Hello everyone,
I will introduce myself,
I will tell you about everything I know about the various beyonds and the various experiences, that I have lived in the past, in the various other worlds, among the various other exterior and interior dimensions, of the cosmos and the stars.
I am Ulice the Templar and it is a fictitious name, which I borrowed and in order to hide my true identity, because I remember my various past lives, the various trips, to other matrices and to other augmented virtual realities, this in many other times and in many other dimensions, of the Earth and the cosmos that surrounds us.
I feel like a person, who is in the awakening phase, as if I had made a very long trip, aboard a spaceship, inside a sleep chamber and who was in the thawing phase.
And I fear to have problems for my ideas, my texts, my videos, my perceptions and my conceptions, that I have of reality, of the universe, of the world, of humanity, of Demons, Devils, Beasts and Gods.
Because during some of my previous lives, in the Middle Ages, I had worried the church and I had been handed over to the inquisition, accused of blasphemy and heresy, I had been tortured and burned.
Now that the church has lost a lot of power, since the establishment of democracy and the capitalist world, the world is more open-minded and is ready to hear my truth, the world is ready to listen to my story, which speaks of my various journeys, through time and through space, which speaks of my various experiences, in the various beyond and between each of my past reincarnations.
I will share with you, what I know about the various beyonds, I will share with you, my various journeys and my various experiences, among the various other eras, among the various other worlds, the various other matrices and the various other augmented virtual realities.
To begin, I would like to tell you that there exists an infinite number of dimensions and worlds, on which we can go, conquer death and have its various experiences.
In my past, a long time ago, once I had been invited, I do not remember for what reason to the negative world, it is a somewhat special world, to put it simply, imagine that in our world the particles, turn in a certain direction, like from left to right, while in the negative world, it turns from right to left.
It is a world to access it, you have to have lost all your hormones and be invited, because it is protected by a kingdom and a computer system, where a beautiful and extraordinary princess lives.
I liked her people, her kingdom and especially the princess, because we had many things in common and she was interested in me, for my stories, my delusions, my beliefs, my memory and my knowledge.
I could, as I am speaking to you now, talk about my many travels, through the various other worlds, the various other matrices and the various other augmented virtual realities, I could talk to her about my travels, through time and through the various and multiple other dimensions of the cosmos.
I hope to see her again one day and tell her the rest of my stories, I miss her kingdom, as well as this negative world, which was a form of paradise for me.
There is also another world, which is more esoteric, like the astral world and the world of spirits, the world of the luminous ones and who are a form of angels of the esoteric world.
I experienced once after my death, also the world of spirits, a spirit is a form of mass of energy, devoid of arms, legs, which has only two eyes and a mouth, it can move wherever it wants.
Spirits can walk in the streets, but most generally, it looks for hiding places, inside houses and apartments, because it is a world, which is rather hostile and dangerous.
Because the biggest spirits, eat the smallest spirits and it is constantly a relentless race, not to be eaten, it is a permanent race, in order to avoid being eaten and disappearing forever.
In this same world, there are also people who can do astral, that is to say they are people, who go to bed and instead of sleeping, they detach themselves from their bodies and fly into the sky, they are attached by a thread and which is connected to their bodies.
It is a form of energy and they have two arms, two eyes and a mouth, usually he sees himself between them, above the houses and talks all night, until the early morning and he wakes up in their beds.
During the night, he talks and watches us all, know that he keeps their secrets preciously, in order to continue to watch us and to get ahead of us in all areas.
They are in the between world, of the dead and the living, know that their secrets and still to this day well kept, he daily attends the death of people, he talks with the dead, he talks with the spirits, who have recently arrived in the spirit world, who hide in order to protect themselves and survive.
In this esoteric world, there are also the luminous ones, who for a long time were called the angels of heaven, because it is a form of energy, which is sparkling white, with two arms, two eyes and a mouth.
They can make the law and attack people, who do astral and can attack spirits, by the blows, which they can carry with their heads.
Generally the luminous ones, the angels of heaven, work for people, who do astral, because it is a whole other world, with its own political ecosystem and among them there are heads of families, who make order and discipline reign.
