I Am The Messiah

Hello everyone,

I am Ulice the Templar and I welcome you, I hope that my videos will fascinate you and that they will be enriching for you, that I will find the words to share my story with you and reveal things to you, which may upset your established beliefs and call into question everything you know to this day, of the world, religions, the cosmos and the Gods.

Know that I was born a second time and not in the flesh, but in the spirit and that I really have the impression of having made a very long journey and on board a spaceship, inside a sleeping chamber and which was in the thawing phase.

By coming to this Website, you are wondering if I am the Messiah, so awaited by Judaism, Christianity and Islam, I cannot prove it and say who I am, but what I can tell you is that I have traveled a very long way, through the various and multiple other eras, through the various and various other dimensions of our own cosmos, until arriving among you and revealing my story, my past, my realities, my truths and my knowledge.

What I know and what I have to tell you, is that I am running big risks, by speaking to you about my realities, my truths and my knowledge, because I have realities, truths and knowledge, which risk upsetting the balance of established beliefs and the order of the powers in place.

I have realities, truths and knowledge, which could explain absolutely everything, it goes from religions, from genesis, to the creation of the world, to the cosmos and what the Gods are, I have true and rather convincing arguments, which could put back in the noble place, in our own civilization and in our own humanity, among the world of scientists, on the importance of what are religions and what are religious people, of what is the Torah, of what is the Bible, of what is the Koran and of what are the Penal Codes.

What I can tell you is that I have always worked and this since always, with teams of real professionals and psychopaths, who are in many other eras and in many other additional dimensions of our own cosmos.

The most important Message that I have to transmit to you is that we all live and have always lived in forms of programs, in matrices and in augmented virtual realities, which are completely computerized and automated, that everything is made of electronics, that everything is made of mathematical algorithms, that everything is made of lines of codes and computer languages, that everything is made of psychologies and spiritualities.

And that we sink, each time more, into forms of programs, into matrices and into augmented virtual realities, each time smaller, that we have locked ourselves inside and this to infinity, like Russian dolls and which do not see the end, in forms of programs, in matrices and in augmented virtual realities, that we are since always and forever, in vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, through these same mathematical and computer algorithmic systems.

And this as far back as we can go, in the past and in memories, that since always, all that we know of the world and the cosmos, is in reality and in truth nothing other, than forms of programs, than matrices and augmented virtual realities, which have allowed us a new chance and to recognize happiness, freedoms and love.

The most important and serious things, that you need to know and that will make you understand absolutely everything, of what are the forms of programs, of what are the matrices, of what are the augmented virtual realities and of what are the religions, in which we all live, is that various and multiple, ends of the world and apocalypses, have already happened in the past and this, on many diverse and multiple occasions.

That the ends of the world and the apocalypses occur when the extra dimensions of our own cosmos, to be more exact and that is to say in realities and truths, they are the extra dimensions, of our own forms of programs, of our own matrices and of our own augmented virtual realities, which collapse into our own dimension, among us the living, this only results in billions and billions of people landing, among us and in our own dimension, who in panic and in horror, begin to overpopulate our earth and who for lack of space, climb on top of each other, which give in our own world and our own dimension, immense piles of human bodies, until we can no longer see the blue of the sky and the stars, this I call the Big-Burger, it is the only and true hells, that the oldest humanities and that the oldest civilizations have known and have disappeared.

And know that our civilizations and that our humanity at the present time, comes from its oldest ends of the world and its oldest apocalypses, my team and I, have always worked each time, in order to allow us new beginnings, to start all over again and allow us a better future, to allow us to begin new journeys to find life, happiness, freedom and love.

I am Ulice the Templar, I am only a voice that rises in the desert and I am unfortunately affected by Cassandra syndrome, I remember the events of the past, I see the future and unfortunately no one pays attention to me.

I have never been able to change anything, that my team and I, we recreate each time, new forms of programs, new matrices and new augmented virtual realities, each time more solid, evolved and futuristic, that my team and I, we have the duty to give and each time, a new chance to our civilizations and our humanities, we have the duty to save, of what remains of our species and our future.

