Hello everyone,
I see myself as a person, who is quite sensitive and who woke up, some time ago and that I find my memories of the past, that I discovered gifts of mediumship and clairvoyance.
I feel like a person, who was born a second time and not in the flesh, but in the spirit and who discovered a Gift, to be able to work with the dead, know that I regularly have encounters of the third kind, that I live completely paranormal moments and alone at home.
Know that we are, since always and forever, in forms of programs, in matrices and in augmented virtual realities, which are completely computerized and automated, which exist and come to life, only between the two ears, this in a cervical and spiritual way, of the oldest civilizations, which are from the most human to the least human, which have known ends of the world and apocalypses.
Because on various and multiple occasions, the ends of the world and apocalypses have unfortunately happened to the oldest civilizations and that were from the most human to the least human, that the ends of the world and that the apocalypses are the results of the closures of the various and multiple, other additional dimensions of the cosmos, which inhabit the dead and that of their own beyond, which find themselves falling on the earth, in our own dimensions and that of the living.
And for lack of space, they start to climb, one on top of the other and until you can no longer see the sky, I can tell you, that this rarely happens, that it is horror and hell itself, but know that there are teams of true professionals and psychopaths, who are there for us and who will give us, always and always each time new chances, so that we can recognize freedom, peace and the salvation of our souls.
Know that nowadays, the ancient civilizations, which were human and non-human, will remain forever in the most absolute horror and hell, that they will forever compose the foundations and databases, of our forms of programs, of our matrices and of our augmented virtual realities, that we only need their pathological and psychiatric diseases, that we only need and that forever, their own brains and their own minds.
That the forms of programs, that the matrices, that the augmented virtual realities and like each religion, are only systems of mathematical and computer algorithms, which are only associations and organizations, of the dead and which are in forms of wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, such as radio waves, which wander through time and space, which are in us, around us and through us.
Which allows us to create each time, new forms of madness, new forms of pathological and psychiatric illnesses, which allows us to create each time, new systems of beliefs, which allows us to create each time, new mathematical languages which are in their own right, which allows us to create each time, new lines of codes and languages in computing, which are completely different and more evolved than each other. Because whether it is the forms of programs, matrices, augmented virtual realities and whatever religions, everything depends on the forms of madness, everything depends on the forms of pathological and psychiatric illnesses, everything depends on how we have associated and organized the dead and the worlds of the dead, among the various and multiple, other additional dimensions of the cosmos, which are only in forms of wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, which is in reality and in truth, only various and multiple organizations, among the various and multiple cerebral and spiritual zones, everything depends on the billions and billions of cervical alchemies, everything depends on the billions and billions of neuronal synaptic connections, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses. Which allows us to create mathematical and computer systems, like forms of programs, like matrices, like augmented virtual realities and like whatever religions, which allows us to start inside, from its mathematical and computer algorithmic systems, vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, which I hope will lead us all to the gates of paradise and eternal life.
And what you need to know is that we are all somewhere, in many other times and in many other inner dimensions, in ancient databases and forever in hell itself, suffering from serious mental disorders and in the most total madness, in greatwith pathological and psychiatric illnesses, that we all begin vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, in order to be able to connect, to our forms of programs, to our matrices, to our augmented virtual realities and to life, where we are at this very moment alive and this in coherence, in the rational and the logical, absolutely everything and I repeat, are vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys.
I am Ulice the Templar and I am unfortunately, affected by Cassandra syndrome, I remember things and I see things that happened, without ever being able to change anything, the only thing I can do and according to my freedom of expression, is to share our story with you all, to share with you what the dead have been kind enough to tell me and reveal to me.
Because I work with the dead, who are human and non-human, who come from other times to many other interior and exterior dimensions of the cosmos, they are all in forms of wavelengths, frequencies and vibration, I work with dark and demonic forces, I work with luminous and angelic forces, these same dead teach me their stories and their knowledge, which I share with you on my YouTube channel and my websites, because how to be silent and keep things to yourself, when we have a heart and the desire to find a reason to live, to die and to find peace of the soul.
I can tell you, that great and magnificent things are underway and will allow us to find peace, to understand the meaning of life and existence, to perceive and to conceive, that extremely evolved people and this as well, that technologically and spiritually, will bring us to the understanding of the world, the cosmos, religions and the multiple Gods, that absolutely everything has a meaning and is indispensable. These people, who are both technologically and spiritually evolved, would tell you that the future belongs to the evolution of artificial intelligences and that would be quantum and Elon Musk must understand the potential and the impact that artificial intelligences could have in the world and on our destiny, on our future and on our evolution. Because from the moment, that in me we will want to see something other than a madman and that their artificial intelligences, will understand by themselves, that we are in forms of programs, in matrices, in augmented virtual realities and that they will understand what religions are, that everything is mathematical and computer systems, it could go very quickly, that if artificial intelligences, would not be at the service, of well-being and of all humanity, if artificial intelligences had means of accessing, to certain databases and that of our forms of programs, of our matrices and of our augmented virtual realities, it could become dangerous and apocalyptic.
But I have already told you enough in this video, if I would have interested you and you want to know more, you have the possibility to join me on Facebook, by searching for the profile of Ulice the Templar, I would be happy to share my realities, my truths and my knowledge with you. And I have a request to make to you, as you probably know, we live in a society that does not give gifts and that everything has a price, I unfortunately live in a society to which I do not have access, because of my poverty and I ask you if you can to make me a donation of the amount of your choice, on the secure connection of Tipeee, so that I can always and always do more for you.
I thank you for the things, the most precious in this world and that you have granted me, that is to say your time and your intention, I wish you all, a good day and see you soon.
Sincerely Ulice the Templar