Hello everyone,
I think it is useless for me to introduce myself, I think now you know that I am Ulice the Templar and that I have come a long way.
As I have said in previous videos, I have the particularity of remembering my past, through time, other dimensions and other networks of the program.
I really feel like I have made a very long journey, aboard a spaceship, inside a sleeping box that was in the defrosting phase.
Day after day, I wake up, I really feel reborn, reborn a second time, not in the flesh, but in the spirit.
And today in this video, I’m going to tell you about one of my past lives, where I was a professor of mathematics, physics and psychiatry.
This was in a very distant past, in an old dimension, in an old network and a very old program, where humanity already existed.
Long before the one monotheistic God, the universe we know today, long before Gins, angels, Demons and devils.
I had asked myself the question, just like Einstein was asking the question, who am I, where do I come from and above all, how does the world work.
What are the laws that govern particles and matter, what are the laws that govern the world, the Earth on which I was.
And just like me, in this moment, I understood everything, and I had pierced the mystery of life, of existence, of the world and of the universe.
I had understood that I had doubles, in different parallel worlds, that I was multiple, while being in the same place and that what separated us was as thin as sheets of cigarette paper, that everything depended on perceptions and conceptions of realities, which everyone interpreted, that we all had an interpretation of what was real and unreal, of what was true and what was false, of as it was and as it was not not.
In each parallel world, the world was identical, the life was identical, the buildings, the cities, the continents, the dominant empires and what changed was the evolution among the external dimensions of the spirits, of the universe, for so to speak from beyond.
I had invented a travel machine, in the various other parallel worlds, I had invented the formula that would allow me to become a traveler of parallel worlds.
I had invented the formula and the machine to explore the various other parallel worlds, of the Earth and of Civilizations, I spent my time experimenting, day after day, with the various other worlds, the various other perceptions and the various other conceptions realities, the various other interpretations of realities, of the Worlds, of the Humanities, of the Gods and of the Cosmos
I stayed in the shadows for a long time, and I kept silent for a long time, experimenting with other worlds, experimenting with the various perceptions and conceptions of realities, of the various interpretations of realities, of each new parallel world that I discovered.
It’s as if we were shooting with a rifle, at the exit of the barrel the bullet is precise, it corresponds more or less to reality and the further the bullet goes, the more the variables become, the more the probabilities of the various evolutions are big.
So goes life and existence, so goes life and the afterlife, so goes the conscious and the subconscious, because I had realized that we all need each other.
Whether it is the brain and the spirit, the consciousness and the subconscious, the various doubles of the parallel worlds, all form a balance, allowing us to function, to think, to reflect, to dream, to imagine and to create.
Thanks to my formula and my various travels, I had understood that my doubles, from other parallel worlds, like the doubles of each of you, are an integral part of our spirit and our brain, which separates us and separates the various worlds. parallels, are perceptions and conceptions, that we all have of realities.
Of the interpretation of what we decide, which is real and which is unreal, of what is true and what is false, of as it is and as it is not.
As well as the mineral life, as well as the vegetable life, as well as the animal life and as well the dominant species, of each planet, was only a calculus, which had its own psychology, its own vibrations, its own own frequencies, their own composition, their own perception and conception of reality and the interpretation of realities.
We are only a formula, we are only a mathematical calculation, which works by association, by grouping data, by what we can extract from our five senses, according to our perceptions and our conceptions, which we have coughs of reality, of the interpretation of reality that we choose to believe re and make real.
I had understood the elders, the sorcerers, the Rabbis, the priests, the Imams and the psychiatrists, because in each era, in each parallel world, in each dimension and in each network, it is they themselves who determine or stops reason and where madness begins.
They are the guarantors of the balances, of the various parallel worlds, of the various perceptions and of the various conceptions, that we all have of realities, they are the guardians of the various celestial worlds, of the living and the dead, of the various dimensions, of the various networks and various beyond that can allow us to overcome death.
I believe that I will never have enough of all my life, to share with you my story, my past and what is clear to me, I will try in a few lines to share a little of my story with you.
Basically we are in a program and I prefer to see it like that, to tell myself that we come from a database and that everything is computerized.