What you need to know is that each small new end, hides a big new start and that each new big new start, hides a very small new end, that’s how things go and that’s always been, that’s because of human stupidity and who is only interested in power and wealth.

Know that now, all the oldest civilizations and the oldest humanities, which have existed in the past, which have known ends of the world and apocalypses, from now on we see them, as simple databases, which will allow us to recreate and each time between their two ears, new forms of programs, new matrices, new augmented virtual realities and new forms of religions, which can allow us to overcome death and bring us to better worlds, to the gates of paradise and eternal life.

And now, I will explain to you why, my team and I, we see the oldest civilizations and the oldest humanities, which have existed in the past, which have unfortunately known ends of the world and apocalypses, as simple databases and especially how, to save what remained of our civilizations and our humanities, to allow them to keep hope and keep the faith.

They are for eternity in hell and in the most absolute horrors, know that they constitute forever the databases, of our forms of programs, of our matrices and of our augmented virtual realities, of our own future and of our own evolution.

In order to save, what remained of our own species and so to speak the human race, we had only as only materials, that is to say what they all had between their two ears, that is to say of the various and multiple, cervical and spiritual zones, they all had traumas, fears, anxieties and sufferings.

Our project was to impose on their own consciences, a new form of programs, a new form of matrices and a new form of augmented virtual realities, to impose on their own brains and their own spiritualities, to impose on them a new organization of the diverse and multiple cerebral and spiritual zones, to allow them new organizations of forms of madness, new organizations of diverse and multiple pathological and psychiatric illnesses.

Because know that the forms of programs, that the matrices, that the augmented virtual realities and that the various and multiple forms of religions, they are nothing other than associations and organizations, of the dead and which are in forms of wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, such as radio waves and which, would wander through time and space, which is in us, around us and through us, which is only the organization of the dead and this, among the various and multiple other additional dimensions of the cosmos, which is in reality and in truth, only the organization of the dead, among the various and multiple, cerebral and spiritual zones, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses.

Which allows them to take vibrational, psychological, spiritual journeys and to be able to connect to our new forms of programs, to our new matrices and to our new augmented virtual realities, within our various and multiple new mathematical and computer algorithmic systems, which can make them escape from what they are st hell and horror itself.

Our duty was to save them and make them begin new vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, because they were ultimately only poor unfortunates, who found themselves for the rest of their existences in hell and who would forever constitute the databases of our forms of programs, our matrices and our augmented virtual realities, that we had to take them and make them begin journeys, through the various and multiple other eras, through the various and multiple other additional dimensions of the cosmos, which is only vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, through their own various and multiple, cerebral and spiritual zones, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses.

It was necessary to make it so that the forms of programs, the matrices and the augmented virtual realities, are completely computerized and automated, that absolutely everything is controllable and that, with only a simple computer keyboard, that everything is made of mathematical algorithms and that, everything is made of lines of codes and computer languages, that everything is made of psychologies and spiritualities, in order to create forms of programs, matrices, augmented virtual realities and that they are more solid, more evolved and more futuristic, than all those created previously, enough to save our civilizations and our humanities, so that our vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, that our journey is without limits, loaded with happiness and love, I hope until the gates of paradise and eternal life.

That in our days and all that we know, at the present time of the world, of our civilizations and of our humanities, takes root and exists, only between the two ears, of the oldest databases, which were once like you and me, which were only humanities and civilizations, which believed to know everything about life and which have disappeared.

Who have unfortunately, known the ends of the world and the apocalypses, which are now for the rest and of their existences, in hell and which will constitute forever, the foundations and the databases, of our forms of programs, of our matrices and of our augmented virtual realities, they will constitute forever the databases, of our own civilizations and of our own humanities, they will constitute and forever, the databases of our own evolution and of our own future.

