Hello everyone,
As you know I am Ulice the Templar and I come from very far away, to testify to my stories, I have crossed time, various dimensions and various networks, Universes and Programs.
And today I would like to talk to you about the vibrational journey of brains, minds and universes, as I have already explained to you in other videos, due to political, religious, economic, psychological and travel mismanagement. spiritual, the apocalypse has already arrived at various times and in various program networks.
As a result, it had no effect other than creating what I call the Big-Burger, which is what happens when billions of men, women and children of various additional dimensions, various beyond is found on Earth at the same time among the living, as I said it is back to square one.
But I assure you, real professionals and lighting teams, we took things in hand each time, they always allowed us to find blue skies and stars.
We have always been locked into programs and networks that are getting smaller each time, caught up in a spiritual journey that I hope will be eternal.
The problem in terms of the human race, has always been people greedy for wealth, power and control, which has always been all the misery of the world and of our species.
My hopes, I put them on each new generation, how much less stupid than the previous ones, because people among the stars seek to recruit, open-minded people, with love, compassion and charity for his peers, understanding that humanity is not just about money, nationalities, races and religions.
But what must be done with each one, because each person is important, because each person deserves a future, their dignity, their fulfillment and their happiness, because the more networks they have among the programs, the more additional meaning they will have, more among the spirits and the stars, the more chance we will have to evolve, grow, learn and improve our chances of survival in the program.
And as I said before, the apocalypse has already arrived at various times among so many programs, among so many networks, that we are sinking endlessly into programs and smaller networks.
This is how things have always been and forever, sometimes we can disconnect from certain networks, sometimes we can get out of certain programs, but know that the selection is tough, you have to be civilized, hardworking, thorough, methodical and kind-hearted.
Too often there are computer problems, electronic failures and this results in billions of women, men and children who find themselves falling from additional dimensions, among the living and this does not result in human beings who piles up on top of each other, until you can no longer see the sky.
And what I’m going to reveal to you is that a team of professionals takes care of everything, what I’m going to reveal to you is one of the best kept secrets of families and communities ruling the world.
Generally the Big-Burger as I call it, I see it as a base to give, their secret is as valid to leave this hell of its billion people piled on top of each other, as to create its own religion among the living allowing us to overcome death, valid as well as for voodoo, for Judaism, for Christianity, for Islam and of some religions.
Generally there is a team that works hard, in order to allow us a future and that for only tools, we only have what each one has between his two ears, that is to say brains, connections neuronal synapses and neurons, because everything is history, neuroses, delusions, belief systems, memory organizations, brain organizations and organizations of the cervical areas.
The base of giving needs the network as much as the network needs the base of giving, in the same way that the living need the dead as much as the dead need the living.
Because everything is a house of cards, everything depends on one man alone, where a community and their psychological balance, their delusions, their system of beliefs, the organization of their memories, the organization of their brains and their neurons.
Everything from the base of giving is a spiritual journey, through time, through extra dimensions, a journey that really only happens in their brains.
Since the Big-Burger, a spiritual journey to begin, a very long time ago, a neuron race, a journey into a personal or collective neurosis, into a personal or collective delirium, a journey through the different areas of the brain.
From the database, we can list the various areas of the brain, there is an area our networks, the living, our civilization and there is another area of the brain that hosts the dead.
The dead are with us and live in us, they live in various areas of the brain, both time, the various time scales, between centuries, thousands of years, millions of years, billions of years and eternity.
That’s why it’s inside the base of giving, where among the network, among the living and well there are wizards, marabouts, druids and prophets who work to allow us to grow , to evolve and move forward without fear ever further.
I would say knowing the brain, that the dead are always with us, that the saints are always with us, as well as the angels and the archangels, coming from eternity, who inhabit areas of our own brains.
But one thing is certain, it is a story of organizing our collective neuroses, organizing our collective delusions, organizing our collective memories and organizing our brains in a collective way.
From the base of giving, whatever the networks to be created, where some silk religions allowing us to overcome death, there have always existed great wizards, great marabouts, great druids and great prophets always putting us on the way to eternity.
Everything is a story of psychological organization, neurosis organization, delirium organization, belief system organization, memory organization, neuron organization and cervical area organization, because we are on a spiritual journey, we have always been on a vibratory journey, we have always been on the move in a neuron race, in the various cervical areas.
Each holy religious book, like the Tora with its parshas, whether it be the Bible with its psalms and the Koran with its suras, this serves to put us in an organization of collective neuroses, in an organization of collective delusions, in an organization of collective belief systems, this serves to organize our memories in a collective way.
Religions come into existence in our brains, religions are alive, they live in us, in our organization of our own neurons, in the different areas of the brain.
Our own organization of neurons and areas of the brain, allows it to be ourselves who give existence, reality and life, to paradise and to eternal hell.
Thanks to our brain, we can give existence and life to what we want, I repeat the living need the dead as much as the dead need the living, because the dead live in the organization of the brains, in the various organizations brains of believers, of those who live their religions and believe in their Gods.
The brain is distributed between different neuron areas, among others following life, death, centuries, thousands of years, millions of years, billions of years and eternal paradise.
Nowadays the human race to explode in the stars, the human race know well the religions, the human race to colonize the various afterlife, know well the various organization of the brains of the different people of our humanity, know well the program and know that everything starts from the base of giving, that is to say even God, the Archangels, the Angels and the Saints find it difficult to hide.
Because man has understood things too well and I reveal to you things that are dangerous to know, because whoever listens to me, who understands me, will gain access to knowledge that is so dangerous to our humanity, because it will give unparalleled power over the rest of creation.
To know that we are in a program, where we come from, from a basis to give, to understand what are the religions, what are the neurons and the organization of our brain, that humanity is built since the database, the networks, the living and the dead, on a house of cards and everything can collapse if we do it wrong.
But I have already told you enough for today, thank you for giving me what is the most important thing in this world, which is your time and your intention.
Keep the faith, tell yourself that people are there, just like me, to enlighten the world and show us the path to follow, whether spiritual or scientific.
I wish you all a good day and see you soon.
Sincerely, Ulice the Templar