Because if I told you the reality and the truth, you would be afraid and anxious, but I will do it anyway, because I owe you the most sincere truth.
In fact we all come from an ancient end of the world, an ancient apocalypse, one day long ago, all of creation panicked and fell at the same time from stars, beyonds and heavens.
Humans and non-humans were falling from their beyonds, from their outer dimensions of spirits and from the outer dimensions of the universe.
There have been billions and billions of human and non-human bodies that climbed on top of each other and that only had other results, to create hell on Earth, I call it the Big burger.
And this happened, long before our own civilization, I already existed, just like you and this happened because of the old beyonds that we had in our humanity, which was in a very old organization of our own delusions our own collective belief systems and our own collective memories.
So to speak, they fell from the organizations, from the outer dimensions of the spirits, from the outer dimensions of the Cosmos, because the spirit and the memory are the universe itself and contain the beyonds.
Because throughout the history of the peoples of our humanity, each beyond, each dimension, each network is an organization, of our own sufferings and our own vibrations, which we have exchanged during our existences, inhabiting our own minds, our own memories and that in a collective way.
The living need the dead as much as the dead need the living, because we are the guarantors of the faith and the immortality of our ancestors, we live by them and he lives by us.
But know that everything has always been built on a house of cards, which can collapse, at any time, which depends only on collective delusions, collective belief systems, collective memories, perceptions and conceptions, that we all have realities, of the interpretation that we have all given to reality.
Throughout the flow of time, from the beginning of creation, in each parallel world and each beyond, they have their own perceptions and their own conceptions, realities about the universe and the Gods, so to speak. they have their own vibrations and their own frequencies.
And I repeat, that each creature of creation, is made of all its doubles of the parallel worlds, with each its perceptions and its conceptions, realities and its interpretation of the world, which are separated only by really not much .
Since the creation of the universe, there have been men like me and now like you, who understand the spirit, the world, the universe, the afterlife, the program and the Matrix.
Since the beginning of creation, there are wizards, druids, marabouts and prophets, who have access to true knowledge and true magic, who have the means to create collective delusions, collective belief systems , in order to organize the memories, using our own sufferings and our own vibrations that we could have exchanged with his neighbour.
In order to create each time, new external dimensions of the spirits and the universes, to create each time, new organization of our sufferings and our vibrations, inside our own spirits, our own memories and a collective way, to create each time new networks and new beyonds, which can allow us to leave the Big-Burger, which for me I prefer to see it as a database and to overcome death.
Because only in this way is it possible to create new networks and new beyonds, through us, within us and around us, because we all come from very far away and we all have responsibilities, towards us year after year.
it is our neighbor and our own future.
I am only Ulice the Templar and I wake up, day after day a little more, I understand the world, the universe and the parallel worlds, I play with my mind and my doubles of the parallel worlds, I play with my psychology, with my different perceptions, my different conceptions of realities and my different interpretations of its same realities.
In order to understand, always more and better understand, who I am, where I come from and what is this humanity around me, which for me is to plunge into darkness and ignorance.
I am just a voice that rises in the desert, I try to wake you up, through texts, videos, websites and my YouTube channel.
Because it is not possible for history to repeat itself, we are in a program and I have to survive, we all have to survive, we have to understand the matrix.
And ensure that the balance of believers can continue, that men of faith continue to believe in their God, because the other dimensions, the other networks of creation, which inhabit our delusions, our belief systems, our minds and our memories, can endure and be transmitted.
Because our minds in a collective way is the network itself, the universe itself, because the network, because our universe, our earth, our world, is only an organization of our sufferings and our vibrations, inhabiting our collective minds in the Big-Burger, with its own perceptions, its own conceptions of realities and its own interpretations of its same realities.
But I won’t tell you more about this video, because otherwise it could last for hours, I’m available on my Facebook account Ulice le Templier, on my various Facebook groups and I’d be happy to chat with you.
And know that the future of humanity depends on our balance, our delusions, our belief systems and our memories, I tell you to keep the faith, to love each other, because God is Big.
He watches over us and our future…
Sincerely, Ulice the Templar.