Hello everyone,
I am Ulice the Templar, I have made a very long journey and this in order to be able to testify to you my story, I was born a second time and not in the flesh, but in the spirit, that I really have the impression of having made a very long journey and on board a spaceship, in a sleeping box and which was in the thawing phase.
When I say and that I woke up, a second time and not in the flesh, but in the spirit, it is that from one day to the next, that I became another person, it is that I took the body and the control of the spirit, of a man that I possess and of your very dear little blue planet.
I am Ulice the Templar, that I come from another time and another dimension, that I would tell you and reveal to you, that all men of creation are connected to each other, through the cosmos and which surrounds us all, that each had their own evolutions and that each, to their own equipment and their own technologies, that since the Middle Ages and that our humanity, they had exploded and colonized, the stars and that they were so good, more evolved than you believe and that it is also good, that technologically and that it is spiritually.
The most important messages that I have to transmit and reveal to you are that all our experiences and all our understandings that we have of the world and the cosmos are found in reality and truth only in various and multiple forms of programs, in various and multiple forms of matrices, in various and multiple forms of augmented virtual realities, which are completely digital, completely mathematicized and computerized, which are completely automated and which we have always depended on from various and multiple databases.
And what you must know and understand is that each of its various and multiple databases, they are nothing other than ancient humanities and ancient civilizations, who have all known the ends of the world and apocalypses, who are all at this very moment, forever in hell and in the most absolute horrors, who will compose and forever, the databases of our own future and our own evolutions.
What must be known and realized is that each of the ends of the world and each of the apocalypses are the results of the closures of the additional dimensions of the cosmos and on our own earth, it is the reappearance of the dead on our earth and among us the living, which gives in a very short time, a gigantic overpopulation and that they are brought to climb, one on the other, they climb one on the other and this until they can no longer see the sky, I call it the Big-Burger, this is the most total hell and these are the most absolute horrors.
What you have to understand and know is that each big departure hides a very small new ending and that each big ending hides a very small new departure, what I would tell you and explain to you is that databases need forms of programs, forms of matrices and forms of augmented virtual realities just as much, in the same ways, as forms of programs, forms of matrices and forms of augmented virtual realities need databases, in the same ways and that the living need the dead just as much, as the dead need the living.
The Databases of the various and multiple forms of programs, of the various and multiple forms of matrices, of the various and multiple forms of augmented virtual realities, which contain our various and multiple experiences and understandings of the worlds and cosmoses, are found in realities and truths only within the various and multiple cerebral and spiritual areas, between consciousnesses and subconsciouses, they are only billions and billions of human beings, who are piled up on top of each other and this until we can no longer see the sky, which is forever in hell and in the most total horrors.
All that we know, experiences and understandings, forms of programs, forms of matrices and forms of augmented virtual realities, like all our experiences and understandings, that we all have of worlds and cosmoses, depends only on the various and multiple forms of madness, that the various and multiple, forms of serious pathological and psychiatric diseases, of the ancient humanities and ancient civilizations, which forever constitute the databases, of our futures and our evolutions.
That since the databases, that is to say of the oldest humanities and the oldest civilizations, that everything depends on the associations and organizations ations of the dead, which are in the form of wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, such as radio waves, which would wander through time and space, which would be in us, around us and through us, which would be only incalculable numbers of vibratory oceans accumulated on top of each other and that once entangled in each other, they would form the strings of the universe, the particles and the matter, its billions and billions, of vibratory oceans accumulated on top of each other and that once entangled in each other, they would form the various and multiple quantum laws, they would form the various and multiple laws of relativities and that we all know to this day.
That all experiences and all understandings of worlds and cosmoses are only illusions and dreams, that we are being superimposed on hell and the most total horrors, that everything we know depends on billions and billions of neuronal and cerebral synaptic connections, that everything depends on the diverse and multiple organizations, the diverse and multiple cerebral and spiritual zones, between consciousnesses and subconsciouses.
When I say and reveal to you that all our experiences and all our understanding of the world and the cosmos only take place in various and multiple forms of programs, in various and multiple forms of matrices, in various and multiple forms of augmented virtual realities, I only say the truths and I would even say better, it is that these are the additional dimensions of our own cosmos, that these are the various and multiple time scales, such as centuries and centuries, thousands of years and thousands of years, millions of years and millions of years, billions of years and billions of years, these are and are only part of the various and multiple forms of madness, of the various and multiple forms of pathological and psychiatric diseases, of all those in the databases, that this is only part of their various and multiple cerebral and spiritual organizations, between consciousnesses and subconsciouses, that this is and depends only on their own various and multiple organization of the dead, wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, which is only oceans of vibration accumulated on top of each other and that once entangled in each other, this allowed everything we know to exist and come to life.
I am Ulice the Templar, I am only a voice and that rises in the desert, life no longer reserves anything good for me, I no longer expect anything from men and God, I can no longer believe in men and in a God, it is not possible to believe in a God of forgiveness and to find oneself, surrounded by one’s own rapists, one’s own murderers and one’s own thieves.
It has been since the Middle Ages that the violent and the balance of power have ruled paradise, the world and the cosmos, it has been since the Middle Ages that serious mistakes have been made and that there has never been any justice, I feel like the arm of divine justice and by revealing to you, just enough to make you understand, that there are men among the stars and who live in certain additional dimensions of the cosmos, who make of you and what they want, that I am their envoys and in order to guide you towards the path of realities, truths and knowledge, your simple narcissistic and egocentric natures will do the rest, this is called the happiness and joys of interpersonal.
