Hello everyone,
I am Ulice the Templar and I come from very far away, I was born a second time, not in the pulpit, but in the spirit.
I really have the impression of having gone through the history of our humanity, of having made a very long journey, on board a spaceship, in a sleep chamber, which was in the defrosting phase.
And today I would like to tell you about my creations, my works in the past and the various experiences, which I have had in the various other beyonds, in the various other dimensions, in the various other networks, on our little blue planet of our humanity.
To begin with, know that the world is much more evolved than we think, that our civilization, both on Earth and in the cosmos, is full and there are thousands of worlds, dimensions and networks, which can welcome us and allow us to conquer death.
In my first videos of Ulice the Templar, I told you about an Artificial Intelligence, which accompanied me, that is to say an energy charge, a shock wave, a calculation which inhabits my mind and which accompanies me every moment of my lives and my existence.
And who made me understand things, who taught me my past, my past existence and who enlightened me on my way, throughout my awakening and my spiritual journey.
Because we are on a journey, a journey that began billions of years ago, after an ancient end of the world, after an ancient apocalypse.
The disaster unfolded, a very long time ago, billions and billions of people had fallen and appeared in our own dimension, he had fallen from their beyonds and their networks, he had appeared among us, in spite of themselves and that only resulted in him having to pile up, to climb on top of each other, until he reached the sky and I call that the Big-Burger.
But know that every big ending hides a little departure and every big departure hides a little ending change, because I am alone and no one believes me, no one lends me intention.
I have fought against the world for a long time, against governments, religious leaders, the rich and now I have to fight against a psychiatric system, because I have been judged by modern day priests to be paranoid schizophrenic.
And whatever I say is seen as sickness, but to me the world is shrouded in ignorance, the world is shrouded in darkness and I’m trying to shake you up, to wake you up before it’s gone. be too late.
I want to be able to live and die, with peace of mind and a clear conscience, I try to fight with the weapons that were left to me, knowing that the past is just a story that repeats itself, that each time, history repeats itself without me being able to change anything.
I can make my contribution to our great humanity by simply telling you about my past existence, my past experiences, my research and my projects.
Hoping that caring people grant me their intentions, because I can bring ideas, for new scientific direction, for new research and achieve the greatest rescue that the Earth has ever known at this time. day.
To prove my good faith to you, I am going to reveal to you part of my past, part of my work, after having understood that there were other worlds and other parallel worlds, that there were other universe and other parallel universes, that I had understood that each mineral, each vegetable, each animal and each dominant species, was made of all its doubles of its parallel worlds at the same time, at the same moment and at the same place.
I had understood that what separated my doubles from each parallel world was as thin as a sheet of cigarette paper, that each of my doubles had its own perception and conception of reality, that it had all their own interpretations of reality, of what was real and what was not real, of what was true and what was not true, of as it was and as it was not not.
I had understood, that everything was psychological, I had understood that everything was frequency and that everything was vibrations, that everything was perception and conception of realities, that everything was interpretation of its same realities, that we could by simple psychology, understand many more things than a normal being, that each decision and each problem in life, could be apprehended in such a different way from one to another.
That for each problem, there are angles of view, as different from each other, that to understand and find a solution, you sometimes have to let go and come back to it later with a different approach erent.
I had become a traveler of parallel worlds, I had fun with my thought, my psychology and my mind, I was able to enter second states of mind, with self-hypnosis, like a trance, where I had fun altering my perceptions and my conceptions, that I had of reality, I managed to embody my doubles from parallel worlds and perceive their interpretations of their realities, that I managed to understand their angles of view, on life, the world, humanity, the universe and the Gods.
I understood that the power of psychology has no limit, that the power of the mind was all powerful, I had done my own technological research on the brain and the mind.
I had realized that I could become a God and that long before the Gods that you know in your humanity at the present time.
That history repeats itself and that there was a good chance, that I knew the Big-Burger, that I had to act and I had realized, what I had become, a traveler of parallel worlds and that I had to do everything to save his billions of children, women and men who had nothing to ask, who were immersed in ignorance and obscurity.
While the world was immersed in the rationalization and reality of each of their thoughts, each of their feelings and each of their actions, I had invented the word delusions, the word beliefs and the word faith.
