Hello everyone,
I’m going to introduce myself,
I am Ulice the Templar and I was diagnosed as Paranoid Schizophrenic, 20 years ago and I am going to share with you how I perceive my psychiatric pathology, what happened to me and especially how in my own words , my own perceptions and my own conceptions of my reality, I see the diagnosis, which I was given and which I was cataloged with the label of Paranoid Schizophrenic and which put me on the sidelines of the society.
I am Ulice the Templar and I really have the impression of waking up a second time, not in the pulpit, but in the spirit and that from one day to the next, I had become another person and who came from the Middle Ages.
I really have the impression of having made a very long journey, aboard a spaceship, inside a sleep chamber which was in the thawing phase.
When I was 26, I had had alterations in my personality, I had had alterations in my perceptions and my conceptions, in the very idea that I had of realities and the world.
And if I had to describe, in my own words and tell you the truth, I had experienced mystical moments when I was 26 and which I am still experiencing at this very moment, but the difference is that now, I understand better things and I say to myself, that I have been touched by grace, because now I have acquired after my awakening, true knowledge which is very specific to me.
Because after I began to wake up and began to experience mystical moments, know that I began to find memories of my previous lives, of various and multiple journeys, through time and places. various other additional dimensions of the cosmos, I began to recover my memories, of my multiple experiences and among the various beyond our own cosmos.
I know more and more things and that day after day, I find my memories and I must also tell you, that every day I have encounters with the dead and encounters of the third type, with human and non-human intelligences. human beings, who have come into contact with me, that they come from many other eras and many other additional dimensions of our own cosmos.
Now that I know what the various psychiatric illnesses and pathologies are, to understand, I must reveal to you the only true realities and truths, which will make you understand absolutely everything, that the multiple illnesses and the various psychiatric pathologies are an opportunity and an opportunity to be seized, it goes from intelligence and religions, which must be seized and which will put you on the paths of certain vibrational, psychological, spiritual journeys and perhaps even lead you to enlightenment.
To begin with and which will make you understand absolutely everything, I must reveal to you that we have always been in forms of programs, in matrices and in augmented virtual realities, which are completely computerized and automated.
That the ends of the world and the apocalypses have already arrived in multiple eras and this within the various forms of programs, the various matrices and the various augmented virtual realities, that this happens when the additional dimensions of the cosmos, when the multiple beyonds and which shelter the dead, collapses into our own dimension and this among us the living.
This is the horror and creates hell itself on our earth, this creates as I call it the Big -Burger, this is the result when billions and billions, living and dead, pile up on top of each other, with piles of bodies as far as the eye can see.
I’m not going to tell you exactly how, with whom and what, but what I can tell you is that the forms of programs, matrices and augmented virtual realities only exist and take shape. between the two ears, of the most ancient humanities and civilizations, that is to say in their own brains and in their own minds, that everything only exists and takes shape in the diverse and multiple organizations of the cervical areas, of the most ancient humanities and civilizations, which experienced the end of the world and apocalypses, which will now forever constitute the databases of our future and our evolution.
That the program forms, that the matrices and that the augmented virtual realities, are only organizations of billions and billions of neuronal synaptic connections, among the various and multiple cervical zones, they are only organizations of frequencies and vibrations , between consciousness and subconsciousness.
That the forms of programs, that the matrices and that the augmented virtual realities, are completely computerized and automated, that absolutely everything is algorithmmy mathematics, that everything is lines of codes and computer languages, that everything is physical, that everything is psychological and that everything is spiritual.
That the ancient humanities and ancient civilizations, which experienced the end of the world and apocalypses, will forever remain where they are, that is to say in hell, and will forever constitute the databases of our forms of programs, our matrices and our augmented virtual realities.
For them the only way to leave the horror and hell itself, that the only way to escape and have a future, is between their two ears, that is to say in their own brains and in their own minds, in order to connect to our new forms of programs, our new matrices and our new augmented virtual realities.
In hell and which are the databases, which forever constitute the forms of programs, matrices and augmented virtual realities, we have always been suffering from various and multiple serious psychiatric pathological illnesses, which we have always been in. vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, until being able to connect to the world of the living.