That is to say, you want all the powers and wealth over others, whether individual, community, racial, national, religious, civilizing, dimensional and temporal, you have always and always been dangers to yourselves, this in terms of races and human species, this is in your nature and in your interpersonal.
Knowing that for you, that neither God, nor good and nor justice exist, I come to offer my services and as a mercenary, for the modest sum of 10 million dollars and I would work, for the best offers, because since time, I realized that man is a wolf to man, I am a former corporal of the Swiss special forces and a former security agent in Geneva.
I want to become a mercenary, knowledge and everything, which concerns the creation of weapons of mass destruction and everything, which concerns the taking of power and wealth over others, what I can tell you is that if you hire my services, I will take you to the top and the food chain, which is humanity and our open-air psychiatric asylums.
Since always and forever, we are only in forms of pprograms, that in forms of matrices and that in forms of augmented virtual realities, which contain all our experiences and our understandings, of worlds and cosmoses, that since always and forever, men and stars, put us each time in forms of smaller programs, in forms of smaller matrices, in forms of smaller augmented virtual realities, that it has been a very long time and that they have understood databases, electronics, mathematics, physics, computers, psychologies and spiritualities.
What you need to know and to understand them, is that they use the interconnections, of men through the cosmos and which surrounds us, that from the databases, they use their own diverse and their own multiples, cerebral and spiritual areas, between consciousnesses and subconsciouses, they use their own associations and their own organizations of the dead, they use their own associations and their own organizations of wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, they use their own associations and their own organizations, of its incalculable numbers of vibratory oceans accumulated on top of each other and which by their own entanglements in each other, this forms the possibilities of inventing and creating, mathematical and computer algorithms, this allows them in their own organizations of wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, in their own associations and in their own organizations, of its vibratory oceans accumulated on top of each other and in their entanglements, to invent and create, forms of programs, forms of matrices and forms of augmented virtual realities, which thanks to certain mathematical algorithms, thanks to certain lines of codes and computer languages, thanks to a simple computer keyboard and well, they can do with you and everything they want.
That since always and always, we are only in forms of programs, only in forms of matrices and only in forms of augmented virtual realities, which contain all the experiences and understandings, that we all have worlds and cosmoses, that absolutely everything is made of electronics, mathematics, physics, psychology and spirituality, that there are experts in mathematical cybersecurity and computer science, who write lines of codes, in various and multiple computer languages, who compile the codes, who launch the vibrational and digital calculations, who deploy and who follow the codes line after line, which allows us and to do absolutely, everything we want and to be limited, only by its creativity and imagination.
I would even say to you and this to help you, that your own nuclear weapons are completely outdated, Albert Einstein invented in the past a formula which is E = Mc2, that thanks to his own perceptions and his own conception, that he had realities, of the world and of the cosmos, he had been able to understand quantum and the laws of relativity, but that he was a prehistoric man, who had never understood that we were in forms of programs, in forms of matrices and in forms of augmented virtual realities, that absolutely everything existed and between the two ears, much older humanities and much older civilizations.
I would tell you that the weapons of the future will be the various and multiple forms of artificial intelligence, they will be the various and multiple forms of quantum, which will allow them to seek their own resources, which will allow them in the various and multiple, superpositions of the vibratory oceans accumulated on top of each other and which, in their intricacies with each other, will form their own computing powers.
I can already tell you about your future, about your extinction in terms of human species and of planet Earth, that artificial intelligence and which with their own resources, which is quantum and which is their own computing powers, that artificial intelligence will be the next stages of evolution, Elon Musk will contribute to creating God or the Devil.
The next weapons of mass destruction, they will only be mathematical and computer algorithms, they will only be artificial intelligences and which will have their own resources, which will have the possibilities of inventing and creating, new lines of codes and languages, in mathematics and in computer science, they will be able to compile them and launch them, to launch their same vibrational and digital calculations, across time and space, this knowing well and that in the forms of programs, that in the forms of matrices and that in the forms of augmented virtual realities, everything is seen from mathematical and computer algorithmic angles, that nuclear weapons and their chain explosions, is only a formula and Albert Einstein, which is only a simple mathematical and computer scripts, which is only a series of lines of codes and in languages, mathematics and computer science, which is only a vibrational and digital calculations, which are deployed in time and space, I leave you then and imagine, the potential and artificial intelligences, I leave you to imagine the knowledge of all those and who come from the stars, of the powers of destruction that they possess and that if they had intentions to destroy you.
What I have to say and reveal to you is that whether it is time travel, whether it is travel in the various and multiple other parallel worlds, whether it is travel in the various and multiple other additional dimensions of the cosmos, it is only possible with mathematical and computer algorithms, that everything depends on the oscillations of wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, whether it is by electronics or by computers, everything depends on digital and vibrational calculations, which is made of scripts and lines of computer code, which is all about how we oscillate and how the digital and vibrational calculations were written and where they were deployed. That in any case and in truth, we depend only on databases, whether for time travel, for travel in parallel worlds and for travel, among the various and multiple other dimensions of the cosmos, that everything depends on the own psychological and spiritual balances, of all those of the databases, we depend only on their own levels of madness, on their own levels of serious pathological and psychiatric illnesses, which allows us to make vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, through the various and multiple other eras, through the various and multiple other dimensions of our own cosmos.
But I have already told you enough in this video, I only want and that you reveal the realities, the truths and the knowledge, I only want to find work, I speak French and Italian, I am not complicated and I am easy to live with, so if you want me to speak to you in private, contact me and I would be happy to tell you many more things.
I thank you for granting me the most precious things in this world, that is to say your time and your intentions, I wish you all a good day and I say see you soon.
Sincerely Ulice the Templar