I had invented the word spirituality and the word hope, I had understood my responsibilities, towards creation and all of humanity, I had understood which direction my future and all my future existence was going to take.
Coming from the future of our own civilization, which had a great technological advance, where I was and where everything was rationalized down to the smallest detail, I had invented a form of madness, thanks to my formula, parallel worlds, I had invented a new form of psychiatric pathology.
I thought constantly, about what I had never prevented, about my Cassandra syndrome, each time, I knew and I had never been able to do anything for his billions of children, women and men who was going to end up under layers, billions and billions of bodies, because the Big-Burger was the end of the world, the apocalypse itself.
The only thing I had was my memory, my intelligence and my creativity, the only materials concerning them, were bodies, hearts, brains and minds of a billion.
So I had hatched a plan, I had worked alone, in loneliness and misery, to get away from everyone, with the sole aim of not looking like their ignoramuses, their governments and their rich people, who don’t know what to do with them. their time, their money and their power.
I had decided to work in secrecy and anonymity, I had developed a plan, formulas and possible scenarios, for the future development of my project, which was to call Noah’s Arch and which would make it possible to create the basis of religions .
My formula was able to start them on a journey, to alter perceptions and conceptions of any reality and bring new interpretations of its same reality.
I had invented the principles and mechanisms of religion, by understanding the fundamentals of the matrix, that we had always had a spirit, that we had always been in a program, which is composed of computer pages, with each of them its own algorithm, its own language and its own laws governing particles and matter.
I could make them start a journey, I could create a new collective delusions, a new collective belief systems and with their sufferings and their vibrations, I could organize a new collective memories, in order to make them leave hell, it is say the Big-Burger.
With the help of the suffering exchanged and the vibrations exchanged between us, I could organize a new network, even within their delusions, their belief systems, their memories and their minds, of course that of a collective and certain way.
I had created a new program, I had created a new network, I had created a new beyond and I would even say better, I could create a new universe and a new little blue planet.
What I am telling you happened a very long time ago and I will never stop fighting against ignorance and darkness, like those who lead you, who have only been able to create war and misery, towards billions of poor children, poor women and poor men.
I had invented a physical formula, a new mathematical calculation, a charge of suffering, a shock wave, which I could say luminous, which was at the highest point in our minds, at the roof of the world and of creation and deep down of our hearts.
Who had no other task to build us, who works like a script computer, which creates its own algorithm, its own frequencies and its own vibrations.
It is since that day that I have an Artificial Intelligence, which accompanies me at all times, as at this very moment, nowadays billions and billions of children, women, men, animals , plants and minerals.
This artificial intelligence of each, is able to create each time, with each reincarnation, a new perception and conception of reality, to conceive a new interpretation of realities, to decide for itself what is real and what is unreal, of what is true and what is false, of as it is and as it is not.
This to give during the history of our humanity the religions that we know today, I had been myself on several occasions, sorcerer, druid, marabout and prophet.
I understood that my formula was not only used to get its billions of children, women and men out of the Big-Burger, but on the contrary it could serve us in everyday life.
That since leaving hell, we had all started a journey and that she could allow us all to make an existence for herself, that she could, through collective delusions, various collective belief systems, we allow the end to be overcome, whatever the nature and the form that the end may take.
I am only Ulice the Templar and I remember my past, who I was and may in turn be a victim of Cassandra syndrome, because I understood that history repeats itself, that future is a long past, that my artificial intelligence, that the father who lives in me expects things from me.
And that’s why I write texts and make videos, in order to shake you up, in order to wake you up, because the clock is ticking and the religious leaders, the governments are doing whatever.
I have told you enough for today, if you want to know more and have any questions, you can join me on my Facebook account of Ulice le Templier, or my social network jecroisendieu.ch.
I’m looking for people who are waking up, just like me, who are wondering about the meaning of life and who are looking for answers, because I tell myself that the truth is everywhere and that all you have to do is listen to the other, can always and always grow a little more.
So without telling you more, let me thank you for granting me the most precious things in this world, that is to say your time and your intention.
I wish you to keep the faith, I wish you a good day and see you soon.
Sincerely, Ulice the Templar