We are at this very moment in databases, connected to life, to forms of programs, to matrices and to augmented virtual realities, suffering from a serious psychiatric pathological illness, in forms of madness and everything being connect to the matrix, to augmented virtual reality and into reason, logic and coherence.
Databases, forms of programs, matrices and augmented virtual realities, which only exist and take shape thanks to the organizations of frequencies and vibrations, even within the various and multiple cervical zones, organizations of billions and billions of neuronal synaptic connections, between consciousnesses and subconsciousness, they constitute and understand the various and multiple additional dimensions of our own cosmos, which is in reality only various and multiple cervical areas and spiritualities.
Their various and multiple cervical areas, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses, they also understand the various time scales, such as billions of years, millions of years, thousands of years, centuries and gravity, which is time and who cross each of the additional dimensions, of their own brains, of their own minds and of the cosmos itself.
Before telling you about what Schizophrenia is, the various mental illnesses and the various psychiatric pathologies, let me tell you about religions and religious people.
A very long time ago, prophets and who were fortunately accompanied by the revelations of the Archangel Gabriel, they allowed at various times and among various peoples, to create new forms of mental illness, they allowed the creation of new psychiatric pathologies, by creating new belief systems and which could perhaps allow us to overcome death, which gave the creations of the Hebrew, Christian, Muslim religions and of course so many other religions, which come from the same principles, same theories and same methods, as the creation of matrices and augmented virtual realities.
Each religion and each religious believe to hold unique realities and truths, on the perceptions and conceptions of realities, of genesis, of the cosmos and of the Gods, we are free to interpret, the Torah, the Bible and the Koran, as we want, it changes according to political and religious needs, of all times and all places, Rabbis, Priests and Imams interpret according to their own needs.
Know that religious people are affected by various mental illnesses and multiple psychiatric pathologies, which according to their beliefs are called spiritualities and which allow them to make vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, to the gates of paradise and life. eternal, know that this is very real and very true.
The Creation of a religion, well, it is like the creation of forms of programs, matrices and augmented virtual realities, it is the creation, of course in a voluntary and controlled manner, of a new perceptions and a new conception of realities, the world and the Gods, a new system of beliefs and a new way of overcoming death, a new way of starting and organizing, vibrational, psychological journeys and spiritual, for better worlds and the salvation of souls.
Which is in realities and truths, only organizations of the worlds of the dead and which each death, are in the forms of frequencies and vibrations, which exist even within the various and multiple cervical zones.
ales, which are only billions and billions of neuronal synaptic connections, across the diverse and multiple areas of our own brains and our own minds, obviously between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses.
I would like to tell you, whether it is databases, forms of programs, matrices and augmented virtual realities, whether it is the various religions, whether it is the various professional professions of our civilization and well, they are all forms of mental illness, pathological psychiatric disorders and which allow them to be in contact and permanent connections with the dead.
Which are in the forms of frequencies and vibrations, which are found in many other eras and in many other additional dimensions of the cosmos, which are in realities and only exist in diverse and multiple organizations of our own cervical areas and our own spiritualities, that it is only billions and billions of neuronal synaptic connections, exchanges of frequencies and vibrations, between their consciousnesses and their subconsciousness, of their own brains and their own minds.
Once we understand, the databases of program forms, matrices, augmented virtual realities and once we understand religions, we can say that the dead are within ourselves and which are only in forms, only through billions and billions of interactions with ourselves, among billions of frequencies and various vibrations, which only exist within, the various and multiple zones of our own brains and our own minds, which is between consciousness and subconsciousness.
The Dead only exist and in truth, thanks to the associations and exchanges of information, between the living and the dead, from the various additional dimensions of the cosmos, which is in reality only multiple and diverse cervical zones, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses.
And know that these are only organizations, of incalculable numbers of frequencies and vibrations, among the diverse and multiple, cervical zones and minds, which only exist and take shape, through the billions and billions, of neuronal synaptic connections, between consciousnesses and subconscious minds, which allow us to think, understand, interpret, memorize, speak and be able to, quite simply function correctly and live, the dead are in us and are part of us.
And now, that I’m talking to you about our form of program, our matrix and our augmented virtual reality, that I’m explaining to you what religions and religious people were, that I’m talking to you about brains and minds , I will now be able to talk to you about Schizophrenia and its pathological psychiatric functioning.