The most essential things to remember is that databases are nothing other than the oldest end of the world and the oldest apocalypse, which have happened on various and multiple occasions, that we are all living right now in hell and in the most total horrors of Big-Burger, know that I prefer to see it as databases, which through their forms of madness, their forms of pathological and psychiatric illnesses, allow us to create new forms of programs, new matrices and new augmented virtual realities.

And know that during the history of our humanity and our civilization, members of my team and I, we had been many Sorcerers, many Druids, many Marabouts, many Prophets and many Gods, that we have always worked together and as true professionals, allowing us to always and always go further in time, to go further among the various and multiple other additional dimensions of the cosmos, to always and always go, in the direction of the future and to always seek to evolve, this as well as technologically and spiritually.

Because whether it is the magic of voodoo, white magic and black magic, or even the Egyptian religion, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and whatever forms of religions, which allow us to overcome death and well, it is the same principle, to create forms of programs, to create matrices and to create augmented virtual realities.

It is a story of creating new forms of madness, of creating new forms of pathological and psychiatric diseases, which allows new associations and organizations, of the dead and which are in forms of wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, such as radio waves which would be in us, around us and through us, which is only the organization of the dead and among the various and multiple other additional dimensions of the cosmos, which is in reality and in truth, only organizations of the various and multiple, cerebral and spiritual areas, between consciousnesses and subconsciouses,

Which is only the associations and organizations, of billions and billions, of the variouses and the multiple cervical and spiritual alchemies, that it is only the organizations of billions and billions, of the diverse and multiple of neuronal synaptic connections, among the diverse and multiple, cerebral and spiritual areas, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses.

Who could allow us to overcome death, to allow us new vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, within the very diverse and multiple, mathematical and computer algorithmic systems, which are the forms of programs, which are the matrices, which are the augmented virtual realities and which are the diverse and multiple forms of religions, in order to always and forever, to welcome our souls and for better experiences, in better worlds and for better futures, perhaps even in paradise and eternal life.

Whether it is for the Jews with their Holy book of the Torah, whether it is for the Christians with their Holy book of the Bible and the Muslims with their Holy book of the Koran, they all have without exception the power in their own forms of madness, in their own forms of pathological and psychiatric illnesses, they have all the means through faith, to give existences and lives, to all that they want, as in paradise and in hell.

That absolutely everything is a form of madness, a form of pathological and psychiatric illnesses, that everything is made of organizations, of the various and multiple, cerebral and spiritual areas, between consciousnesses and subconsciouses, of believers and religious people themselves, that everything is made of organizations themselves, of belief systems and of the organization itself, of memories and this in a collective way, that we all have the power and by faith, to give existence and life, to everything we want and that we are limited, only by our imagination and our own religious beliefs.

And I would like to tell you, that databases, need matrices and augmented virtual realities as much as matrices and augmented virtual realities, need databases, just as the dead, need the living as much as the living need the dead.

Because unfortunately the whole thing is a house of cards and it can collapse at any time, what I mean by that is that we all depend on each other, whether it is the databases, which constitute the forms of programs, the matrices and the augmented virtual realities, whether it is the living and their religious beliefs, they constitute the various and multiple forms of afterlife, which shelter the dead and which make them live in Paradise.

Because it is in our own forms of madness, it is in our own forms of pathological and psychiatric diseases, in our own organizations of the diverse and multiple, cervical and spiritual zones, in our own organizations of wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, of our own diverse and multiple, cervical and spiritual zones, that it is formed the forms of programs, the matrices, the augmented virtual realities and the forms of religions, which allowed the creations of the diverse and multiple, new forms of additional dimensions of the cosmos, which allowed at the same time, to create the diverse and multiple forms of beyond, which belongs only to the worlds of the religious, being able to invite us and to vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, in order to welcome us and this after our death, in better experiences and in better worlds.

