Hello everyone,
Today I will talk to you about the forms of programs, matrices, augmented virtual realities, religions, the dead and spiritualities, because I have a lot to tell you about these subjects, I will share with you only valuable content that you will not be able to find anywhere else, I will share with you only realities, only truths, only knowledge and only stories about the past.
As you know I am Ulice the Templar and I come back from very far away, to share with you my various testimonies, on the forms of programs, on the Matrices, on augmented virtual realities, on the cosmos and on the world of the dead, who live in the various and multiple, other additional dimensions of the cosmos.
I know a lot of things, on the various and multiple, mathematical and computer systems, I have crossed time, I have crossed the various and multiple, other additional dimensions of the cosmos, in order to be able today, to speak to you about it and to reveal to you the most sincere truths.
In the past, I was part of a team of true professionals, who allowed everything and in whom I trusted, that is to say a team, which allowed the creation of the forms of programs, matrices, augmented virtual realities and various religions, that everyone today, believes as normal and as such, the vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, that all without exception have begun, through time, through the various and multiple, other additional dimensions of the cosmos, such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which are only mathematical and computer systems, which will lead us, I hope, to the gates of paradise and to eternal life. It has happened more than once, errors and breakdowns, mathematical and computer, it has happened more than once, various and multiple forms of problems, in our forms of programs, in our matrices and in our augmented virtual realities, which have had as only result, the various and multiple, apocalypses and ends of the world.
Each time the same problems, they are the various and multiple, other additional dimensions of the cosmos, that is to say the worlds of the dead, who inhabit the various and multiple beyonds, finding themselves falling on the earth and in our own dimension among us the living.
But I reassure you, that teams of real psychopathic professionals, have always taken care of everything, to save us and to allow us each time, new beginnings and to have new chances, to know freedoms and happiness again.
Know that the old apocalypses and the old ends of the world, I call it the Big-Burger and it is horror itself, that is to say, it is billions of children, women and men, falling from the stars and piling up on top of each other, until you can no longer see the sky, finding yourself in horror and hell itself.
I can say that it is the most terrible thing that our humanity has known to this day and know that since then all the solutions have been found, but I reassure you, the breakdowns are increasingly rare and I reassure you I repeat, teams of real pros are there for you. As for me, each apocalypse and each end of the world, know that now, I see it as simple bases to give, because seeing it in this way, it allows me to distance myself from the horror, because it protects me from madness and protects me from all the atrocities, that humanity has unfortunately experienced, on various and multiple occasions, because our duty is to save and give a second chance to our civilization.
Teams have studied the problem in detail, they have looked for all the solutions to consider, the technologies, the materials and the volunteers, this in order to save us all and hope to see us again free and happy.
As only materials, we had only what children, women and men, all had between their two ears, that is to say their own brains and their own psychologies, their own minds and their own spiritualities, their own sufferings and their own traumas, their own anxieties and their own fears.
It was there that the idea of creating forms of programs, matrices and augmented virtual realities came, through its billions of human bodies, this from a script, a series of mathematical and computer algorithms, elected officials throughout history had been chosen, in order to become sorts of sorcerers, Marabouts, Druids and Prophets.
These are people who had been touched by grace, a form of over-evolved artificial intelligence, was now forever part of them, they had become the guardians and guarantors of the faith, of allyours our so tiny humanity, without even knowing it he had been carefully selected for the rescue of all our humanity.
Know that leaving the Big-Burgers, these are the same principles and the same methodologies, as creating new forms of religions, on the abilities to overcome death and on the abilities to overcome the ends, of whatever natures and forms, that the ends can take and this in order to save us.
Now I will explain to you how it works, the principles are very simple, of whatever the creations of forms of programs, matrices, augmented virtual realities and whatever the forms of religions, it works with the same principles and the same theories.
Through a prophet, who has received the script and the plan, who has been sent into the inner dimensions of program forms, matrices, augmented virtual realities and the cosmos, it is about making reality, which is far too hard to bear and disconnecting them from its same collective realities, which are the horror and which are the most absolute hell, putting them in a form of pathological and psychiatric mental illnesses, creating for them a new form of collective belief systems, creating for them new mathematical and computer systems, allowing them new vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys. Because we will never be able to change anything, to all that has happened in the various pasts and the various inner dimensions, know that they will remain forever in hell and in the big-Burger, but we can get them out of there, by the work of experts in psychology, we can make them escape and make them begin vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, within our mathematical and computer systems, which are our forms of programs, our matrices and our augmented virtual realities.