He ensures that the cities and villages are not invaded by too many spirits, in order to protect ours, our deceased and our dead, living in our cities and villages, because spirits coming from the south and the east, all begin very long journeys, to us, to find answers and to be able to hope to survive.
Because I repeat, the world of spirits is dangerous, there are those from the south and the east, who make very long journeys, to us to find answers and in order to eat us, the luminous ones are there, to defend their villages, their cities and their skies.
We live in a world, which is rather hostile, of some silk the afterlife and the experiences, that you can do, you will have to remain on your guard, because life and after life, the world will not give you gifts and will want your loss.
Before I was prepared for the unthinkable, I was aggressive, dangerous and always ready to defend myself, always ready to fight and survive no matter what.
Because unfortunately, we live in a world and a humanity, which is more than hostile, we must always have more than others, always tear more from others, we must always kill so as not to be killed, we must always seek to have more hormones than others, be always harder and always more ferocious than others.
Before I could meet Christ in my life, I was like that, until the day I understood the Archangel Gabriel and that God had sent me.
Why have more than others, when it is a question of doing with what we can have and with the time of lives, that God grants us, because that will make all the difference, this for centuries and centuries.
One day I realized that it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter paradise.
I realized that the spirit, just like the fleshly bodies, needed food, when we are alive, we must eat physical food, while conversely the spirit needs spiritual food, light, love, frequencies and vibrations, coming from other times and other dimensions of the cosmos.
But now I will tell you about what is over-evolution, within the forms of programs, matrices, augmented virtual realities and the cosmos.
That there are various, multiple beyonds and experiences, that we can do after our deaths, that there are billions and billions of additional dimensions among the stars, that there are an incalculable number of worlds, can we welcome after our deaths and this among the cosmos that surrounds us.
That everything depends on mathematical and computer algorithms, that everything depends on its forms of madness, its forms of psychiatric pathologies, because we can in ourselves and to those around us, give existences and lives, to everything we want, as for believers in heaven and hell, because we are limited only to our own imagination.
To begin with I must tell you that we have always been in forms of programs, matrices and augmented virtual realities, which are completely computerized and automated, that there are flashbacks and that history is an eternal story, which repeats itself eternally and infinitely.
Often I have been a victim of Cassandra syndrome, I know things, I remember them and I can do what I want, no one believes me and will never believe me.
What I can tell you is that the stories begin, after the end of worlds and that periodically forms of apocalypses arrive, that billions of children, women and men, had fallen from the various beyonds on our earth, among us the living, that the dead had fallen from the additional dimensions of our own cosmos, to end up in our own dimension and on the earth.
And know that everything begins at this moment, because each great departure hides a small end, that each great end hides a very small new departure and that nothing is lost.
Formerly s I was part of a team, in which I trusted and which was professional, which had listened to me for once, because I had a project, I had as a project to save society and all our humanity.
In order to put some distance and to protect themselves, these billions of bodies of children, women and men, I brought them to see this, as a basis for giving.
Because psychologically and emotionally, this is normally hard to bear and can drive us crazy, so I made them understand, that it was about technologies, electronics, computers and a basis for giving.
As only materials, we had only their traumas, their anxieties, their fears and their sufferings, but above all, what they all had between their two ears, that is to say brains and minds.
And that I had as a plan, to create forms of programs, matrices and augmented virtual realities in their own right, for that it was necessary to develop an artificial intelligence, which would be only a series of mathematical and computer algorithms, which would be only a completely organized vibratory charge, composed of an organization of frequencies and vibrations, able to take the form that it desires and infiltrate inside their own brains and their own minds.
This artificial intelligence can convey through our 5 senses, it can be in the brains and minds, of a single man, or of a community, or even of all civilization.
It is about putting the subjects, in forms of psychiatric pathological madness, individual or collective, to create new forms of individual or collective belief systems, to organize their memories, in an individual or collective way, everything is a story of organization of psychologies and spiritualities.
