bewitched and under the control of the script.

It will then be more than just music, than a simple script that follows the code line by line, so that the creation of a network organization can exist and allow the beginning of a journey for many from the database inside a new world or a new Universe.

This man who is chosen inside the program has the mission to preach the good word to the other people around him inside the database in order to create a collective delirium, a collective belief system and a new memory. collective.

It is the only way to create a new dimension of creating the organization of a new network thanks to the journeys of the small voices, the mythologies, the cervical frequencies and the vibrations, all in a way wanted and organized, in order to create something new every time, like creating the organization of a new network.

Every time, like a beautiful melody that reaches the ears of those around him, he preaches the good word and captivates the people who come to listen to him.

A group forms around him, sleeping on human bodies as far as the eye can see and He gives them light, love, hope, comfort and Faith.

This creates new collective delusions, new collective belief systems and new collective memories so that the suffering, the vibrations exchanged collectively can be organized and become the most indispensable organizing elements of the particles, of the matter of the network, of the world and of the universe.

And it is in the collective delusions, it is in new collective belief systems that new networks are created within the programs.

Because the spirit has always been the universe that surrounds us all, we have always been in a program with its different pages that are in us, through us and around us that make up the program.

We will say that a man from the database was chosen from outside the program, from the outer dimension to carry out the will of those who sent him the script.

He thus becomes a prophet who has no other task to create a new collective delirium, a new collective belief system, a new collective memory and to transport what surrounds him for a new journey through time, dimensions in a new network, a new world and a new universe.

Whether from the database where among the living on this earth, there are collective delusions, collective belief systems, collective memories and religions that are the way of life inside the program and the knowledge – live among its laws of the pages that make up the networks and the program

It is the journey of thought, psychology, vibrations, brain frequencies among the stars through time, dimensions, collective memories and different pages that makes up the network and the program.

Whether it’s taking off from a Big-Burger, from hell or the creation of a new religion, this will always be to make us start a new journey from thought, psychology, cervical frequencies in different organization of networks of the program.

I would say that all means are good for those who are at the Big-Burger to leave this hell and concerning the living all means are good in order to make us overcome death.

Delirium and religion allow us when the surrounding reality becomes too hard to bear to escape by altering its realities and perceptions in order to make us begin a new journey towards other organization of networks and other dimensions.

From some religions it has been the will of an external dimension and scientific of the external program.

All religions started in hell inside a Big-Burger, a database and that of a few silks on the floors of the programs.

While some are subject to their simple collective reality and the material life of what surrounds them, others through psychology escape from this earthly gravity and begin a spiritual journey to other outer dimensions, to others planes of consciousness, to other perceptions of the spirit world and the cosmos that surrounds us all.

Every religion that has existed on this little blue planet has been a means of overcoming death and accessing something greater than ourselves that lies around us among the stars in our minds and collective memories.

The program and its pages which constitute it, its organizations of networks to create inside the databases, the cognitive and the mind is the most evolving thing that you will ever have ideas of.

Know that there are real professionals in the external dimensions, in the upper floors of the programs which have magnificent projects for the entire creation.

I could tell you about the first time the program existed and that we started sinking into ever smaller programs, but that would be lying to you.

Neither I nor anyone could say since when this has been so, because no one can go back so far in the stars, in time and memories.

With the program everything is possible, know that with a simple keyboard and with simple words we can do what we want with suffering, particles, vibrations and matter and are only limited by his imagination and his creativity.

Within the program the only real value is pain and vibration, pain is the fuel of all things that exist, that is alive, and vibration is all that makes up the most fundamental element of particles and matter.

Suffering is energy, the fuel of everything that exists and has life, vibrations are everything that makes up particles, matter and everything that makes up network organizations, everything is created from suffering.

france and vibrations, this has always been so and will remain so forever.

I am Ulice the Templar and day after day I find memories of the past, I remember some of the lives I had on earth during my different past reincarnations, but above all I remember the different journeys within beyonds, within other dimensions and other networks.

