Hello everyone,
I am Ulice the Templar and I have come from far away to speak to you.
I was born a second time and not in the pulpit, but in the spirit, I really have the impression of having made a very long journey, aboard a spaceship, inside a sleeping box and which was in the defrosting phase.
I really have the impression of waking up after a very long sleep and know that I am recovering my memory, from day to day each time a little more, at the beginning my memories were still confused, but with time everything becomes clearer to me, I can explain absolutely everything, what happened to me, Religion, the cosmos and Genesis.
Unfortunately not understanding what was happening to me, there was a period when I was a little agitated and aggressive towards my neighbor, that I ended up in a Psychiatric Hospital, without ever one of their psychiatrists caring who I was and what I was experiencing, he thought I was crazy and I was given treatment that destroyed my life and my hopes.
But I reassure you I’m not crazy, I’m not schizophrenic and I’m all in my right mind, I’m as sane as anyone, it’s just that no one has ever questioned me about the truth of who I was and my past.
Isolated from Society, with a label of Paranoid Schizophrenic, I no longer have a future in Switzerland and in Europe, I am condemned to a life of solitude, without a wife, without children, without work and a life in misery.
And I have so much to contribute to our humanity and our civilization, so the idea came to me to offer my services to the highest bidders, in order to be able to take my revenge on this Switzerland and this Europe, which disappointed me , let it die and stole my future.
I offer the Knowledge and the power of tomorrow, to the nation which will see in me something other than a madman and which will give me a chance.
I am addressing absolutely everyone, as long as I can leave Europe and have a future, I am addressing the United States, Russia, China, North Korea, Israel and the Muslim country.
I don’t ask for much, that someone listens to me, that they give me a future and as a good Swiss, I am only a mercenary returning from very far away, a mercenary of matrices and realities augmented virtual images.
I am Divorced and childless, I am a former Special Forces Corporal and a former Swiss Security Agent, I was betrayed by my country and part my own nation, for which I would have given my life for it.
It is not me who abandoned my country and my compatriots, but it is they who left me to die in the street and now for 15 years in a home, with a life without a future, without a wife, without children and in the misery.
And now I am ready to go and offer my services to the highest bidder and the starting bid is 10 million dollars, know that all I can do and tell you about my story, the realities and truths, the Religions, matrices and augmented virtual realities, in which we all live forever.
What I am asking is not much, because I am convinced that you invest so much more in your research into military races, power and world domination, than what I can give you is my history, true knowledge, my realities and my truths, bring you to evolution and allow you to benefit from my multiple experiences, among the other beyonds and the other additional dimensions of our cosmos, matrices and augmented virtual realities .
On my Websites and my YouTube channels, you will only have a small glimpse of knowledge, realities and truths, in private I could explain everything to you, knowledge that makes certain Men Gods, technologies and what will be made the incontestable power of tomorrow.
The power will belong to those who listen to me and who believe in my words, in my realities and in my truths, I am open-minded and easy-going, I would work for the best offer, I repeat whether it is for the United States, Russia, China, North Korea, Israel and Muslim countries, power will belong to those who give me a chance.
You can contact me by email at the following address:
While waiting for you to contact me, know that I am impatient to collaborate with you and finally have a future thanks to you, I wish you a good day and I will see you soon.
Kind regards, Ulice the Templar