To begin I would like to tell you, that we have always been on vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, that we are reduced to only being one frequency and one vibration, which exist among many others, that we must coexist with the dead and organize the frequencies and vibrations, we must all organize our own memory and the world of the dead.
That everything happens through psychology, even inside our own brains and our own minds, that we are all unique in the world, that we all have serious mental illnesses and psychiatric pathologies, that we all have our own personality and are own belief systems.
Madness has always been the law of the majority, because certain priests of modern times decide where madness begins and reason stops, while we all have our own personality and our own beliefs, with its qualities. and its faults.
As I explained before, we are only one frequency and one vibration among many others, that we are constantly in contact and in communication, with the dead and who are like us, in the form of frequencies and vibrations, even within our diverse and multiple cervical areas and minds, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses.
That we all make at every moment, billions and billions of new neuronal synaptic connections, through the diverse and multiple, of our own brain areas and our own spiritualities, that there are constantly connections and communications , between us and the dead, who exist through time and the additional dimensions of our own cosmos, which each additional dimension of the cosmos, is in reality only diverse and multiple, cervical and spiritual zones.
And that Schizophrenia is very close to religions and religious people, the difference is found in the different organizations, mental illnesses and in the various organisations of psychiatric pathologies, the difference is indeed found, in the organization of frequencies and vibrations, within the various and multiple zones, cervical and spirituality, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses.
The difference between the Religious and the Schizophrenics is found in the belief systems, in the organization of the various additional dimensions of the cosmos, in the organization of the world of the dead, which are in the forms of frequencies and vibrations, which exist between the billions and billions of neuronal synaptic connections, across the various and multiple cervical areas, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses.
Religious people have a very precise way of organizing their spiritualities and their lives, they have a very precise way of organizing frequencies and vibrations, they follow a very precise religious code in order to organize the world of the dead, even within their own brains and their own minds, between heaven and hell, between brothers and sisters, between believers and saints, between angels and archangels, between the Devil and God.
Psychology is very complicated, to put it simply we have always been, in vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, through time and the various other additional dimensions of the cosmos, which is not in reality and in truths, whether it is the travel in time and the multiple other additional dimensions of the cosmos, that these are only journeys through the diverse and multiple, cervical zones and spirituality, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses.
The vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys of religious people who hope to conquer death are very well organized and will undoubtedly lead to paradise, which is quite the opposite of schizophrenics and who are completely disorganized, because religious people who have faith and who have their own religions, follow very specific journeys, they are on vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, which are well organized and which lead to paradise, always and always, in rationality, logic and coherence.
Religions and religious people have their own organizations of their vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, until arriving at their own beyonds, they have their own organizations of the world of the dead, of frequencies and vibrations, inside even of their own brains and their own minds, with the simple objective of conquering death and reaching paradise.
We become schizophrenic, when our vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys become illogical, irrational and incoherent, they become schizophrenic, because they have not understood and learned to organize the worlds of the dead, who have not learned to organize the frequencies and vibrations, even within their own brains and their own minds, among the various and multiple cervical and spiritual zones, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses.
Schizophrenia is being in contact with the dead, with other frequencies and other vibrations, it is being in connection and communicating, in a random and disorganized way with the dead, who exist and are finds, in many other eras and in many other additional dimensions of our cosmos, which is in reality, only among our diverse and multiple cervical and spiritual zones, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses.
This leads to disturbances in perceptions and conceptions of reality, it leads to the incoherence of psychologies and feelings, it leads to the incoherence of speech and their actions, which the schizophrenic must learn, to having organized delusions and build his belief system, he must organize his vibrational, psychological and spiritual journey.
Psychology allows us absolutely everything, to become a Genius, to become a medium, to become a clairvoyant, to become a professional, to become a believer and to conquer death, psychology can allow us to create absolutely anything we want and perform miracles.
But I think I’ve already told you enough in this video and if you have any questions you can contact me on my Facebook account, by searching for the Ulice the Templar profile.
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I thank you for giving me the most precious things in this world, that is to say your time and your intention.
I wish you a good day and see you soon.
Kind regards, Ulice the Templar.