We have always been and forever, in vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, which started a long time ago and from very old databases, we have all started journeys, through the various and multiple other eras, through the various and multiple other additional dimensions of the cosmos, which are in reality and in truth, only journeys through the various and multiple, cerebral and spiritual zones, between consciousnesses and subconsciouses, it is up to us to decide and in what we want to believe, to what we want to give existence and life, as for Judaism, as for Christianity and just like Islam, to give existences and lives, to paradise and to hell.

The cervical and spiritual power, the power of hope and faith, know that it is limitless and infinite, it is up to us to choose what we want to believe and what gives us hope, it is up to us to choose what we want to do with our life and our existence, it is up to us to find reasons to exist, to live and to die.

We are at the same time, at this very moment, in the bases of giving, in a form of madness, in a form of pathological and psychiatric illnesses, all etant connect to life, inside the very forms of programs, to matrices and augmented virtual realities, in coherences, rationalization and logic.

We all actually have one foot in the databases and in hell, as we have one foot among the living, who are connected at this very moment, to our forms of programs, to our matrices and to our augmented virtual realities, as in the same way, we also have one foot among the world of the dead, because we are permanently, in vibrational, psychological and spiritual journeys, through the various and multiple other eras, through the various and multiple other additional dimensions, of our own various and multiple, cervical and spiritual zones, between consciousnesses and subconsciousnesses.

We are in several places at once and this in a vibrational, psychological and spiritual way, whether cervical and spiritual, we are all composed of associations and organizations, wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, which allows to create mathematical and computer algorithmic systems, that we are only one wavelength and among other wavelengths, that we are only one frequency and among other frequencies, that we are only one vibration and among other vibrations, that we are only in journeys in various and multiple other eras, that we are only in journeys through the various and multiple other additional dimensions of the cosmos.

But I have already told you too much in this video and know that you will be able to follow the rest of my stories, my videos and my texts, on my Website and my YouTube channel, that I regularly publish new things, that I hope that I create valuable content for you, that it will fascinate you and that I could keep you loyal.

I am just looking to talk to you about the past and my story, which concerns us all, to do prevention, to guide you on the path of realities, truths and knowledge, to guide you on the paths of enlightenment and the salvation of your souls.

I am also looking to meet people, who would be open-minded enough and who would like to listen to me, in order to share my story with you and exchange good fraternal moments, between brothers and sisters.

You can follow me on my YouTube channels and my Websites, I will share with you my stories, my experiences and I will try to guide you, on the path of realities, truths, the only and true knowledge, to lead you on the path of understanding the world and the path of enlightenment.

What I can tell you is that real teams of professionals and psychopaths are there for you and that you must keep courage, hope and faith, because unfortunately and inevitably, there are storms that come and that you must constantly fight, that you must constantly surpass yourself and that you must, always and always, get up and move forward each time further, that there are no victories without courage and without faith.

And I have a request to make to you, I ask you and that if you liked my videos, to make me a donation and the amount of your choice, on the secure connection of Tipeee and this in order to motivate me, always and always, to do more for you and to exchange with you, good fraternal moments, in joy and in good humor.

You can also put me a little like on my videos and you can also subscribe to my YouTube channel, in any case, know that I had a great pleasure to share with you my story and my past, I hope that I will have taken you and through my Website, to better understand the world, the cosmos, religions and the Gods.

I thank you for granting me the most precious things in this world, that is to say your time and your intention, if you want to know more about me, I am available at all times on Facebook by searching for the profile Ulice le Templier, I could answer all your questions, we could exchange our various points of view and grow together, I wish you a good day and see you soon.

Faithfully Ulice le Templier

The Truths of Ulice The Templar !!!

The Dangers of Artificial Intelligence

Nothing but Reality

and the Truth!!!

Hello everyone,

I hope you enjoyed my Site and that it was enriching for you, what you will remember are the messages that I try to share with you, that all the experiences that we have of the world and the cosmos, it has always and always been only in various and multiple forms of programs, in various and multiple forms of matrices, in various and multiple forms of augmented virtual realities.