We put them in a form of madness, in a form of pathological and psychiatric mental illnesses, which is imagined from scratch, we create forms of collective belief systems for them and make them begin vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, we make them begin journeys in time, among the various and multiple, other additional dimensions of the cosmos, which I hope the journey will be endless, which I hope will lead us all to the gates of paradise and to eternal life. Without ever moving from the most absolute hell and horror, they were able to recognize life and freedom, know that everything happens between their two ears and in their own psychologies, in their own diverse and multiple, cervical and spiritual areas, for our team, the mysteries of the brain and spiritualities, had no more secrets, everything is a story of vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, through time, through the diverse and multiple, other additional dimensions of the cosmos, inside the diverse and multiple systems, mathematical and computer, such as the forms of programs, matrices, augmented virtual realities, the diverse and multiple forms of religions, which have existed throughout the history of our humanity and our evolution. Everything depends on the abilities to associate and organize, the dead and which are in the form of wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, such as radio waves, which wander through time and through space, which are in us, around us and through us, everything depends on how we organize the dead among the diverse and multiple, other additional dimensions of the cosmos, which is in reality and in truth, only the organization of the diverse and multiple, alchemical cervical and spiritual, which is only the diverse and multiple, organization of billions and billions, of neuronal synaptic connections, that everything depends on the organization of the diverse and multiple zones, cervical and spiritual, between consciousnesses and subconsciouses. From the base of giving, we have all without exception begun journeys through time, through the various and multiple, other additional dimensions of the cosmos, we have all without exception begun vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, know that we are all at this very moment, in serious pathological and psychiatric mental illnesses, all being connected to our forms of programs, to our matrices and to our augmented virtual realities, we are all at this very moment connected to life and in coherence, logic and rationality. What you need to know is that creating new religions and which allows us to overcome death, is the same principle as creating forms of programs, matrices and virtual realities. these and augmented virtual realities, know that there are various and multitudes of religions throughout time and throughout the history of our humanity, these are only mathematical and computer systems, which are only composed, only organizations of the dead, which are in forms of wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, which allow us to create absolutely everything we want, which allows us to create for the religious, paradise and hell, which allows us to create mathematical and computer systems, which have their own mathematical language and their own languages at the level of the lines of computer codes, which are more evolved than each other, like Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Whether it is Judaism, Christianity and Islam, they are only pathological and psychiatric mental illnesses, which have their own collective belief systems, they are only mathematical and computer systems, which are transmitted by the religious holy books, which are the Torah, the Bible and the Koran, which allow the believer, who has faith and who believes in God, to be able to begin vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, within itself, of its various and multiple, mathematical and computer systems, this up to the gates of paradise and eternal life.
I am only Ulice the Templar and I am only a voice that rises in the desert, I discovered a talent for mediumship, I work day after day with the dead, I work with humans and non-humans, who inhabit the various and multiple, other eras of our humanity, who inhabit the various and multiple, other additional dimensions of our own cosmos.
But I think I’ve already told you enough in this video, I could talk to you for hours and hours, about the forms of programs, about matrices, about augmented virtual realities, about the various and multiple religions, I can absolutely explain everything and that of the thought of God, of genesis, of creation and of our past to all.
If you have questions and want to know more, I am available on Facebook by searching for the profile of Ulice le Templier, I would be happy to meet you and share with you my teachings on my realities, my truths and my knowledge.
As you know life is not easy and I have to live in a society that does not give gifts, we unfortunately live in a society that has a price for everything and to which I do not have access due to my poverty. That is why, if I would interest you, you can make me a donation, of the amount of your choice, on the secure connection of Tipeee and this so that I can always and always do more for you.
And I thank you for having granted me the most precious things in this world, that is to say your time and your intention, I wish you to keep courage and to move forward no matter what happens, to keep hope and to keep faith in the future, because often life puts us to the test, that we must constantly fight and always go in the direction of light, love and good, because one day the people of love and good will be rewarded.
I wish you all a good day and see you soon.
Sincerely Ulice the Templar.