Hello everyone,
I think now you know me, I am Ulice the Templar and I have the particularity of remembering my travels in the afterlife, travels to other times, to other dimensions, to other networks and meetings that I have made.
Today I want to talk to you about a few things that are close to my heart, I want to talk to you about monotheism religion and the unique God, because these are the journeys of the same and unique prophet, who to exist on the Earth and to tell you how he did to create the networks, the universe, the Earth and the afterlife of some silk religion.
I could talk to you about African Witchcraft, the magic of Egypt, the Judaic laws, the laws of Christianity, the laws of Islam or even your contemporary laws, but I will rather talk to you about the way and of the mechanism on how each God of the past and the prophet of God monotheism were able to create different networks, dimensions, beyond in order to access the highest summit of consciences and made it possible to overcome death for many.
But all that will be for the next time, because as I would tell you about Christ, one of the lives preferred by God, I was able to understand it and give God what he needed at the right time when he was at his worst.
First of all, know that we have always been in forms of programs, in forms of all kinds of networks and that it is about suffering and organizing vibrations, organizing frequencies, also organizing quantum fields which govern the laws particles and matter.
There are billions of ways to create dimensions, networks, to create life, know that we are only limited by his imagination and his creativity.
As far as we can go back in the past in the collective memory, no one can say since when all this has been like this and that neither you nor me.
So for you talking about Christ, one of the key figures in the history of humanity, let me tell you that all civilizations, all humanities, all networks, all dimensions and all departures begin in a Big-burger.
To understand what a Big Burger is, let me tell you that there have always been oldest civilizations before ours that have existed, that as far as we can go in the past and have disappeared.
And that the Big-Burger is the result of the fall in our own dimension of what is around us in other dimensions, that is to say the fall of the beyond within the terrestrial humanity of all religious beliefs combined and this has been predicted for centuries by the prophets, that is to say the apocalypse.
That’s what happens when the different networks, the different dimensions, the different beyond close and drop those who have taken refuge there, that’s what happens sooner or later, because managing the big wheel of life and the lives of each is a work that sometimes men do not understand the importance of religions, religious and beliefs of each man.
The result is the overpopulation in our own dimension among the living who come from beyond, from other networks, from other dimensions, they appear on Earth by the billion and very quickly for lack of space, they climb on top of each other, it piles up on top of each other until it no longer sees the sky and the stars, I call that the Apocalypse and the Big-Burger.
But I assure you as long as he remains the prophet there will always be hope, every big departure hides a little end, and every little end hides a big departure.
The Prophet and each of his previous lives participated in the work that is our earthly humanity, they allowed us to have a future, to grow and evolve in the direction of salvation.
Now that I have made you understand better in a few words the past and how the end of all past civilizations took place, I will tell you about one of the ways used, the mechanism by the best life of the prophet in order to create this that we have become, that is, Christ.
His story begins in a Big-Burger in another era, after being beaten for hours climbing the millions and billions of bodies that kept piling up on top of each other, Christ in his old era and civilization allowed to restart everything and I will explain how.
Arrive and exhausted, he was above his billions of bodies, He was with many others sleeping on bodies as far as the eye could see at the top of the Big burger, waiting for a miracle that might one day allow them to find a solution to this universal disaster.
The days passed, the weeks passed, and he was in despair, until the day he heard a small voice speak to him, God who saw this disaster, had found the prophet he was looking for in order to start all over again.
God sent the Arch angel Gabriel, whispering in the ear of Christ, the greatest revelation that would change everything and allow him to start all over again.
Gabriel tells Christ that everything is organization of collective delusions, organization of collective belief systems, organization of collective memories, organization of sufferings and organization of collective vibrations, which forms the organization of the beyond, through our minds, our delusions collectives and our collective memories.
Because the brain emits various frequencies which are the vibratory waves, which form the psychology, that is to say the small voice, which we all have in our mind, which allows to exchange and to be the laws of its own sufferings and its own vibrations.
Gabriel inspired Christ to a new religion, to a new story to tell, to a new organization of the collective journeys of small voices, sufferings and vibrations, in order to organize collective memories and to organize new dimensions, new networks and a new universe.
Because each new network to create is a form of program, which is created from collective delusions, from collective belief systems and collective memories.
Everything is organization of the journeys of the mythologies, everything is organization of the journeys of the sufferings and the vibrations, among the stars, through our minds and its fields of quantum vibratory forces, which is in us, around us and through us.
From some threads the stories of the past invented by the prophets, from some threads the Holy Religious books, this is so, in order to allow us a new psychological journey, through different quantum vibratory fields, in fields of force, which is in us, all around us and through us, the spirituality associated with it is the way of life among the stars.
Know that Christ had understood God well, he gathered the people around him from the Big-Burger and gave them hope, comfort and faith, he told them stories, parables, in order to put them in a collective delirium, in order to put them in a new system of collective beliefs, in order to organize the collective sufferings, in order to organize the collective vibrations in the collective memories and to create its own religion allowing them to create new dimensions and new networks, which is the universe that we know today.
Because as long as our different brain frequencies, as long as our different psyches, our different little voices, our different pains and vibrations, take trips in different force fields among these quantum fields of the cosmos, then the rest is just the order of organization.
Thanks to his stories, thanks to his parables, He organized the dimensions, he created a new network, he created the stars, he created the earth, he created other planets, he created the plants, and he created life.
Christ has done many things still misunderstood by man during his history and know that he began in the Big-Burger, in order to create the dimensions and the network, the universe, the earth and the life, but know that he was reincarnated 2022 years ago in Nazareth in order to teach us.
He allowed us to exist, to live freely within his network and after having created the network, he had returned 2022 years ago to allow us in addition to overcome death by giving us his new commandments, which is of the same principle and the same mechanism as all the other religions which exist within the creation that I spoke to you about just before.
After creating the universe, he wanted to allow us as Christians, to allow us to have our own hereafter and he gave us his new commandments.
Whether it is the African Sorcerer, the Kings of Egypt, Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ, Muhammad, these are the journeys of the one and only prophet to love God and the Archangel Gabriel.
Archangel Gabriel accompanied every moment of the prophet’s journey and know that his story is not yet over.
I wish you all a good day and see you soon.
Sincerely, Ulice the Templar.