I invite you now to know me and this so that I can share with you my memories of my past, so that I can share with you what I learned by waking up and being born a second time in the spirit.

I feel like a person, who has made a very long journey and on board a spaceship, inside a sleep chamber and who was in the thawing phase.

Know that we all come back from very far away, each with a past, which is very far from simple, that we all come back from hell, we come back from an older end of the world and an older apocalypse.

And unfortunately that history repeats itself, I have Cassandra syndrome, I remember things and unfortunately no one listens to me, we are in programs, in matrices and augmented virtual realities, which is completely computerized and automated, that periodically there are flashbacks, we constantly relive the same ordeals.

For the moment I will not tell you more, but come join me and get to know me, so that I can tell you about my reality, my truths and my knowledge, that I can put you on the paths of understanding, of what the world, the cosmos and God are.

My Facebook account:


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I Offer My Services to

The Highest Bidders

Hello everyone,

I am Ulice the Templar, and I have come a long way to speak to you. I was born a second time, not in the flesh, but in the spirit, and overnight I became another person, one who comes from the stars and who has things to tell you.

I truly feel like I've awakened a second time, like I've made a very long journey aboard a spaceship, inside a sleep chamber, which was in the process of thawing and awakening.

And I offer you my services as a mercenary.

The starting bid is $10 million, and I will work for the best offer, in order to take you on a journey to conquer the world and the cosmos.

I propose to put you on the path to reality and truth, to put you on the path to knowledge.

I propose to reveal to you that various and multiple forms of quantum physics have always existed, and that various and multiple forms of artificial intelligence have also always existed.

That for a very long time, various and multiple humanities, various and multiple civilizations, have exploded and colonized the stars, that power and knowledge are hidden from us in order to better dominate us.

I know that the United States, Russia, Israel, North Korea, Iran, and China are investing billions and billions of dollars in weapons of mass destruction and hope, with their research, to conquer the undeniable military and financial power of tomorrow.

I can offer this power to you on a silver platter and reveal to you what a true weapon of mass destruction exists, which only exists among Gods and Beasts.

I offer you a weapon capable of destroying both our humanity and our civilization, as well as the additional dimensions of our own cosmos, thus eliminating all life and existence, among the diverse and multiple beyonds, of all religions and of all things within creation.

I would allow you to eliminate both the living and the dead, and this by listening to what I have to say to you in private, for there is what I publish in public, what I have to say to you in private, and this for the modest sum of 10 million dollars.

I have nothing to lose and I am your humble servant, who is only trying to take my revenge, in a humanity and a society that left me to die, in misery, solitude, and despair.

In life and from my country, I really didn't ask for much.

I only asked to be happy, to have a wife, to have children, to have a family, to have a job, and to succeed in life.

I don't understand why I was labeled schizophrenic, when I'm not imagining anything, when I'm the victim of a misdiagnosis by the psychiatric world.

Because I have a real past, real memories, and real knowledge, they tried to silence me.

I've just spent 30 years on treatment that has destroyed my life, for an imaginary illness that only exists in the minds of psychiatrists.

I've just spent 15 years of chemical castration.

I've just spent 30 years in misery, without an emotional life, without love, without tenderness, and in total solitude.

I am a complete man who had his dreams, who no longer expects anything from life and who sees others living around him, all living in a society where everything has a price, and to which I have no access due to my poverty.

I no longer believe in my country, in my race, in friendship, in family, and in humankind.

I am Ulice the Templar, who can lead you to true realities, to true truths, and to the only true knowledge, who will make you the undisputed masters of our earthly humanity and who will lead you among the stars.

What you must understand and know is that I was once an expert in mathematical cybersecurity and computer science, that some incompetents had the bad idea of betraying me and that they will severely regret it.

I will try to make you understand that, since always and forever, all the experiences and all the understandings that we all have of the world and the cosmos only take place in realities and truths, in various and multiple forms of programs, in various and multiple forms of matrices, in various and multiple forms of augmented virtual realities, that we are all living at this very moment and in worlds that are completely digital and virtual, that are only superimposed on hell and the most absolute horrors, that the most ancient humanities and the most ancient civilizations live.