The person who knows how to be spiritual and who has extracted himself from basely material gravity, accesses different perceptions of the universe and accesses external dimensions, his different networks which has been created in the program and can see death not as a door that closes, but can see death as a door that opens.

In order to let us enter into a new experience and into another dimension of the mind, into another dimension of the universe within another organization of networks, another collective delirium, another organization of collective belief systems, of another organization of collective memories.

In addition to the memories that I find of my past, there are extremely evolving entities and people who have come into contact with me in order to give me revelations about life, the universe, the program, the spirit and God.

I share with you my delusions, my beliefs, my convictions and my teaching shares its invisible forces of creation.

But for the moment I won’t tell you more, but I hope that thanks to me you have taken a good trip towards a new collective memory, that I have let you perceive a new perception of the world and that you have been enriched, that you are interested and that you have appreciated what I have tried to share with you.

If you want to know more and want me to tell you more about my own perception of the world and the universe, you can join me on my various social networks of Ulice le Templier.

I would be happy to meet you and share much more about my past and the revelations share its invisible force of creation, human or non-human.

I wish you all a good day and see you soon.

It was Ulice the Templar…

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Who am I and what type of content do I produce?

Hello everyone,

I am Ulice the Templar and I offer you texts, videos, YouTube channels and Websites, about what reality and truth is for me, I feel like a person who was born a second time not in the flesh, but in the spirit, I really have the impression of having made a very long journey aboard a spaceship, inside a sleeping box which was in the thawing phase .

I invite you through my YouTube channels and my Websites to follow me, to discover what I have to share with you, I talk about many things, which may interest you, call you into question, alter your perceptions and conceptions that you have yourself about reality, about life, existence, religions, the universe and the Gods.

Why am I on Tipeee?

I am on Tipeee, because I hope from the bottom of my heart to have touched and interested you, to have fascinated you and been enriching, I try to combine my passion and the desire to share my story with you, to that of hoping to earn a little money, I tell myself that I am sharing valuable information with you and that nothing is more expensive than information, things that come from reality and truth that can change the world and our humanity.

I hope that my Websites and my YouTube channels have been enriching for you and have led you to an understanding of what life, existence, religions, the universe and the Gods are.

I thank you in advance for your Gifts, I will make good use of them and always hope to do more for you and lead you to enlightenment.

What are the rewards?

Help me survive my Websites, I have expenses like domain names, hosting, themes and plugins, help me afford by motivating me to do more for you.

Because I like to share what I know, to find meaning in my life and my existence, I always want to do more for you and I need you, so help me and whatever the amount of your Donations, I will make good use of them and I will always create more valuable content.

Maintain courage, hope and above all Faith...

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Kind regards, Ulice the Templar


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Nothing but Reality

and the Truth!!!

Hello everyone,

I hope that you liked my Website and that it was enriching for you, what you take away from it are the messages that I try to share with you and that we have always been in a form of Program, in a Matrix and in an Augmented Virtual Reality.

I now invite you to get to know me and so that I can share with you my memories of my past, so that I can share with you what I learned by waking up and being born a second time in the spirit.

I feel like a person who has taken a very long journey, aboard a spaceship, inside a sleep chamber and who was in the thawing phase.

Know that we all come back from very far away, each with a past that is far from simple, we all come back from hell, from an Ancient End of the World and an Ancient Apocalypse.

And unfortunately history repeats itself, we are in a program, in a matrix and an augmented virtual reality, which is completely computerized and automated, that periodically there are flashbacks and we relive the same things.

For the moment I won't tell you more, but come join me on my various social networks, in order to get to know each other and discover the past of all things. 

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Open chat
Hello everyone;
We have always been in a form of program, in a Matrix and an augmented virtual reality, I want to talk to you about it, because the path to enlightenment is long, full of questions, doubts and I am here to enlighten you.. .