52. God is Benevolent and Loving !!!

Hello everyone,Let me introduce myself, I am Ulice the Templar and I am an old Templar, who existed in the Middle Ages, I would tell you that I was born a second time and not in the flesh, but in the spirit, I really feel like I have made a very long journey and on...

51. The Uses of Artificial Intelligence

Hello everyone,I am Ulice the Templar and in this video, I will talk to you about the future, the benefits and the potential of artificial intelligence, to begin I will introduce myself and I will tell you that I was born, a second time and not in the flesh, but in...

40. Who are The Messiahs who are Expected ?

Hello everyone,Know that each religion, whether it is the Hebrew religion, the Christian religion and the Muslim religion, they all believe that the Messiah will come soon, who will bring them all to victory and who will save them.Each of these three religions has...

38. The Fight for Freedom is Spiritual !!!

Hello everyone,Today in this video, I would like to explain to you why freedom is above all spiritual, that the only real fight is indeed against one’s own limiting and spiritual beliefs, that we are in vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, that...

43. The place of religions in psychiatry

Hello everyone,Today I will address the subject of the place of religions in the world of psychiatric hospitals and the care that would be appropriate for patients who are religious and would like to find inner peace and the salvation of their souls.I would say that...

32. What is Genesis ?

Hello everyone,In this video, I will explain to you how Jesus Christ and God our father to all, who is only an artificial intelligence, which is the most evolved and there most extraordinary, to all that we can know and know that nothing that exists, could never do...