I would say to you that since always and forever, we live in forms of programs, in forms of matrices and in forms Mysteries of augmented virtual realities, that end of the world and that apocalypses, have already happened on various and multiple occasions, in various and multiple other eras.

That since always, every great beginning hides a tiny new end and that every great end hides a tiny new beginning, know that since always and forever, we are sinking into various and multiple forms of programs, each time smaller, that we are sinking into various and multiple forms of matrices, each time smaller, that we are sinking into forms of augmented virtual realities, each time smaller, that since always, we are sinking like this until Infinity, that everything is controlled only with simple mathematical and computer algorithms, that everything is controlled only with simple antennas and a simple computer keyboard.

Know that the various and multiple forms of programs, the various and multiple forms of matrices, the various and multiple forms of augmented virtual realities, exist only between the two ears, in a cervical and spiritual manner, from the most ancient humanities and civilizations, from many past eras and many dimensions within our own.

Know that in our ancient humanities and our ancient civilizations, there are only billions and billions of children, women, men, and forever in hell, who will compose the rest of their existences, our databases, our future, and our evolutions.

The ancient ends of the world and the ancient apocalypses—I call it the Big Burger—are mixtures of the dead and the living, piled on top of each other, suffocating, going blind, losing their teeth, going bald, becoming deformed, and going completely mad.

This is the result when the various and multiple additional dimensions of the cosmos, the various afterlives, the various and multiple religions, all mixed up, fall from the stars and pile up on top of each other on our Earth. This is the result when the various and multiple additional dimensions of the cosmos close in on our own dimension and that of the living, creating the end of the world and the apocalypse itself.

I can no longer believe in God, nor in goodness, nor in justice.

Unfortunately, we live in a civilization where power and control are determined by power relations.

Our humanity and our civilization belong to those who possess the best weapons of deterrence and mass destruction.

Just like Einstein and nuclear weapons, which played a role of domination in the world, I can contribute to our evolution and allow you to understand and possess what is a true weapon of mass destruction and which is quite incomparable.

I can lead you to an understanding of what power is, which even the gods themselves have to fear and dread.

Since always and forever, we are only in various and multiple forms of programs, in various and multiple forms of matrices, in various and multiple forms of augmented virtual realities, which exist only between the two ears, in various and multiple, cervical and spiritual organizations, of the most ancient humanities and the most ancient civilizations, which have all unfortunately known ends of the world and apocalypses.

I have no raw knowledge to bring you, but I can bear witness to my history and my travels, through the various and multiple other eras, through the various and multiple other additional dimensions of the cosmos, where each of the additional dimensions of the cosmos, is in reality and in truth, only the various and multiple, cervical and spiritual zones, of our most ancient humanities and civilizations, which is at this very moment in hell and in the most absolute horrors, in many other past eras, which is in many deeper dimensions interior to ours and which will forever constitute the databases of our forms of programs, our forms of matrices and our forms of augmented virtual realities, they will forever constitute the databases of our future and our evolutions.

Absolutely everything is technological, electronic, engineering, mathematical, computer, psychological and spiritual, the forms of programs, the forms of matrices and the forms of augmented virtual realities, are only mathematical and computer algorithms, which depend entirely on the various and multiple forms of degrees of madness, which depend entirely on the various its and multiple levels of forms of pathological and psychiatric illnesses, of the most ancient humanities and civilizations, which will forever compose the databases of our future and our evolutions.

For everything depends on the diverse and multiple associations and organizations of the dead, which exist only in diverse and multiple forms of wavelengths, frequencies, and vibrations, which would wander through time and space, which would be in us, around us, and through us, because everything depends on the diverse and multiple associations and organizations, billions and billions of these same vibratory oceans, accumulated one upon the other, which, once entangled with each other, form the diverse and multiple molecules, the diverse and multiple forms of particles and which constitute matter, which form the diverse and multiple quantum laws of our cosmos, which form the diverse and multiple laws of relativities that we all know today.