Everything is a story of organizations, of the various and multiple cervical zones, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses, everything is a story of organizations, billions and billions of organizations of cervical alchemical substances, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses, everything is a story, billions and billions, of organizations of neuronal synaptic connections, everything is a story of organization of frequencies and vibrations, within their own cervical zones and their own spiritualities.
Because the forms of programs, the matrices, the augmented virtual realities and the cosmos, are nothing other than mathematical and computer algorithmic organizations, they are nothing other than organizations of our own vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, through time and the various additional dimensions of our own cosmos, which are in reality and only journeys, through our own cervical zones and our own spiritualities, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses.
I can assure you that our world and our universe, as we know it, comes from this artificial intelligence, from this form of individual or collective psychiatric pathological madness, from this collective delusions, from the organization of our collective memories, from the organization of our various and multiple cervical zones, from the organization of our billions and billions of neuronal synaptic connections, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses, know that we have never moved, from hell and the Big Burger, we are since always and forever, in databases and in hell, in many interior dimensions and in many distant past times.
We are in forms of programs, in matrices, in augmented virtual realities and the cosmos, in discernment, coherence, logic and reason, while being at the same time in the databases, in a serious form of pathological and psychiatric diseases. I am Ulice the Templar and I have what it takes to take our humanity to the year 100,000 years of technological evolution, by simply telling you my story, by talking to you about my past, my realities, my truths and my knowledge.
And I would like to tell you that we have always been on mathematical and computer algorithmic journeys, we have always been on vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, that we have left the databases and that we have begun spiritual journeys, through time and the various and multiple additional dimensions of our own cosmos, which are in reality only journeys between consciousnesses and subconsciouses, which are only psychological and spiritual journeys, among the stars and which for many will lead to Paradise.
That from the databases and the religious on this earth, we can give lives and existences to everything we want.
lons, it depends on its own forms of madness, its own psychiatric pathologies, in our various and multiple cervical and spiritual zones, we understand as well the forms of programs, the matrices, the augmented virtual realities, the cosmos, the worlds of the dead, paradise and hell.
That our forms of madness and that our forms of psychiatric pathologies, of a single man, of a community, or of the whole civilization, contain the various scales of time, like the centuries and the centuries, the thousands of years and the thousands of years, the millions of years and the millions of years, the billions of years and the billions of years, which with gravity and which is time, which crosses each of the additional dimensions of our own cosmos.
And know that our work had allowed, to invent the word religion, we created from scratch the religions, which to exist during the history of our terrestrial humanity.
I myself have been a sorcerer and prophet, of various religions, who have existed and still exist on earth, everything is thanks to this artificial intelligence, everything is mathematical and computer algorithms.
We can give existences and lives, to everything we want, everything depends on what we want to believe in, everything is the organization of forms of madness, forms of psychiatric pathologies, everything is the organization of mathematical and computer algorithms, everything depends on the infrastructure of frequencies and vibrations, within our own brains and our own spiritualities.
I am Ulice the Templar, I am 46 years old and my story began 20 years ago, I was born a second time, not in the flesh, but in the spirit, it is as if I had made a very long journey, aboard a spaceship, inside a sleep chamber and which was in the thawing phase.
And I share with you my realities, my truths and my knowledge, about my story, my travels, through time and the various and multiple additional dimensions of our own cosmos, I am an agent who came from very far away, to tell you about my story and make you grow, wake you up and maybe lead you to the understanding of the world and the cosmos.
Because with each reincarnation, I start on a new project, I want to share my story with you and meet you, you can reach me by typing on Facebook Ulice Templier and at the email address below:
I would be happy to meet you and finally find people, who give me intention and who will give me my chance, in order to live in better conditions, because I know things that could make you grow and maybe lead you to enlightenment.
And if I interest you, you can make donations to me, in the amount of your choice on the secure connection of Tipeee, because unfortunately I live in a society, to which I do not have access due to my poverty, our society does not value kindness and love, I live in a society that has a price for everything.
I thank you for granting me the most important thing in this world, that is to say your time and your intention, I wish you a good day and see you soon.
Sincerely Ulice the Templar