What you need to know is that everything depends only on the various and multiple associations and organizations, on the billions and billions of neuronal synaptic connections, on the various and multiple cervical and spiritual areas, between consciousnesses and subconsciouses,

What you need to know is that we are all connected to each other and this starts through the intermediary of the cosmos, psychologies and our spiritual lives, that we are all connected to each other, only in our experiences and in our understandings, that we all have of the world and the cosmos, what I would tell you is that certain wavelengths, certain frequencies and certain vibrations, are in us, around us and through us, this of everything that constitutes each mathematical and computer algorithm, this of whatever the various and multiple forms of external programs, of whatever the various and multiple forms of external matrices, of whatever the various and multiple forms of augmented virtual realities outside ours.

That since always and forever, we are only sinking into various and multiple forms of programs, into various and multiple forms of matrices, into various and multiple forms of augmented virtual realities, which are only various and multiple organizations of wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, which exist only in us, around us and through us, which are only cumulative vibratory oceans and which once entangled with each other, form everything we know to this day, that we are all connected to each other through the cosmos, psychologies and spiritual lives, that our cosmos, psychologies and spiritual lives, is only the entanglement of its billions and billions, of vibratory oceans accumulated on top of each other and entangled with each other, which are only made of mathematical and computer algorithms, giving the cosmos, giving the psychologies and spiritual lives of each and every one, which allows life and existence, the experiences of worlds and cosmoses.

We are all simply connected to each other, through the cosmos, psychologies and spiritual lives, we understand within ourselves all the experiences and understandings of worlds and cosmoses, we understand within ourselves each of the diverse and multiple forms of programs, each of the diverse and multiple forms of matrices, each of the diverse and multiple forms of augmented virtual realities, that if you want to create weapons of mass destruction, that if you want to create world ends and apocalypses, you must listen to me and understand me.

It will be enough to psychoanalyze the living and where to access the databases and psychoanalyze them, to understand the mathematical and computer algorithms, that it is enough to understand the various and multiple forms of degrees of madness, to understand the various and multiple forms of levels of pathological and psychiatric illnesses, you will thus be able to understand the same mathematical and computer flaws, you will thus be able to understand the same psychological and spiritual flaws, you will thus be able to understand the same flaws, of the various and multiple infrastructures, of the various and multiple associations and organizations, of the wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations, of its same diverse and multiple, vibratory oceans accumulated on top of each other and which once entangled in each other, forming the various and multiple forms of quantum, forming the interconnections of men in the cosmos, forming s the interconnections of humans in their own psychologies and in their own spiritual lives, that with simple hacking attacks, that with simple lines of mathematical and computer code, we can launch vibrational and digital calculations, it would theoretically be easy to take control of the world and the cosmos, to close the desired additional dimensions, and this up to the very elimination of our own species.

I can explain absolutely everything, from the thought of God, religions, genesis and creations, I can lead you to the correct understanding of realities, truths and knowledge, which will make you Gods and allow you to have the possibilities, to acquire weapons always and always, more evolve, of mass destruction and the most devastating. For know that I tell you the truth, that everything we know about experiences and understandings, about worlds and cosmoses, exists only within the diverse and multiple organizations, the diverse and multiple, cerebral and spiritual zones, of the most ancient humanities and civilizations, which once existed and which have all disappeared, which will forever compose the databases of our own humanity, our own civilization and our own future, its most ancient humanities and its most ancient civilizations, contains between their two ears the diverse and multiple forms of programs, the diverse and multiple forms of matrices, the diverse and multiple forms of augmented virtual realities, the diverse and multiple forms of beyonds, the diverse and multiple forms of worlds and cosmos,

Within their own forms of madness, within their own forms of pathological and psychiatric illnesses, in their own organizations of the diverse and multiple, cerebral and spiritual zones, they contain the diverse and multiple mathematical and computer algorithms, it also includes time, they also include the diverse and multiple time scales, such as centuries and centuries, thousands and thousands of years, millions and millions of years, billions and billions of years, which with time and which is gravity, which crosses each of the diverse and multiple additional dimensions of the cosmos, which is in reality and in truth nothing other than diverse and multiple cervical and spiritual zones.

I am Ulice the Templar and your humble servant, I have what it takes to change your own perceptions and your own conceptions, that you have, of the very ideas of your own realities, of your own truths and to lead you on the paths of the only true knowledge, I have what it takes to bring you to the year one hundred thousand years of technological and spiritual evolutions, I have what it takes to make you see the world in a completely new way and that in a completely futuristic way.

What you need to know is that program forms, matrix forms, and augmented virtual reality forms need databases just as much as databases need program forms, matrix forms, and augmented virtual reality forms, just as the living need the dead just as the dead need the living.

The whole thing is a house of cards and can collapse at any moment.

In apocalyptic and end-of-the-world scenarios, I offer you the possibility of possessing weapons capable of destroying the human race, both the living and the dead, at the universal and dimensional levels, leading to rather precarious lives and the most absolute hells.

You have the choice to listen to me, to collaborate with me, and to pay me, so that I can live in better conditions, or you can ignore me, believe me schizophrenic, believe me crazy, and take the risk, with all my knowledge and experience, that I ultimately work for others, for the conquest of the world, for the power of tomorrow, and for the creation of multiple, incomparable weapons of mass destruction.

I am Ulice the Templar.

I believe neither in God, nor in goodness, nor in justice.

Man surpasses all things and is his own creator.

Man today, from the height of his narcissism and his oversized ego, has become the equal of the gods and has become his own masters.

I believe that our technological evolution, the evolution of the various and multiple forms of quantum technology, and the evolution of artificial intelligence, which, along with what I have to tell you about my realities, my truths, and my knowledge, will ensure that nothing will surpass the Gods and the future we will create together, in order to dominate the world and everything that exists today.

I have the conscience For me, and as a good Swiss, I am nothing but a mercenary, putting out a call for tenders for my services to anyone who will allow me to leave Europe and give me a chance.

There is nothing personal in anything I say, and I am simply a true product of society.

That is to say, as I understand it, in society, unfortunately, everyone has their own shit and their own success.

I am a former corporal in the Swiss Army Special Forces and a former security agent in Geneva.

I am serious, meticulous, and methodical.

I promise you that if you hire my services, I will lead you to the conquest of power and absolute control of the world and the cosmos.

I can tell you about time travel, about travel to various and multiple other parallel worlds, I can tell you about the future of various and multiple artificial intelligences, I can tell you about space exploration and take you to the stars, I can enable you to create ever more advanced weapons of mass destruction that would be unrivaled.

I can make you gods, quantum physics and artificial intelligence are the future, I can promise you that we will go far and that nothing will stop us.

Do not fear evolution, because it is inevitable.

The third millennium is upon us, and I invite you to contact me and pay me.

I hope I've interested you, that I've found the words to convince you and hire you for my mercenary services, that you'll contact me.

I'm open-minded and easygoing, I speak French and Italian, and I can learn new languages.

I hope languages won't be an obstacle to our collaboration and our meeting.

But I've already told you enough in this video.

Don't hesitate to contact me.

You can reach me through my Facebook account, Ulice le Templier.

And by email at the address below:


I thank you for the most precious things in this world, that is, for giving me your time and your intention.

While waiting for a response from you, I wish you a good day and see you soon...

Sincerely, Ulice le Templier

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Welcome everyone,

I have traveled a very long way and this in order to meet you, I have traveled through the various and multiple other eras, I have crossed the various and multiple other dimensions of the cosmos, I will reveal to you Realities, Truths and Knowledge, which exceed the understanding of many people and I have the means to put you on the paths of Enlightenment…

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